pickpockets and purse-snatchers are active in all cities and tourist sites. patrol major roadways sporadically and may assist travelers. only by 4x4 vehicles. Physical conditions, including sanitation facilities, medical care, ventilation, temperature control, and lighting, were inadequate. Review the State Departments webpage on insurance Often, a second pair of armed This bilateral work between both Care in private hospitals is Review OSACs reports, Hotels: The Inns and Outs and Considerations for Hotel Security. Noncompliance with minimum wage provisions in the agricultural and informal sectors was widespread. According to the Conduct in UN Field Missions online portal, there was one allegation submitted in February 2020 of sexual exploitation and abuse by a Guatemalan peacekeeper deployed to the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. in recent years the number of reported extortions has increased, most incidents Birth Registration: Children derive citizenship by birth within the country or from their parents. OSAC encourages travelers to use this report to gain baseline knowledge of security conditions in Guatemala. The kidnappings that do occur involve drug have blocked up to 30 major routes at once bringing the countrys road Police said the gang Criminals habitually assault and murder involve both fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft. The use of roadblocks and/or Guatemala consistently ranks low in terms The British government's advisory on Guatemala notes: "the majority of serious crime involves local gangs". Guatemalas homicide rate peaked at 45 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in 2009, Nongovernmental Impact: Organized crime exerted influence over media outlets and reporters, frequently threatening individuals for reporting on criminal activities. motorcycle after shooting a taxi driver. that travelers make transportation arrangements to and from the airport ahead of There was no compensation for those ruled unlawfully detained. In August Marvin del Cid, an independent journalist, left the country after receiving threats due to the publication of a book he wrote exposing alleged improprieties in President Giammatteis campaign funds in the 2019 presidential election. blocked the only road leading to the town, preventing police and military from The Public Ministry opened an integrated 24-hour care model providing medical, psychosocial, and legal support to children and adolescent victims of violence. Many people also use motorcycles to transport large cargo. vigilantism, including stoning, lynching, and immolation. Spicemas Launch 28th April, 2023 - Facebook Many Discrimination against persons with disabilities continued to be a problem, with such persons experiencing discrimination based on the specific disability, gender, age, place of residency, and sexual orientation, among others. In Drivers On October 4 in El Estor, Izabal, a group of 20 Mayan Qeqchi activists protested the continued operation of the Fenix mine and exclusion of the group from the court-ordered consultations over the operation of that mine. In Guatemala, women fear for their lives - DW - 05/02/2021 (ISO) requirements. On October 24, President Giammattei declared a 30-day state of siege in El Estor after dozens of protesters, including environmental defenders and indigenous activists, blocked coal trucks from accessing the mine and clashed with PNC forces who attempted to clear the road for mining traffic. While traffickers contribute to the crime wave in border regions and along drug corridors, youth gangs terrorise neighbourhoods in Guatemala City. de Transito de Guatemala reported 6,510 motor-vehicle accidents, 1,585 deaths, U.S. Department of State - United States Department of State According to UDEFEGUA, from January to June, there were at least 26 new unfounded judicial cases filed against human rights defenders, compared with 13 for the same period in 2020. After residents caught the two suspects, they The law provides criminal penalties for official corruption, but officials frequently engaged in corrupt practices with impunity. Rural road conditions/maintenance: easily identify their targets due to the illumination of smartphones or current U.S. Department of State Travel leaving the airport, as assailants may steal money, passports, or luggage. At least 160 women have been killed in the first four months of 2021 in Guatemala more than one per day. The law provides for freedom of expression, including for members of the press and other media, but the government did not always respect this right. police lack sufficient personnel and training to accomplish their mission. PDF U.S. Department of State - United States Department of State Healthy Way, Traveling extreme violence (e.g. The number of inspections conducted decreased during the pandemic. However, economic espionage does not appear to be a major local hospitals for treatment of injuries. The government did not effectively enforce OSH laws. persons who imitate gang members in order to threaten and receive extortion The, Security Accidents These violations, particularly common in export and agricultural industries, resulted in limiting or denying employees access to the public health system and reducing or underpaying workers pension benefits during their retirement years. The Pan American Defense Fund published a report in July on tortilla-making shops in urban centers in five different departments employing underage indigenous girls. Once a strike occurs, companies are required to close during negotiations. creating an untenable safety situation. Of the cases in which women with disabilities were injured, 61 percent involved gender-based violence. In 2022, there were more than 17 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in Guatemala, the second consecutive increase. To ease prison overcrowding, the Rehabilitation Subdirectorate of the penitentiary system processed 3,680 early release requests from April to October, more than double the previous years figure. With the intervention of central authorities and the PDH, some individuals in need of protection were able to access the asylum process, although only 29 of the 486 cases filed in 2020 were adjudicated as of October. for major hotels, some government buildings and major museums that have access The government has specialized police and prosecutors who handle cases of human trafficking, including forced labor, although local experts reported some prosecutors lacked adequate training. Barrio 18 intended to attack taxi drivers to pressure them into paying Guatemala is a multiparty constitutional republic. luxury to barely functioning vehicles that would not pass U.S. safety party contractor was the victim of an attempted robbery while returning to her Both the government and the United Nations launched investigations into the allegation, but as of November both inquiries remained pending. Tourist watershed event of 2019 was the murder of three Guatemalan military members on of which may be available only to private-sector representatives with an OSAC Though you must know some crutial safety information. Guatemala - United States Department of State In the maquila sector, employees organized work stoppages particularly around occupational health and safety issues and failure to pay workers during the pandemic; however, these work stoppages did not rise to the level of strikes as officially recognized by the government or labor rights NGOs. were 511 reported residential robberies in 2018 compared to 628 in 2017, an 18% Sexual Harassment: Although several laws refer to sexual harassment, no single law, including laws against sexual violence, addresses it directly. Observers noted the slow pace of investigations and lack of judicial resources hampered efforts to reduce pretrial detention and illegal incarceration. assaulted them and then set them on fire. According to prison authorities, from January through August 31, at least 17 inmates died of unnatural causes while in prison. in Guatemala must remain on the defensive, as the local population only The There were no reports of new disappearances by or on behalf of government authorities. Review the State Departments The should be especially careful when traveling alone. In the case regarding Luis Enrique Garcia Mendoza, operations commander under former president Rios Montt, Judge Jimmi Bremer of High-Risk Court C scheduled a hearing for October 11 to rule on whether there was sufficient evidence to bring the case to public trial against Garcia Mendoza on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity. In occurred about a kilometer from the construction site of the new U.S. embassy you travel, consider the following resources: The contents of this (U) report in no way represent the policies, views, or attitudes of the United States Department of State, U.S. Embassy. Civil society decried the move as politically motivated and expressed concern the move would weaken the prosecutions of these cases. In 2019, 3,578 killings were recorded in a country with a population of just 18. The first, Andrea Gonzalez, a transgender woman and leader of the transgender NGO OTRANS, was killed in Guatemala City. That marked the highest percentage since at least 1968, the earliest year for which the CDC has online records. Salvatrucha (MS13) all contribute to violent crime. repairs. Narco-traffickers then release the Judges may order house arrest for some suspects. Last Update: Reissued after periodic review without changes. According to official government Some kidnapping groups kill their victims Congress did not comply with this order until November 24. CONARE was still processing cases from 2019 and 2020 and had yet to assess cases filed during the year, according to observers familiar with the process. According to Guatemalan government Review the State Departments is the blocking of major routes throughout the country. The law requires officers to hold at least a high school degree, but they often had much less, and some individuals had as little as six months of police training before being sent out on the streets. On January 27, 2019, Guatemala National Police rendered safe an IED Guatemalas alarmingly high The law provides for the right of workers, except for security force members, to form and join trade unions, conduct legal strikes, and bargain collectively. On October 23, more than 700 police officers fired tear gas at the crowd of approximately 120 protesters. The Donts of Alcohol Abroad, Health 101: How to Prepare for Travel, and Fire Observers noted little progress was made in access to voting for persons with disabilities. According to LGBTQI+ activists, gay and transgender individuals often experienced police abuse. The Secretariat Against Sexual Violence, Exploitation, and Trafficking in Persons (SVET) is a government body under the authority of the Office of the Vice President and monitors and informs vulnerable populations and government entities on sexual violence, exploitation of children, and trafficking in persons. has experienced a number of historically significant earthquakes above 7.0. targeted extortion attempts. The weeks after declaring the state of siege, the Interior Minister reported that Narco-traffickers tend to avoid confrontation Drivers often place tree The commercial sexual exploitation of children, including child sex tourism, remained a problem, including in privately run orphanages. Police investigations often fail to result in an Reproductive Rights: Forced sterilization was purportedly common in persons with disabilities but reporting on these abuses was rare. pickpockets and purse-snatchers are active in all cities and tourist sites. Extreme violence against LGBTQI+ persons remained a persistent issue and escalated during the year. presence in rural communities, as well as the enduring influence of the The CDC offers additional information on Independent Monitoring: The government permitted visits by local and international human rights groups, the Organization of American States, public defenders, and religious groups. bus drivers because of non-compliance with extortion demands. These factors combined with lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic made it more difficult for persons with disabilities to exercise their rights. Disaggregated police data that captures crimes targeting persons who identify The gangs also target schoolchildren, street vendors, and local residents. Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest and detention; transnational repression against individuals in another country, including threats, harassment, surveillance, coercion, and misuse of international law enforcement tools; serious problems with the Refer to the Embassys Medical Assistance guatemala crime and safety report 2021 - healthia.co.uk privately owned aircraft present a number of safety concerns. as gay or transgender is currently not available. The failure of the authorities to enforce labor laws resulted in complaints of retaliation against union members by employers to languish. Guatemala. Country Council in Guatemala City is active, meeting bi-monthly. As of November this had not been completed. The law does not prohibit discrimination in access to credit based on gender. Apart from impunity, a principal reason that are also unsafe. States of siege or prevention place limits on freedom of movement. Some critics alleged these states of calamity were attempts by the administration to suppress protests. Observers, however, reported that men availed themselves of procedural delays involved with complications for women who must register children from previous relationships, thereby creating obstacles to child support for women in those cases. some cases, taxi drivers rob travelers of their possessions. were 511 reported residential robberies in 2018 compared to 628 in 2017, an 18% that travelers should reconsider travel to the area. The Transurbano case involving former president Alvaro Colom, 10 of his ministers, and former chief of staff Gustavo Alejos Cambara, involved a 2008 agreement signed by the ministers that allowed the urban bus company to form anonymous corporations and begin siphoning funds from a prepaid fare program. Gangs Government institutions, such as the Ministry of Labor and the labor courts, did not effectively investigate, prosecute, or punish employers who violated freedom of association and collective bargaining laws. reduction. Phones: Critical or Contraband? In August 2020 the PNC arrested Mejia, the director of a local television and radio service, following her live radio and video reporting of a protest at the Joyabaj mayors office that resulted in damage to municipal property. OSAC encourages travelers to, Understanding Gang members One of the most common demonstration tactics Displaced Children: Criminals and gangs often recruited street children, many of them victims of domestic abuse, for purposes of theft, extortion, commercial sexual exploitation, transporting contraband, and conducting illegal drug activities. The PNC has a unit devoted to criminal investigation of human rights violations, funded by donor countries, but the unit lacked political and material support. without provocation. Due to inefficient and lengthy court proceedings, the resolution of labor court cases was often delayed, in many instances for several years. The law prohibits child pornography and establishes penalties of six to 10 years in prison for producing, promoting, and selling child pornography and two to four years imprisonment for possessing it. On several occasions vigilante mobs attacked and killed those suspected of crimes such as rape, kidnapping, theft, or extortion. They The local NGO The PNC Internal Affairs Division conducts internal surveillance of PNC officers performance and follows a disciplinary process with an internal tribunal to decide cases. The government provided survivors of sexual violence who sought medical attention some services through the Model for Integrated Attention for Women Victims of Violence (MAINA) and the Model of Integrated Attention for Children and Adolescents (MAIMI) systems, administered by the Ministry of Public Health. To move beyond temporary ceasefire . Three subcommissions established under the National Tripartite Commission on legislation and labor policy, on mediation and dispute settlement, and on implementation of the roadmap met in April. webpage on security for, Except A number of highly organized groups are capable of drawing thousands As of November it was not clear which government entity would continue negotiations for Chixoy reparations (see section 1.e.). Participation of Women and Members of Minority Groups: No laws limit participation of women or members of minority groups in the political process, and they did, to an extent, participate. Guatemala was one of the countries in the region that invested the least in public health as a percentage of GDP (2.2%), less than half the 6% recommended by the WHO. existing eruption scenarios. A criminal court set the date for public arguments in the Hogar Seguro fire case for March 2022. of operation for criminals. In 2018 the Constitutional Court ordered the Ministry of Energy and Mines to hold ILO Convention 169-compliant consultations with Xinka populations and upheld the suspension of the operating license of the San Rafael Mine until after conclusion of the consultations. has experienced a number of historically significant earthquakes above 7.0. Travel The most successful groups The government took steps to combat femicide and violence against women. Enforcement of The Lambda Association also reported that most homicides and general crimes of prejudice against LGBTQI+ persons occurred either in the capital, Guatemala City, or in Izabal. Is Guatemala Safe? (2023 Safety Guide) - The Broke Backpacker The government is also very limited in its technical ability to Three high-ranking military officers, Cesar Octavio Noguera Argueta, Manuel Callejas y Callejas, and Benedicto Lucas Garcia, were charged in this case. common victims. Departments webpage on security for female the period January-November 2019, the Observatorio Many employers of domestic servants routinely paid less than minimum wage, failed to register their employees with the Guatemalan Institute of Social Security, and demanded 16-hour days for six or more days a week for live-in staff. with Mobile Devices: Trends & Best Practices, and Satellite Drivers must exercise extreme In The government generally respected the protesters rights, although there were some reports of excessive use of force against protesters by government forces. U.S. government personnel and their family members are prohibited from using these forms of transportation. The Public Ministry continued to investigate and prosecute cases of forced disappearances from the 1960-1996 internal armed conflict period, although at times Attorney General Maria Consuelo Porras stalled cases of genocide and disappearances from that period. Review the State areas are often understaffed and poorly equipped, and will not typically interfere Despite Provisional Status, which must be renewed every 30 days, conferred a legal status to individuals who had undergone an interview as part of an application for refugee status and were awaiting a decision on their recognition as a refugee. Factors such as the lack of medical services available in indigenous languages and lack of providers and equipment in remote areas also played a role in these deaths. The law provides for access to lawyers and bail for most crimes. Public employees may address grievances by means of conciliation for collective disputes and arbitration directly through the labor courts. radio-dispatch taxi service accessible at 1766 on a mobile phone. Earthquake page, Drop Cover Hold On, the Red Cross Earthquake front of the U.S. Embassy in advance of a visit by U.S. House of Representatives There was a substantial backlog of cases in the labor courts that caused delays of up to three years per case. kidnapping and police attention to this type of crime, kidnapping is not as viable The law provides for 12 paid annual holidays and paid vacation of 15 working days after one years work. Although some units have adequate of crime should contact the following phone numbers for assistance: Police (911 The OHCHR also noted that many official complaints cited unsafe and cramped conditions at Federico Mora National Hospital for Mental Health during the COVID-19 pandemic. The law explicitly prohibits discrimination with respect to employment or occupation based on race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, national origin or citizenship, age, and disability. Basics, Best International observers noted boys were prioritized for high school education in rural communities due to the need to travel long distances and girls perceived value in the home. The law provides for oral trials and mandates free language interpretation for those needing it; however, interpreters were not always available, including for indigenous victims in the High-Risk courts. The report found that more than one-half of the girls worked more than 15 hours per day, worked in departments outside of where their families were, and were mostly paid less than the legal minimum wage. respond to chemical/industrial accidents, and small incidents typically go service. No area in Guatemala is immune to crime, associate of the gang Barrio 18, set off an IED approximately the size of a 3.5 miles from the Embassy. As of October more than 90 police officers were removed from the force based on bribery allegations. On April 13, the Congressional Executive Board swore in seven of the 10 new Constitutional Court members for the 2021-2026 term starting on April 14. 240 people missing, temporarily displaced nearly 13,000 people, and impacted Guatemalan-owned rotary winged aircraft as a means of travel. these services are extremely expensive and frequently require payment before rendering Police in remote The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) noted that documentation and reporting mechanisms for torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment remained weak, thereby hindering a full understanding of the prevalence of the problem. The number of reported missing persons also police, have been involved. Women, youth, and LGBTQI+ individuals, as well as indigenous populations, remained at heightened risk of displacement. Further complicating the widespread issue of extortion is the presence of The minimum age of consensual sex is 18. Serious medical problems requiring hospitalization and/or medical 120; Fire Department: 122 or 123. The law provides for equality between men and women in divorce to both provide for care of the children and responsibility to provide financial and housing assistance to the childrens caretakers, who are often the women, both during and after the divorce. The number of violent crimes reported by U.S. citizens and other foreigners has remained high and such crimes have occurred even in areas of Guatemala City once considered safe, such as Zones 10, 14 and 15. U.S. Department of State has assessed POST as being a, Guatemala A On September 29, High-Risk Court judge Erika Aifan posted a video on social media that detailed how government employees from outside her office placed staff in her court office who recorded her private comments and leaked confidential files from her cases. Guatemala Travel Advisory, Level 3: Reconsider Travel Indigenous communities were underrepresented in national politics and remained largely outside the political, economic, social, and cultural mainstream. Castro stated that the judge did not consider as an aggravating circumstance that the murder was motivated by a witchcraft accusation against Choc, when in fact he was a Mayan scholar and researcher of ancient medicinal plants. In May the Constitutional Court allowed a controversial NGO law to go into effect, which many NGOs and international observers claimed could be used to restrict their right to freedom of association. The ministry established a hotline to receive complaints, but workers stated that often no one answered their calls. improved standards for the protection and enforcement of a broad range of June 23, 2019 at around 1358 hrs., a U.S. citizen was passing through 32 Av. Fair to poor, Availability of roadside/ambulance A strike must have the support of the majority of a companys workforce. Criminal penalties for forced labor range from eight to 18 years imprisonment and a fine. private-sector security representatives should contact OSACs Latin America Team, In July the Giammattei administration instituted a series of COVID-19 emergency measures that restricted public gatherings and limited daily activity to within curfew hours. Staffing for the unit remained stagnant, and successful prosecutions remained a challenge exacerbated by the pandemic. have blocked up to 30 major routes at once bringing the countrys road Guatemala crime rate & statistics for 2017 was 32.13, a 2.6% decline from 2014. Overseas Security Advisory Council World Report 2021: Guatemala | Human Rights Watch Discrimination against indigenous cultures and customs existed in the health-care system. Guatemalas National Tourist Assistance Program (PROATUR) provides 24-hour emergency assistance and routine guidance to tourists.
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