Body Frequencies - Vibrating at high level for better Health The main part of the human body natural frequency. In fact, some of the scientific evidence for the biofield and its importance in health and healing comes indirectly from these studies that assess the effects of these biofield therapies on humans and other living systems. Vainshelboim A et al: Observing the behavioral response of human hair to a specific external stimulus using dynamic gas discharge visualization, J Cosmet Sci 55(suppl):S91, 2004. They include human energy therapies, homeopathy, acupuncture, magnet therapy, bioelectromagnetic therapy, electrodermal therapy, and phototherapy, among others. Exploring the World of Knowledge and Understanding. They are looking at surface, and that is not going to reveal vibration. Use of EDS is greater outside the United States, and much of the literature on it has been published in German, French, Japanese, and Chinese. The Vibrational Frequencies of the Human Body - ResearchGate The methods will facilitate the development of treatments to mitigate/remediate these skin/body deficiencies through application of topical cosmetics or pharmaceutical products or by the use of a device (digitalized cosmetics) that emits specially selected electromagnetic signals/frequencies or their harmonics to match or interfere with the electromagnetic frequencies and their harmonics emitted by the afflicted parts of the body. Chiang Lee H, Wah Khong P, Ghista D: Bioenergy based medical diagnostic application based on gas discharge visualization, Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2:1533, 2005. Several studies by other researchers have been performed that explore the usefulness for whole body assessment of human subjects subjects (Rubik, 2002a). The methods disclosed will be particularly useful to measure and identify skin and body deficiencies by determining the emitted electromagnetic field frequencies and their harmonics in real time. However, in a further study with 60 experiments to replicate the previous studies, results showed a nonsignificant but slight increase in proliferation after external qi treatment. 5) Vision - The human brain processes visual images at ~60Hz in brightly lit conditions. Findings revealed that the patients with left hemiparesis emit more biophotons from the right than from the left hands, whereas the opposite was found for the patients with right hemiparesis. L. Turin, A Pads attached to the fingers, palm or wrist measure the activity of the sweat glands. She earned her doctorate in biophysics in 1979 from the University of California at Berkeley. The sample f1 (MHz) /2 (MHz) f (MHz) = f2 - f1. Taking an energy test is another option for measuring your body frequency. He found correlations between disease states and changes in the electrical properties of the various acupuncture meridian points (Voll, 1975). Rubik B: The unifying concept of information in acupuncture and other energy medicine modalities, J Altern Complement Med 3(suppl 1):S67, 1997. Bevk M, Kononenko K, Zrimek T: Relation Between Energetic Diagnoses and DV Images . This method can detect changes as small as 0.01 C in the human body. Heart Rate Variability (HRV): What It Is and How You Can Track It The benefits of monitoring your breathing include being able to track your respiratory rate over time and gain insight into your overall physical health. Measurements of DC potentials on the skin of qigong healers was made for different states of being, including external focus, healing at a distance (external qi), and self-healing (internal qigong) (Syldona and Rein, 1999). In this example the frequency desired is 75Mhz and the two separate materials have 25Mhz and 50Mhz frequencies. Further theoretical and experimental research is needed to refine and standardize the measurements of the biofield, develop new techniques, explore its relevance to health, disease, and healing, and otherwise continue to explore this frontier area. Nonetheless, researchers were able to integrate the signal over time and then found it to be statistically significant over the noise. The global effects are associated with whole body contributions, including biofield elements such as the acupuncture meridians, which also relate to the common impedance of the body from all the organs and tissues (Figure 20-6). | A photograph of one of the recent GDV models is shown in Figure 20-3. The Western style EDS devices are tools that can access aspects of the bodys biofield control system and communicate with it to obtain answers about the patients sensitivity to and need for nutritionals, remedies, and environmental substances. A third limitation is that the glass plate of the camera will not permit any ultraviolet light in the emission to be detected, given that glass blocks ultraviolet radiation. There are a number of different instruments or tools that are typically used for sound frequency healing and therapy practices, including gongs, singing bowls, pan flutes, a galimba . METHODS OF MEASURING HUMAN BODY FREQUENCIES OR HARMONICS AND TREATING CONDITIONS BASED ON THE RESONANCE PHENOMENON BETWEEN A PRODUCT AND A HUMAN BODY'S FREQUENCIES OR. It is an object of the invention to provide methods of measuring and characterizing the frequencies, phase and intensity (or amplitude) of the electromagnetic field emitted by a human body for different body conditions: skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, diabetic, musculoskeletal, mood, tinnitus, etc. Exploring the Benefits of Probiotics in Greek Yogurt, Who Invented the Pythagoras Theorem? In this view, the essence of life is seen as a metaphysical, irreducible life force that cannot be measured. Moreover, the authors showed that the treated cells showed increased differentiation, as indicated by the expression of a tissue-specific enzyme. The frequencies are measured as follows: - Measure the frequency "f1" of EM signal in the absence of the sample, - Measure the frequency "f2" of EM signal in the presence of the sample, - Calculatethe real frequency "f : f = f2 f 1 Ideally, researchers should have more objective standards for calibrating the healing power of a biofield practitioner. We will summarize some of the key findings on biofield therapy that show effects on target systems in the laboratory. In a subsequent study, the biomagnetic component of a therapeutic touch practitioner showed a field with a variable frequency around 8 to 10 Hz (Zimmerman, 1989). The reader should note that the CCD does not distinguish color; thus the captured GDV images appear black and white. Perceived exertion may not always be similar to your heart rate level, and it depends on the individual. Normal Brain Frequency 72 MHz. This test became known as the medication test. Gurvich A G: Die mitogenetische strahlung, ihre physikalische-chemischen grundlagen und ihre anwendung in biologie und medizin, Jena, Germany, 1959, Veb G Fisher. Welch G R, Smith H A: On the field structure of metabolic spacetime. This effort culminated in the Human Genome Project whereby teams of scientists from around the world mapped all the genes in human deoxyribonucleic acid. Lipkind M: Gurwitschs theorie vom biologischen feld, Fusion (Wiesbaden) 8( 4 ):30, 1987. because vibration is a consciousness phenomenon, not a feeling. displayed on the screen of the spectrum analyzer. When practitioners trained in the same biofield therapy are studied in the laboratory, a great deal of variability results in their effects on target instruments, organisms, or humans. They may actually refer to something similar to the present-day concept of the biofield, which is, at least in part, based on the electromagnetic field theory of modern physics but, in principle, might also include acoustic and possibly other subtler energy fields not yet known to science. Your heart rate offers a more objective look at exercise intensity. Most research has focused on electromagnetic aspects of the biofield. The peak intensity of the electromagnetic radiation of the human biofield is in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, in the range of 4 to 20 microns in wavelength. Healthy Frequencies in the Human Body There are many ways to change our body frequencies and raise them to a healthy level. Is there a way to use the hydrogen in the human body? However, one study on reliability on a related technique showed moderate reliability (Treugut et al, 1998). Another mystery is that living organisms respond to extremely low-level nonionizing electromagnetic fields, displaying a variety of effects ranging from cellular and subcellular scales to the level of brain, emotions, and behavior. This range might be correlated, as expected, to changes in health, disease, healing, and altered states of consciousness, according to the biofield hypothesis. This discovery led to the VRT and a new device designed in 1978 by Helmut Schimmel, MD, DDS, together with VRT. In one study done in Korea, biophoton emission counts from the dorsal and ventral sides of the hands of three healthy human subjects were measured for 52 weeks. Checking your pulse is relatively easy and can be done with minimal equipment. With the multimeter still connected to the circuit, press the Hz button. Spectroscopic Mechanism for Primary Olfactory Reception, Chemical Senses, 1996, Vol. The method of use is as follows. Based on these observations, products can be designed that are specific for younger or older people based on a frequency/phase relationship between the product and the body. On the other hand, the essence of life is more similar to a flame, burning matter into energy and dancing not only with organized vitality, but also with an element of unpredictability or chaos. You can measure your breathing rate by counting the number of breaths you take over the course of one minute while you're at rest. In over 300 tests, EDS matched the history 74% of the time and was most compatible with the food challenge test, which is considered to be the most sensitive of all tests for food allergy (Tsuei et al, 1984). Tracking your sleep patterns over time can help you gain a better understanding of your bodys energy levels. A Comprehensive Analysis, Exploring the Innovative JBX Theater: Revolutionizing the Entertainment Industry. Mandel P: Energy emission analysis: new application of Kirlian photography for holistic medicine, Berlin, 1986, Synthesis Publishing. A portable three-axis digital gaussmeter, which can detect milligauss levels of magnetic fields (AC and DC), was used to monitor Reiki practitioners (n = 17) and healers from several different healing traditions ( n = 15) who were instructed to transmit biofield therapy. Perhaps the most famous experiment is the phantom leaf effect, whereby electrophotography on a segment of a leaf yields a photograph showing the whole (Moss, 1979). By measuring various aspects of the biofield, we may be able to recognize organ and tissue dysfunctions even in advance of diseases or symptoms and treat them appropriately so as to eradicate them. Yount G et al: In vitro test of external qigong, BMC Complement Altern Med 4(15):5, 2004. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Another way to measure your body frequency is by checking your pulse. On the other hand, an advantage can be found to observing indicators of the future state of the patient energetically using biofield measurements. Becker R O: Stimulation of partial limb regeneration in rats, Nature 235:109, 1972. The electrical conductivity of the 12 source acupuncture points of the body, on the left and right side, is measured, and the resulting values are analyzed by the software package in multiple ways according to the different schools of oriental medicine. Ref document number: In CAM, which uses many individualized, as well as multiple, therapies to treat conditions and diseases, the ideographic approach may, in fact, be the only meaningful method. The EEG was developed in 1875 and records electrical activity from the various brain regions by using multiple electrodes on the head. In this setting, energy emission analysis on patients was developed by Peter Mandel, who documented many clinical cases (Mandel, 1986). Introducing the HVM200 Human Vibration Meter The HVM200 is a small rugged vibration meter with built in Wi-Fi that can be used to measure hand-arm, whole body and general vibration. Korotkov KG et al: Bioelectrographic correlates of the direct vision phenomenon, J Altern Complement Med 11( 5 ):885, 2005. Thermography can detect acute and chronic inflammatory conditions. The measurement of all the points takes approximately 5 minutes. Oda H: Ryodoraku textbook, Osaka, Japan, 1989, Naniwasha Publishing. This will permit the generation of new products for treating different body Popp FA, Li K H, GuQ, eds: Recent advances in biophoton research and its applications, Singapore and New York, 1992, World Scientific Publishing . Furthermore, Voll made two discoveries: 1. Schmidt J et al: Sympathetic nervous system activity during laparoscopic and needlescopic cholecystectomy, Surg Endosc 16( 3 ):476, 2002. Dobrin R et al: Experimental measurements of the human energy field . From the proceedings of the Bridging Worlds and Filling Gaps in the Science of Healing, Chez RA, editor. Your email address will not be published. This digital camera, introduced in the West in the late 1990s by its inventor, physicist Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, comes with software and offers the advantage of using a lower voltage than conventional Kirlian photography that is not felt as an electric shock by subjects. But it can be a general guide to measure your exertion . This effect became known as the indicator drop (Voll, 1975). In relation to this possibility is a less common form of therapy known as distant healing, in which the practitioner and patient are in different locations, ranging from many feet to many miles away. 10. The results show that biophoton emission reflects (1) the left-right symmetry of the human body; (2) biologic rhythms such as 14 days, 1 month, 3 months, and 9 months; (3) disease states reflected in the broken symmetry between the left and right side of the body; and (4) light channels in the body, which are hypothesized to regulate energy and information transfer between different parts of the body. 2. The method comprises the steps of measuring in real-time the frequency and the power of an EM field emitted by the condition, selecting a cosmetic product, a pharmaceutical product or an electronic device that emits EM fields that match the frequency of EM fields emitted by the condition, and placing the cosmetic product, the pharmaceutical product or the electronic device on or sufficiently proximal to the condition, such that the EM fields emitted by the cosmetic product, the pharmaceutical product or the electronic device effectively treat the condition. Of the samples tested, only ascorbic acid appears to oscillate near the human body frequency of 75MHz. Interpreting any single clinical finding without observing a constellation of evidence is generally inappropriate, which, taken together in a clinical context, points to a definitive result. We cannot isolate it or analyze it comprehensively. Figure 20-11. Medical experts consider DEXA scans to be the most useful, easy, and inexpensive test for helping to diagnose osteoporosis. (Note: Is this article not meeting your expectations? One problem is that biofield measurements assess energetic aspects of the body, which may either precede physical changes or possibly correlate with the present physical status of the body. What devices can measure frequency? The Western school evolved in Germany through three main phases: EAV, bioelectronic functions diagnosis (BFD), and the VEGA resonance test (VRT) (Rademacher and Wesener, 1999). c) Method for measuring the frequency of emitted electromagnetic signal by active materials, waters, topical products, etc. You can help! Rubik B, Brooks A: Digital high-voltage electrophotographic measures of the fingertips of subjects pre- and post-qigong, Evid Based Integr Med 2( 4 ):24, 2005. To increase the selectivity and gain, two quarter-wave wire wound antennas were built for these particular EM frequencies: a first at 3.3 meters/4=0.825M length, with 5 windings for the 91 MHz antennae; and a second at 4.0 meters/4=1.0 meters length, with 4 windings for the 75.01 MHz antennae. These studies use some of the latest biomolecular techniques with high specificity to show how external qi may interact and cause changes in living systems. The belief is that much of this emission, particularly in the infrared region, is from thermal effects associated with metabolism. A growing body of basic science data can be found, preliminary and pilot studies, that provide support for the concept of a biofield. Monitoring your breathing is another effective way to measure your body frequency. The electrical and magnetic fields of the human body are complex and dynamic and are associated with dynamical processes such as heart and brain function, blood and lymph flow, ion transport across cell membranes, and many other biologic processes on many different scales. Inyushin V M: Elements of a theory of the biological field (in Russian), Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 1978. One quality device that is based on the Ryodoraku method is the Electro-Meridian Assessment System (EMAS). We restrict the rest of this chapter to the electromagnetic portion of the human biofield where the main scientific focus has been. Furthermore, if a tourniquet were tied around the upper arm, the photon emission of that palm of the hand was reduced 15%. Kobayashi M, Devaraj B, Inaba H: Observation of super-Poisson statistics of bacterial (Photobacterium phosphoricum) bioluminescence during the early stage of proliferation, Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 57:2129, 1998. Am Acad Acupunc Rev 5:15, 1993. For example, a Helmholtz coil or ceramic crystals could be used to replay the signal. Several researchers have hypothesized that the electromagnetic field emission from the human body is, at least in part, coherent and can carry information that is involved in organizing biomolecular processes (Inyushin, 1978; Popp, 1998; Rubik, 2002b ). This type of energy is extremely low level, but it can today be accurately measured with sophisticated instrumentation that is generally customized (Lin et al, 2006; Van Wijk and Van Wijk, 2005). How to Measure Your Vibration Instantly - Do This Process Typically, the practitioner uses his or her hands to sense a deficiency or imbalance in the patients biofield and then proceeds to alter or influence this imbalance by means of a subtle energy. Side peak frequencies were detected at +/- 1-2KHz from the main (75MHz) peak when measurements were taken from the diabetic subjects. Most Pts know about the A-fib issue, but sometimes they don't and it's important to recommend that they talk to their doc about it to get them on prophylactic blood thinner meds. That such biophoton emission may mediate certain biofield therapies is also possible. Alternative medicine: expanding medical horizons, Washington, DC, 1994, US Government Printing Office, NIH Publication No. Highly significant increases in extremely low frequency (ELF) fluctuations were observed compared with baseline controls and were observed for both hands of practitioners. The Kirlian technique was used clinically in Germany for decades, and the Vega-Grieshaber Company manufactured cameras to record the Kirlian emission of hands and feet. Moreover, measuring the biofield and understanding its role in life are more difficult than the study of more tangible phenomena, and the funding for the former has been extremely scarce. Biofeedback - Mayo Clinic He also identified secondary emission, by which regions of the organism receiving mitogenetic radiation emit light, and a third phenomenon, known as the degradation effect, which refers to the burst of light released when living organisms are damaged or exposed to toxins (Gurvich, 1959). Without scientific references, this thread will remain closed. A portable meter for measuring low frequency currents in the human body They allow real-time measurements and are capable of measuring fluctuations in the intensity of the EM fields. The benefits of taking an energy test include being able to gain insight into your overall energetic balance and identify any imbalances. One main observation is that the density parameter increased (p<.01) after qigong, which means that a more uniform circle of light was emitted from the subjects fingertips after qigong. Subjects were not isolated from other sounds. My experience with ill-posed problems (tomography - Facebook To use a heart rate monitor, you will need to purchase one, strap it around your chest, and then follow the instructions on the device. It is believed that young skin may exhibit an optimal human frequency signal. EDT is more clinically useful than the other methods, whereas the GDV camera and biophoton measurements are largely still tools for exploration in basic and clinical research, with fewer clinical applications. It is believed that the methods will lead to improvement of the appearance of the skin with regard to lines and wrinkles, coloration or discoloration, dark circles, scars, barrier, elasticity, firmness, etc. A small but growing body of scientific evidence has been uncovered that biofield therapies show positive physical changes on living systems. Consciousness scale measures to what degree you are aware of your environment and the inner workings of a human, especially yours. Figure 20-10. "If we try to pick out any thing by itself, we find it hitched to every thing else in the universe". An overview of biofield science with respect to human biofield measurement and application to CAM was provided in this chapter. Thermography uses an infrared camera and an associated software system to visualize the pattern of infrared emission, which we cannot see directly but experience as heat. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The constant-pressure probe ensures measurement stability and is fitted with a ball of cotton saturated with saline solution for optimal conduction. Read the frequency measurement in the display. When finished, remove the leads in reverse order: red first, then black. Everything is energy, everything in our existence is connected to a field of electromagnetic vibrational frequencies, and as we know everything made of atoms which produce, emit and receive energy. Kim TJ et al: Biophoton emission from fingernails and fingerprints of living human subjects, Acupuncture Electrother Res 27:85, 2002. Rubik B et al: Manual healing methods. Beverly Rubik,Ph.D., is a leading scientist internationally renowned for her research exploring frontier areas of science and medicine. If you have two tuning forks and you knock one of them to get it vibrating, you only have to hold it near the other tuning fork for it to start vibrating, too. To date, 520 experiments have been conducted of 10 culture dishes each involving 10 different pranic healers. Moreover, needling or using other means of stimulating the acupuncture point enhances the emission over that of other acupuncture points (Inaba, 1998). However, the magnetic fields of the body are very low level and typically require specialized equipment such as super-conducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) that are expensive to operate. Energy medicine is one of the major categories of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). If the amplitude of EM signal measured (body plus product) is greater than the Jones J P: Quantitative Evaluation of Pranic Healing Using Radiation of Cells in Culture. Invoking electromagnetic fields as causal in distant healing is impossible because electromagnetic energies diminish rapidly over distance, varying as the inverse of the square of the distance. The benefits of tracking your sleep patterns include being able to gain insight into your overall energy levels and identify any issues that may be impacting your sleep. In summary, various strategies for measuring the human biofield include measurements of biophoton emission, as well as induced light emission; measurements on practitioners performing biofield therapy and on patients receiving biofield therapy; and bioassays for biofield therapy, as mentioned previously. Kirlian photography was not introduced to the West until the 1970s because of communication difficulties during the Cold War. * We can detox our bodies and consume less harmful 'food' (we are so addicted to). Becker R O, Selden G: The body electric: electromagnetism and the foundation of life, New York City, 1985, William Morrow and Company. To calculate your BMI, first multiply your weight in pounds by .45 to convert to kilograms. Additionally, measurements of the electric or magnetic fields (or both) directly from the human body, especially from the acupuncture points, have also been developed. In conclusion, the GDV and related techniques appear to be able to measure certain aspects of biologically generated electromagnetic fields contained within the corona discharge that are relevant for CAM. The gauss meters available from ARPANSA measure magnetic fields from electrical sources that operate in the frequencies between 25 Hz (40 Hz for the EMDEX Snap) to 1000 Hz in units of mG. In this way, biofield measurements may be useful prognostically, as well as diagnostically.
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