Just before I turned 6, my family was deported to Auschwitz from the Theresienstadt ghetto. [220] By 6 February 1943, the Reich Economic Ministry had received 3,000kg of women's hair from Auschwitz and Majdanek. "[291], The Soviet military medical service and Polish Red Cross (PCK) set up field hospitals that looked after 4,500 prisoners suffering from the effects of starvation (mostly diarrhea) and tuberculosis. Archived from the original on 18 April 2018. By the end of 1944, it housed 60 barracks measuring 17.5m 8m (57ft 26ft), each with a day room and a sleeping room containing 56 three-tiered wooden bunks. The report became the basis of their book, Anatomy of the SS State (1968), the first comprehensive study of the camp and the SS. In sectors BIa and BIb in Auschwitz II, two buildings containing latrines and washrooms were installed in 1943. [57] Some 10,000 Soviet prisoners of war arrived at Auschwitz I between 7 and 25 October 1941,[58] but by 1 March 1942 only 945 were still registered; they were transferred to Auschwitz II,[39] where most of them had died by May. [313] In a statement on the 50th anniversary of the liberation, Kohl said that "[t]he darkest and most awful chapter in German history was written at Auschwitz. [182] Correspondence between Adolf Eichmann's office and the International Red Cross suggests that the Germans set up the camp to cast doubt on reports, in time for a planned Red Cross visit to Auschwitz, that mass murder was taking place there. Of the 1.3 million people sent to Auschwitz, 1.1million were murdered. [217] Leib Langfus, a member of the Sonderkommando, buried his diary (written in Yiddish) near crematorium III in Auschwitz II. For the city, see, Auschwitz I, 2009; the prisoner reception center of Auschwitz I became the visitor reception center of the. [168] Cell 22 in block 11 was a windowless standing cell (Stehbunker). [294], Georgii Elisavetskii, a Soviet soldier who entered one of the barracks, said in 1980 that he could hear other soldiers telling the inmates: "You are free, comrades!" Also see "The Budy MassacreA grim anniversary" Archived 26 February 2020 at the Wayback Machine. Her writings were posthumously published. [259] On 21 July 1944, Polish inmate Jerzy Bielecki dressed in an SS uniform and, using a faked pass, managed to cross the camp's gate with his Jewish girlfriend, Cyla Cybulska, pretending that she was wanted for questioning. The youngest survivors today are around 71 years old, Claims Conference spokeswoman Amy Wexler told TIME on Sunday. The victims undressed in the dressing room and walked into the gas chamber; signs said "Bade" (bath) or "Desinfektionsraum" (disinfection room). His parents were tortured to death during the Holocaust. He was arrested in 1965. Pilecki compiled two reports after he escaped in April 1943; the second, Raport W, detailed his life in Auschwitz I and estimated that 1.5million people, mostly Jews, had been murdered. [55] There were 174 barracks, each measuring 35.4 by 11.0m (116 by 36ft), divided into 62 bays of 4m2 (43sqft). An additional 10,000 Poles were brought to the camp to be executed without being registered. He is hidden behind the boy with the white head bandage. Transferred to, Gynecologist. [124] The rails led directly to the area around the gas chambers.[121]. David Schaecter was 11 when the Nazis locked him in Cell Block 8 in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp. Auschwitz concentration camp - Wikipedia More than 200 survivors gathered at the former Nazi extermination camp of Auschwitz, many probably for the final time, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of its liberation. [127], Prisoners received half a liter of coffee substitute or a herbal tea in the morning, but no food. [182] The somewhat better living conditions were nevertheless inadequate; 1,000 members of the family camp were dead within six months. [126] Primo Levi described a 1944 Auschwitz III washroom: It is badly lighted, full of draughts, with the brick floor covered by a layer of mud. Located in German-occupied Poland, Auschwitz consisted of three camps including a killing center. Inmates arriving at night, or who were too weak to walk, were taken by truck. While some of the 673 charged of crimes were sentenced to death or spent years in prison, many were acquitted of their crimes. List of victims and survivors of Auschwitz - Wikipedia [312] Helmut Schmidt visited the site in November 1977, the first West German chancellor to do so, followed by his successor, Helmut Kohl, in November 1989. Survivors return to Auschwitz 75 years after liberation - NBC News My arm was tattooed with the number 169061. Teenager who wrote a diary. [258] Of the 802 escapes, 144 were successful, 327 were caught, and the fate of 331 is unknown. It was found in 1952, signed "A.Y.R.A":[218], It would be difficult to even imagine that so many people would fit in such a small [room]. Auschwitz survivor Elie Wiesel brought voice to the millions of people silenced in the Holocaust and served as an advocate for peace to make sure the horrors of the past did not repeat itself before he died Saturday at 87. His brother was gassed in December 1943. [67] In February 1941, Himmler ordered that the Jewish population of Owicim be expelled to make way for skilled laborers; that all Poles able to work remain in the town and work on building the factory; and that Auschwitz prisoners be used in the construction work. [86] Industries with satellite camps included coal mines, foundries and other metal works, and chemical plants. In 2005, about 1,500 survivors attended the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the death camps. [113] About 100 survived to the camp's liquidation. Lawyer, writer. People who knew him felt that his charisma and his wit and his personality were priceless to know and experience. Publicly executed at the camp after an escape attempt, with her lover. [272] Hearing the commotion, the Sonderkommando at crematorium II believed that a camp uprising had begun and threw their Oberkapo into a furnace. And so they only screamed in bitter, lamentable voices. One prisoner was assigned to the latrines to measure the time the workers took to empty their bladders and bowels. Survivors lay wreaths at the Wall of Death during the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi German concentration and extermination camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau in Aushwitz on Jan. 27, 2015. Frequently Asked Questions - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum The first transport of German Roma arrived on 26 February that year. There, I was separated from my sister and mother and put into a barracks with older boysmany seemed to be twins. There had been a small number of Romani inmates before that; two Czech Romani prisoners, Ignatz and Frank Denhel, tried to escape in December 1942, the latter successfully, and a Polish Romani woman, Stefania Ciuron, arrived on 12 February 1943 and escaped in April. [264] In May 1944 Slovak rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl suggested that the Allies bomb the rails leading to the camp. In 1947, Poland founded the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum on the site of Auschwitz I and II, and in 1979 it was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum estimates that 1.3 million people were sent to the camp complex in occupied Poland. "[52] Construction of Auschwitz II-Birkenaucalled a Kriegsgefangenenlager (prisoner-of-war camp) on blueprintsbegan in October 1941 in Brzezinka, about three kilometers from Auschwitz I. Auschwitz; Inside the Nazi State. [6] In May 1940, German criminals brought to the camp as functionaries established the camp's reputation for sadism. At the Wannsee Conference in Berlin on 20 January 1942, the Nazi leadership outlined, in euphemistic language, its plans for the Final Solution. Elie Weisel: There Are Just 100,000 Holocaust Survivors Left - Time Shortly after this, the SS removed nearly 2,908 from the family camp to work, and on 2 August 1944 gassed the other 2,897. Worked in camp infirmary and in the "Canada" commando. Holocaust Memorial Day: Portraits of last remaining UK survivors Once the bodies were stripped of anything valuable, the Sonderkommando burned them in the crematoria. [183] Placed in sector BIIb as a "family camp", they were allowed to keep their belongings, wear their own clothes, and write letters to family; they did not have their hair shaved and were not subjected to selection. [7] Overall 400,207 prisoners were registered in the camp: 268,657 male and 131,560 female. [170] According to SS officer Perry Broad, "[s]ome of these walking skeletons had spent months in the stinking cells, where not even animals would be kept, and they could barely manage to stand straight. Among the number of prisoners who attempted to escape, 196 were successful and lived to see the end of the war. The prisoner reception center of Auschwitz I became the visitor reception center of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. [290] Items found included 837,000 women's garments, 370,000 men's suits, 44,000 pairs of shoes,[291] and 7,000kg of human hair, estimated by the Soviet war crimes commission to have come from 140,000 people. 'I see it as a chance to finally say goodbye': Auschwitz survivors tell [339], On 4 September 2003, despite a protest from the museum, three Israeli Air Force F-15 Eagles performed a fly-over of Auschwitz II-Birkenau during a ceremony at the camp below. Those who were too ill or too weak to work were condemned to death in the gas chambers. [169] Several rooms in block 11 were deemed the Polizei-Ersatz-Gefngnis Myslowitz in Auschwitz (Auschwitz branch of the police station at Mysowice). [75] IG Farben paid the SS three or four Reichsmark for nine- to eleven-hour shifts from each worker. [44], Around 20 March 1942, according to Danuta Czech, a transport of Polish Jews from Silesia and Zagbie Dbrowskie was taken straight from the station to the Auschwitz II gas chamber, which had just come into operation. Lucyna Smoliska, Mieczysaw Sroka "Wielcy znani i nieznani" Wydawnictwa Radia i Telewizji, Warsaw 1988. Deported to the camp on Transport #10 on September 15, 1942. [171] The first executions, by shooting inmates in the back of the head, took place at the death wall on 11 November 1941, Poland's National Independence Day. Strzelecka writes that prisoners might have to spend several nights in cell 22; Wiesaw Kielar spent four weeks in it for breaking a pipe. Political prisoner. Fleming writes that it has not been possible to track Pilecki's early intelligence from the camp. We strive for accuracy and fairness. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Finally, as if the barrier collapsed they rushed toward us shouting, fell on their knees, kissed the flaps of our overcoats, and threw their arms around our legs. 07/23/2020. [37] In Kommandant in Auschwitz, he wrote: "In the spring of 1942 the first transports of Jews, all earmarked for extermination, arrived from Upper Silesia. All the patients were later moved to the brick buildings in Auschwitz I, where several blocks became a hospital, with medical personnel working 18-hour shifts. The Polish Fortnightly Review based a story on it, writing that "three crematorium furnaces were insufficient to cope with the bodies being cremated", as did The Scotsman on 8 January 1942, the only British news organization to do so. Unknown circumstances as to why he was sent to Auschwitz. Over its five-year tenure, some 8,400 worked at the camps, including 200 female guards. [10] Both during and immediately after the Nazi seizure of power in Germany in 1933, acts of violence against German Jews became ubiquitous,[11] and legislation was passed excluding them from certain professions, including the civil service and the law. The first gassingsof Soviet and Polish prisonerstook place in block 11 of Auschwitz I around August 1941. Prisoners were infected with spotted fever for vaccination research and exposed to toxic substances to study the effects. Survivor, 94, returns to 'off-limits' Auschwitz cell - The Forward Only two Jewish calendars made in Auschwitz survived to the end of the war. [199], From 1942, Jews were being transported to Auschwitz from all over German-occupied Europe by rail, arriving in daily convoys. Holocaust survivors Israel "Sasha" Eisenberg, left, and Ruth Brandspiegel are reunited on Oct. 3, 2020, in East Brunswick, N.J. for the first . [175] In October 1944, 200 Sonderkommando were executed for their part in the Sonderkommando revolt. [27], The first mass transportof 728 Polish male political prisoners, including Catholic priests and Jewsarrived on 14 June 1940 from Tarnw, Poland. Croatian first female professor of gymnastics. Most prisoners at Auschwitz survived only a few weeks or months. Prisoners were also made to work in forestry and farming. [316] At Auschwitz itself, Reuven Rivlin and Andrzej Duda, the presidents of Israel and Poland, laid wreaths. Nearly two decades ago, the United . Auschwitz; Inside the Nazi State. Auschwitz left its mark as one of the most infamous camps of the Holocaust. Prisoners kept track of the days in other ways, such as obtaining information from newcomers. [173] Rudolf Hss wrote that "execution orders arrived in an unbroken stream". The number of eloquent survivors is few and far between, said Michael Zank, 58, the director of the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies at Boston University, who was mentored by Wiesel. [138] According to Mikls Nyiszli: Eight hundred to a thousand people were crammed into the superimposed compartments of each barracks. [157] From May 1944, he would select twins and dwarfs from among the new arrivals during "selection",[158] reportedly calling for twins with "Zwillinge heraus!" SS doctors tested the efficacy of X-rays as a sterilization device by administering large doses to female prisoners. This made the total daily capacity 4,416, although by loading three to five corpses at a time, the Sonderkommando were able to burn some 8,000 bodies a day. Holocaust survivors are dwindling out. A new Yom Hashoah ritual It may have been his sexuality, or possibly because he was aiding the Resistance, or helping hide Jewish friends. . The distribution of the Vrba-Wetzler report, and publication of parts of it in June 1944, helped to halt the deportation of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz. But they did not respond, so he tried in Russian, Polish, German, Ukrainian. Sterilization experiments were carried out in barracks 30 by a German gynecologist, Carl Clauberg, and another German doctor, Horst Schumann. [61] Use of bunkers I and 2 stopped in spring 1943 when the new crematoria were built, although bunker 2 became operational again in May 1944 for the murder of the Hungarian Jews. Split into four sections, each section measured less than 1.0m2 (11sqft) and held four prisoners, who entered it through a hatch near the floor. Before more help arrived, 2,200 patients there were looked after by a few doctors and 12 PCK nurses. Auschwitz | Holocaust Encyclopedia On 29 April the first 1,800 Jews from Hungary arrived at the camp. The first 30 prisoners arrived on 20 May 1940 from the Sachsenhausen camp. [171], The courtyard between blocks 10 and 11, known as the "death wall", served as an execution area, including for Poles in the General Government area who had been sentenced to death by a criminal court. His parents and younger sister Frieda were killed during the war. Visitors to the site have increased from 492,500 in 2001, to over one million in 2009,[331] to two million in 2016. [50], After visiting Auschwitz I in March 1941, it appears that Himmler ordered that the camp be expanded,[51] although Peter Hayes notes that, on 10 January 1941, the Polish underground told the Polish government-in-exile in London: "the Auschwitz concentration campcan accommodate approximately 7,000 prisoners at present, and is to be rebuilt to hold approximately 30,000. The evening meal was 300 grams of bread, often moldy, part of which the inmates were expected to keep for breakfast the next day, with a tablespoon of cheese or marmalade, or 25 grams of margarine or sausage. The report said of the Jews in the camp that "scarcely any of them came out alive". [273], By the time the rebellion at crematorium IV had been suppressed, 212 members of the Sonderkommando were still alive and 451 had been killed. On 22 June 1941, in an attempt to obtain new territory, Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. [288], The first in the camp complex to be liberated was Auschwitz III, the IG Farben camp at Monowitz; a soldier from the 100th Infantry Division of the Red Army entered the camp around 9am on Saturday, 27 January 1945. The loss of Elie Wiesel represents a loss not only to Jewish Nazi victims, whom Elie tirelessly advocated for over the course of his lifetime, but to humanity as a whole, Claims Conference President Julius Berman said in a statement. [268], The Sonderkommando who worked in the crematoria were witnesses to the mass murder and were therefore regularly murdered themselves. [99] Female guards were known as SS supervisors (SS-Aufseherinnen). Saved the lives of hundreds of pregnant women by aborting their pregnancies (pregnant women were often killed for experiments by, Scientist. [53] The initial plan was that Auschwitz II would consist of four sectors (Bauabschnitte IIV), each consisting of six subcamps (BIIaBIIf) with their own gates and fences. Construction of Auschwitz II began the following month, and from 1942 until late 1944 freight trains delivered Jews from all over German-occupied Europe to its gas chambers. Auschwitz | Holocaust Encyclopedia The chambers were white inside, and nozzles were fixed to the ceiling to resemble showerheads. [289] The 60th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front (also part of the Red Army) arrived in Auschwitz I and II around 3pm. A former prisoner testified that the language of the signs changed depending on who was being killed. Helped to organize cultural life in. [207] Children might be made to walk toward a stick held at a certain height; those who could walk under it were selected for the gas. The law used in Nazi Germany to imprison homosexuals remained . An aerial reconnaissance photograph of the Auschwitz concentration camp showing the Auschwitz I camp, 4 April 1944, Crematorium I, photographed in 2016, reconstructed after the war, "Birkenau" redirects here. [23] Around 1,000m long and 400m wide,[24] Auschwitz consisted at the time of 22 brick buildings, eight of them two-story. Share. [107], Although the SS oversaw the murders at each gas chamber, the forced labor portion of the work was done by prisoners known from 1942 as the Sonderkommando (special squad). SS units forced nearly 60,000 prisoners to march west from the Auschwitz camp system. [16] The camp at Auschwitz was established in April 1940, at first as a quarantine camp for Polish political prisoners. [286] By December 1944 some 15,000 Jewish prisoners had made it from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen, where they were liberated by the British on 15 April 1945. [128] A second gong heralded roll call, when inmates lined up outside in rows of ten to be counted. Between 1940 and 1945, approximately 1.1 million Jews, Poles, Roma people, Soviet POWs and others were killed at the Auschwitz camps. [164] Based on the 275 extant reports of punishment in the Auschwitz archives, Strzelecka lists common infractions: returning a second time for food at mealtimes, removing your own gold teeth to buy bread, breaking into the pigsty to steal the pigs' food, putting your hands in your pockets. They were given serial numbers 31 to 758. Anna Eilenberg-Eibeshitz: November 5, 1923: 99 Jewish Author Novelist. [34], Historians have disagreed about the date the all-Jewish transports began arriving in Auschwitz. [299], Only 789 Auschwitz staff, up to 15 percent, ever stood trial;[8] most of the cases were pursued in Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany. 84216) also escaped to Slovakia; the Rosin-Mordowicz report was added to the Vrba-Wetzler and Tabeau reports to become what is known as the Auschwitz Protocols. I Was Supposed to Follow My Mother to Auschwitz. This Is How I Survived. [315] It was the city's largest-ever political gathering, with over 45 heads of state and world leaders, including royalty. Survival in Auschwitz: The Nazi Assault on Humanity. The trials ended on 22 December 1947, with 23 death sentences, seven life sentences, and nine prison sentences ranging from three to 15 years. [79], Although the factory had been expected to begin production in 1943, shortages of labor and raw materials meant start-up was postponed repeatedly. The Soviet army entered Auschwitz on January 27, 1945 and released more than 7,000 remaining prisoners, most of whom were ill and dying. The other approximately 200,000 people were predominantly made up of non-Jewish Poles, the mentally challenged, Roma people, homosexuals and Soviet prisoners of war. Most deportees were forced to walk, accompanied by SS men and a car with a Red Cross symbol that carried the Zyklon B, as well as an SS doctor in case officers were poisoned by mistake. [152], Langefeld was succeeded as Lagerfhrerin in October 1942 by SS Oberaufseherin Maria Mandl, who developed a reputation for cruelty. Part 4, Corruption. They wrote later to Rudolf Hss apologizing for the loss of the vehicle. [221] Some of the hair was examined by the Forensic Science Institute in Krakw, where it was found to contain traces of hydrogen cyanide, the main ingredient of Zyklon B. [194] Tens of thousands were killed in crematorium I. Pope John Paul II celebrated mass over the train tracks leading to Auschwitz II-Birkenau on 7 June 1979[333] and called the camp "the Golgotha of our age", referring to the crucifixion of Jesus. Inmates who did not speak German would trade bread for help. [165] Punishment by "the post" involved tying prisoners hands behind their backs with chains attached to hooks, then raising the chains so the prisoners were left dangling by the wrists. [323][324] The following year a survey organized by the Claims Conference, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and others found that 41 percent of 1,350 American adults surveyed, and 66 percent of millennials, did not know what Auschwitz was, while 22 percent said they had never heard of the Holocaust. After breaking into a warehouse, three of them dressed as SS officers and stole rifles and an SS staff car, which they drove out of the camp with the fourth handcuffed as a prisoner. [284] Fewer than 9,000 remained in the camps, deemed too sick to move. [210], The crematoria consisted of a dressing room, gas chamber, and furnace room. Deported to the camp with his wife in December 1943. Spiritual suffering was completely alien to them. Those deported to the camp complex were gassed . "[249], The Polish government-in-exile in London first reported the gassing of prisoners in Auschwitz on 21 July 1942,[250] and reported the gassing of Soviet POWs and Jews on 4 September 1942. Richard Glcks, head of the Concentration Camps Inspectorate, sent Walter Eisfeld, former commandant of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Oranienburg, Germany, to inspect it. [224] The work was carried out by members of the Sonderkommando who were dentists; anyone overlooking dental work might themselves be cremated alive. [304] His trial before the Supreme National Tribunal in Warsaw opened on 11 March 1947; he was sentenced to death on 2 April and hanged in Auschwitz I on 16 April, near crematorium I. His mother was killed at the camp. No watches, calendars, or clocks were permitted in the camp. Worked in the "Canada" sector of the camp. [320] Camp survivor Simone Veil was elected President of the European Parliament, serving from 1979 to 1982. Survived because he was transferred to another camp. [215], The Zyklon B was delivered to the crematoria by a special SS bureau known as the Hygiene Institute. A second story was added to the others in 1943 and eight new blocks were built. An SS officer, Franz Wunch, fell in love with her. She and her mother were sent from their . In 'Invited to Life,' Artist Showcases the Vibrant Postwar Lives of This photo of Auschwitz survivors was taken by a Soviet photographer in February 1945 during the making of a film about the liberation of the camp. Archivists are racing to identify every Jewish Holocaust victim [h], The Germans tried to conceal how many they had murdered. [112] Nevertheless, their life expectancy was short; they were regularly murdered and replaced. [46][g] The women's guard from Ravensbrck, Johanna Langefeld, became the first Auschwitz women's camp Lagerfhrerin. Weeks earlier, with Soviet forces approaching the camp system, nearly 60,000 prisoners had been evacuated and forced to march west toward Wodzislaw, away from the complex on what are today known as the death marches. And only when I said to them: 'Do not be afraid, I am a colonel of Soviet Army and a Jew. [35] The morgue was later converted to a gas chamber able to hold at least 700800 people. [281] Himmler ordered the evacuation of all camps in January 1945, telling camp commanders: "The Fhrer holds you personally responsible for making sure that not a single prisoner from the concentration camps falls alive into the hands of the enemy. Holocaust Survivors Face the Coronavirus Pandemic, With Help | Time On . On 19 January 1945, the SS ordered that the site be evacuated, sending 9,000 inmates, most of them Jews, on a death march to another Auschwitz subcamp at Gliwice. [162] Brandt and Sievers were executed in 1948 after being convicted during the Doctors' trial, part of the Subsequent Nuremberg trials. [87] For example, Wirtschaftshof Budy, in the Polish village of Budy near Brzeszcze, was a farming subcamp where prisoners worked 12-hour days in the fields, tending animals, and making compost by mixing human ashes from the crematoria with sod and manure. [143] The first mass transport of women, 999 non-Jewish German women from the Ravensbrck concentration camp, arrived on 26 March 1942. Then he used some Yiddish: "They think that I am provoking them. It wasn't until early the following year that Ginger's family were told, in a letter from the police, that Lina was dead. However, on a single dayOctober 10, 1944800 children were gassed to death. [71] Given the difficulty of moving them, including during the winter, IG Farben decided to build a camp at the plant. The escapees included 396 Polish men and 10 Polish women; 164 men from the Soviet Union (including 50 prisoners of war), and 15 women; 112 Jewish men and three Jewish women; 36 Romani/Sinti men and two women; 22 German men and nine women; 19 Czech men and four women; two Austrian men; one Yugoslav woman and one man; and 15 other men and one woman. [13] On 15 September 1935, the Reichstag passed the Nuremberg Laws. As the Soviet Red Army approached Auschwitz in January 1945, toward the end of the war, the SS sent most of the camp's population west on a death march to camps inside Germany and Austria. The Lagerprominenz (camp elite) included Blockschreiber (barracks clerk), Kapo (overseer), Stubendienst (barracks orderly), and Kommandierte (trusties). How many were killed, how many children were sent to the site and the numbers of people who attempted to escape are among the facts that reveal the scale of crimes committed at Auschwitz. They were forced on a death march and by train to the camp at Mauthausen, where three days later they were asked to step forward during roll call. Dwork and van Pelt write that a chimney was recreated; four openings in the roof were installed to show where the Zyklon B had entered; and two of the three furnaces were rebuilt with the original components. "Selection" of, Gate with the camp remains in the background, 2009, The commandant's and administration building, Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II brick barracks, sector BI, 2006; four prisoners slept in each partition, known as a, Roll call in front of the kitchen building, Auschwitz II, Hungarian Jews arriving at Auschwitz II, May/June 1944. Now, as Soviet troops marched westward through occupied Poland . [95], Richard Baer became commandant of Auschwitz I on 11 May 1944 and Fritz Hartjenstein of Auschwitz II from 22 November 1943, followed by Josef Kramer from 15 May 1944 until the camp's liquidation in January 1945. [225], The corpses were burned in the nearby incinerators, and the ashes were buried, thrown in the Vistula river, or used as fertilizer. The Bayer research was led at Auschwitz by Helmuth Vetter of Bayer/IG Farben, who was also an Auschwitz physician and SS captain, and by Auschwitz physicians Friedrich Entress and Eduard Wirths.
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