how old was david when he sinned with bathsheba His fire blasts were more powerful, and he charged his attacks before releasing them, creating devastating bodies of enourmous flame. While growing up in the Fire Nation, Zuko showed no extraordinary skill in firebending. At first, he lashed out and turned to robbery,[42] even stealing from those who were kind to him. After losing his first chance at the Northern Water Tribe, he was filled with abject despair. This demonstrated how far Zuko's abilities had progressed, matching his sister for raw power in spite of not approaching their fights with his full potential in hopes of not harming her. The next morning, he immediately remembered what transpired the night before and ran frantically through the halls, searching for his mother. He told Mai he found himself unhappy, even when his father treated him as the perfect son. His final attack was a fire tornado he created with his feet while spinning, knocking Azula off her feet. After speaking out of turn at a war meeting, Zuko was punished by being forced to fight an Agni Kai against his own father. Zuko was sent on a wild goose chase masked as an opportunity to restore his honor. Maybe he's right, but Uncle is long gone. He evaded several attempts on his life, particularly the attempt of Kori Morishita, an earthbender and skilled weapons user, whom he disabled in a matter of seconds. As she played with his pearl dagger (a gift from his Uncle Iroh), she mocked him and noted their mother was not there to make her give it back. Upon returning to Agna Qel'a, Zuko eventually managed to escape and attacked Zhao for trying to kill him. [41][42] Zuko and Iroh started to drift apart, until Zuko eventually decided that they no longer had anything to gain by traveling together and parted ways with Iroh. Submit your writing He seemed averse to the thought of harming others without any motive or benefit, having consented to Aang's request to spare the Southern Water Tribe in exchange for himself as his prisoner, and left the village unharmed. His temper went out of control; he became suspicious of Mai and got into fights with several people. All six cornered Azula, who feigned surrender, only to attack and badly wound Iroh with her lightning generation in a moment of distraction. Zuko is the only person from the Fire Nation known to use dao swords to firebend. [20] In another instance, he neglected to firebend at all, merely opting to dodge Azula's attacks and allow her to tire herself out. Some time later, Ursa, Noren, and Kiyi were ready to come to the capital despite his mother's reservations about returning. How Did Zuko Get His Scar? Full Scene - YouTube [33][32] Later, his skill grew. Later, he stated he was angry with himself, saying he did not know right from wrong. After Zuko confronted his sister, she fled the house and ran into the wild, leaving behind the letter. He searched the four air temples, beginning with the Western Air Temple, and scoured the world, searching even the most remote locations for his prize. During this time, Zuko developed night-terrors, chronic insomnia, and a somewhat paranoid attitude. Zuko knew that the reparations' failure to arrive could cause another fallout with Kuei's government, and thus wanted to recover the money and goods. However, Katara still remained bitter and apprehensive after his previous betrayal in the Crystal Catacombs, stating that she would kill Zuko with no second thought if he tried to hurt Aang again. He made sure that Zuko could never go home." Aang actually felt sick as he thought of a thirteen year old boy being told that his only chance to go home . Avatar The Last Airbender: Dark Facts About Zuko - The Gamer [48][49] Zuko was captured and placed in the Crystal Catacombs following Azula's coup, where he encountered Katara. After sending Azula to her room, Zuko was consoled by his mother. Ozai, viewing a nonbender as firstborn as "shame", planned to cast his son over the palace walls. At the start of his reign as Fire Lord, Zuko was assertive in having the Fire Nation pay for its crimes and having its colonies disbanded. [21] When Aang disappeared shortly before Sozin's Comet, Zuko led the effort to track down the Avatar, leading him to June in the Earth Kingdom. She told her sleepy son that everything she had done, she had done to protect him, and instructed him not to forget who he was no matter how much things may change. He was clever yet hot-headed, often letting his temper get the best of him. It was followed by Konietzko asking whether he can have a scar, to which Coleman agreed. At the palace, Ty Lee discovered a passageway where Azula was hiding. He agreed, unaware that it was not the general whom he had insulted, but his father. The two groups clashed, with Zuko finding himself matched against Ghazan. He believed it was wrong to sacrifice able-bodied and willing troops as a diversionary tactic. In the proccess, he and his crew were ambushed by pirates, but ultimately prevailed. "[13], Ozai burned Zuko by permanently scarring the left side of his face, stripped him of his birthright, and exiled him from his beloved homeland, declaring that he could return only after having found and captured the Avatar, who had disappeared nearly one hundred years prior. [66] In spite of Zuko's doubts and another fight with Azula, the group reached Hira'a, where they were welcomed by a man named Noren, his wife Noriko, and their daughter Kiyi. He certainly wasn't a very happy individual, though it wasn't like Tao had room to talk. Zuko's voice actor, Dante Basco, also voiced General Iroh, Zuko's grandson. In July 2020, the game SMITE launched a battle pass that featured two skins with which the player could alter the appearance of the Japanese storm god. [14] Zuko's change in temperament led to his firebending weakening when he started to teach Aang, though he managed to overcome the block in his firebending by visiting the Sun Warriors and the dragons and discovering that fire was a source of life and light, and not just hatred. Zuko's attempt to defend Aang from Combustion Man signified his genuine loyalty to the team. [63] The flames he produced were also hot enough to instantly melt metal chains.[66]. [11] He also displayed good military, organizational, and leadership skills when he became Fire Lord, which he demonstrated when he re-organized the Fire Nation Army into a more compact and effective force and later commanded it in the battle for Yu Dao. He displayed several incredibly powerful techniques: blocking an enormous stream of fire with a short fire-blast, spreading to take the shape of a wall and split the stream, unleashing an enormous charged-blast, which Azula was unable to block, forcing her to dodge, propelling himself into the air, charging his fire and sending down a fire attack as he came. He said that he had been the perfect prince during the meeting, the son that his father had always wanted, but he had not been himself. Zuko is the second of three characters to have joined a Team Avatar and to have a father who is antagonistic toward them and their allies. Zuko is a Fire Nation royal and firebending master who reigned as Fire Lord from 100 AG until his abdication in 167 AG. The Fire Nation prince was only 13-years-old when he spoke out against the general and faced his father in Agni Kai. When Zuko came to the colony to confront Kori's father, he was surprised to learn that the mayor's wife and daughter were earthbenders, and that the residents of the city included people from both Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom heritage living alongside each other for generations. Tragically, Todoroki had a pot of boiling water poured on his face when he was a child. He set Aang's pet bison and primary mode of transportation, Appa, free from Dai Li captivity at Iroh's suggestion.[48]. Is IROH Zuko's dad? [65], With Ozai still refusing to speak about his mother's whereabouts, Zuko turned to Azula for help. Zuko Scar - Search [24] He became more patient, kind, precise, and calculating; said traits necessary to evade Azula's pursuit while staying incognito from local authorities. Zuko is also a skilled tracker; he was able to track the airborne Avatar all across the world, something that his friends later acknowledged in their search for a missing Aang. Scars of the Past (An Avatar the Last Airbender Fan Fiction) Realizing that it was unfair to uproot the inhabitants of the oldest colonies, the Fire Lord changed his approach to the Harmony Restoration Movement and ordered the Fire Army to secure Yu Dao. Zuko was quick to offer his support to fund the endeavor, but the Earth King was more hesitant. Fire Lord Ozai punished his son by demanding that he take part in an Agni Kai, a firebending trial by combat. When he was told that the Earth King was intending to invade Yu Dao, Zuko ordered his army to defend the city. [16][64] Worried that he would turn to the same imperialist tendencies of his ancestors, Zuko had Aang promise to kill him if he ended up like his father. After joining the group, he smiled more than usual, even when jokes were made at his expense,[11] and he seemed very happy as Fire Lord during a break in his uncle's tea shop. Both characters eventually spoke out against their fathers after realizing that they had little regard for righteousness and could no longer feel actual affection toward anyone. Still,. Zuko was shown to cry five times, in "The Storm", "Zuko Alone", "Bitter Work", "The Day of Black Sun, Part Two: The Eclipse", and finally, in "Sozin's Comet: Part 2, The Old Masters". With the crisis over, Zuko joined Kanna and Pakku in their igloo to share a meal with his friends. [59] He also defeated Sokka, a very proficient swordsman in his own right and a fellow student of Piandao, with ease in multiple sparring matches. His inner turmoil, however, rendered him unable to achieve the required peace of mind, and his attempts to produce lightning would only explode in his face. [28] He utilized what he had been taught to defeat Zhao, an older and more experienced master firebender. Iroh presented him with the Crown Prince headpiece, an ancient royal artifact, traditionally worn by the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation and given to Roku by Sozin in their youth. [40] He fought somewhat better during the Confrontation at Tu Zin; in a three-way battle with Azula and Aang, he exchanged several fire blasts with his sister and kept the Avatar on the defensive. Zuko eventually became so desperate and conflicted over the duties and pressures of being Fire Lord that he turned to his imprisoned father Ozai for advice on how to deal with the pressures of the title. When he chased him into Ozai's old family vacation home, Zuko created several lashes of fire to envelop his surroundings and augmented them to the shape of the hallway Aang was running through. [40] As they lived as fugitives, they struggled to live off the land, with Iroh starting to panhandle for money, and Zuko stealing from others disguised as the Blue Spirit. However, as the others prepared to head toward the temple, he prepared Druk to head back home toward the Fire Nation to protect Izumi in case Zaheer would target her next. Zuko wanted the repairs done quickly so they would not lose the Avatar's trail and warned Iroh not to mention the Avatar during their stay so no other firebender would start looking for him. Both Ozai and Hiroshi were ultimately imprisoned for their actions. Prince Zuko's Entire Backstory Explained - Looper When he and Aang needed to enter a specific room in the Sun Warrior ruins, Zuko was able to outsmart the celestial calendar by using his dual dao swords to reflect the sun's rays on the sunstone at the correct angle, activating the mechanism to open the doors. He climbed up a mountain in the middle of the storm, intent on accomplishing the task. Avatar Best Zuko Quotes - Game Rant This was not to save Aang, but so that he could personally be the one to deliver the Avatar to the Fire Lord. Zuko manages to escape the Fire Nation and leaves to find the Avatar and join the Avatar's group to stop his father once and for all.
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