Driving is a seemingly innocuous part of modern life and, for many, has become second nature. Webrisky driving episode. Even in small amounts, alcohol can affect a drivers reaction time and driving ability. 1589815908, 2022. Advertised example rates are returned based on the driver's self-reported data and the driver meeting certain criteria. Among them, the hierarchical clustering method has the advantages of easy discovery of hierarchical relations between clusters and flexible implementation [45]. (6)Calculation of indicator weights. Wearing a seat belt reduces the risk of serious injury or death in a crash by up to 50 percent. 26, pp. However, the influence of this new secondary driving task on drivers visual characteristics is still unclear, and there is a lack of corresponding supervision. There were 697 drowsy-driving-related crashes in 2019. 2: Drug-impaired driving Risky driving behavior No. The RCPA of the drivers in different driving states under two traffic conditions was calculated, as shown in Figure 8. K. Leighton, S. Kardong-Edgren, T. Schneidereith, and C. Foisy-Doll, Using social media and snowball sampling as an alternative recruitment strategy for research, Clinical Simulation in Nursing, vol. P. Gershon, K. R. Sita, C. M. Zhu et al., Distracted driving, visual inattention, and crash risk among teenage drivers, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. Subsequent 28 Apr 2023 20:14:07 Its 2020 study of serious or fatally injured road users suggests that the prevalence of alcohol, cannabinoids and opioids increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. Risky Driving Behaviors Finally, Section 6 provides an overview discussion of the research results and suggests further research directions. Finally, the grey correlation analysis was used to quantify the sensitivity of three driving states affecting VSC under different traffic conditions, and the correlation degrees of different driving states were consistent with the variation rule of mean VSC, which further verified the validity of VSC on the risk assessment results of driving states. In order to analyze the stability of drivers visual information processing in different driving states and evaluate the negative impact of different driving states on driving safety based on microscopic visual characteristics indicators, the comprehensive scores of drivers visual characteristics indicators in different driving states under two traffic conditions were calculated, respectively, based on the objective weighting results of the improved CRITIC method, which were defined as the visual stability coefficient (VSC) of drivers. In this article, we investigated the influence of the combined effect of traffic conditions and driving states on drivers visual behavior by constructing four visual characteristics indicators, IEFA, saccade amplitude, PARSV, and RCPA, combined with descriptive statistics and ANOVA methods. All Rights Reserved. Our websites do not, and are not intended to, provide a comprehensive list of all companies that may provide the products and services you are seeking. The decision matrix is constructed as follows: Determine the reference sequence and comparison sequence. Drivers use visual search information to perform speed control, turning, lane changing, and other operations. To join, visit AAA.com. The rankings and listings of our reviews, tools and all other content are based on objective analysis, and we fully own our opinions. L. Ocampo, J. L. Aro, S. S. Evangelista et al., Composite ecotourism potential index based on an integrated stochastic CRITIC-weighted sum method, Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 56, pp. risky driving behavior (2)Determine the reference sequence and comparison sequence. During driving, the main fixation area for drivers to obtain traffic information was the road ahead, so the clustering center of the road area ahead was taken as the centroid of the whole fixation area, and the distance of each fixation point from the centroid was divided into different intervals with a step size of 100px to reflect the offset degree of drivers fixation points. 3, pp. Risky Driving Behaviors We as humans behave the way we do for one reason: to get what we need and want. J. L. Harbluk, Y. I. Noy, P. L. Trbovich, and M. Eizenman, An on-road assessment of cognitive distraction: impacts on drivers visual behavior and braking performance, Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. Due to the differences in density and importance of the information contained in different areas of the driving visual field, drivers often adopt the visual search pattern of selective attention [43]. To join, visit AAA.com. In the free flow, different types of cell phone call operations had the opposite influence on the IEFA, while the saccade amplitude, PARSV, and RCPA all showed an increasing trend compared to the normal driving state, and the above four types of indicators in congested flow all showed an increasing trend compared to normal driving. 114235114245, 2021. 730735, 2018. The smartphones used in the driving missions were equipped with the WeChat chat application. 54, no. Euclidean distance was used to establish the distance matrix of the dataset, and the UPGMA algorithm was used to calculate the distance between the two clusters to complete the hierarchical aggregation process. The equipment consisted of a simulated cockpit, a scenario display equipment, and an operation control platform. Figure 7 shows that the size and distribution of pupil area varied from person to person. They occur most frequently between midnight and 6 a.m. or late afternoon. 17861798, 2022. Survey data also showed that emotional distraction, drowsiness and work-related stress all play significant roles in unsafe driving behaviors. The IEFA of the drivers in different driving states under two traffic conditions was calculated, as shown in Figure 4. WebAffecting Risky Driver Behavior. Driving Behavior The NHTSA says alcohol level is measured by the weight of the alcohol in a specific volume of blood, which is called Blood Alcohol Concentration, or BAC. 161165, 2021. For instance, occupational injuries and traffic accidents stem from overlooking long-term fatigue. 493, pp. Bad Behavior: Drivers Know Its Wrong, But Many Do It Anyway The calculation equation of indicator conflict is as follows:where denotes the conflict of the th indicator, and denote the mean values of the th and th evaluation indicators, respectively, and denotes the Pearson correlation coefficient. Communication: The Key to Understanding Behaviors WebRT @linda72135856: No ones life should be at risk when simple, honest mistakes are made, e.g., ringing the wrong doorbell, driving into someones driveway, delivering food to the wrong address, etc. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has identified six risky driving behaviors. X. Yang, F. Wang, Y. Wang, T. Zhao, C. Gao, and X. Hu, Are pupils the window of our mind? Alcohol creates a sense of false confidence which can lead to risk-taking behaviour behind the wheel. Intentional red-light running (48%) vs alcohol-only (32%) Texting while driving (40%) vs. alcohol-only (21%) Unsurprisingly, the study found drivers who neither 8, pp. T. A. Dingus, F. Guo, S. Lee et al., Driver crash risk factors and prevalence evaluation using naturalistic driving data, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. They often involve only a single driver (and no passengers) running off the road at a high rate of speed with no evidence of braking. The analysis of the impact of cell phone call operations on driving safety was combined with the demand for driving attention due to the complexity of traffic conditions and also provided scenario modeling experience for studies related to distracted driving behavior. 26362641, 2016. 47, pp. Editorial Integrity - Why you should trust us? About the Data Comparison of drivers VSC for each driving state in different traffic conditions. P. Hancock, M. Mouloua, and J. Senders, On the philosophical foundations of the distracted driver and driving distraction, Driver Distraction, Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, UK, 2008. * Subject to available cellular network coverage. Drivers in the UAE engage in risky behaviours and they are highly distracted. 2672, no. This indicates that when the drivers were in the distracted driving state, the visual cognitive resources were occupied to different degrees, and the driving load increased, so they could not effectively obtain road information and needed to adopt the compensatory behavior of expanding the saccade amplitude to adapt to the surrounding environment to ensure driving safety. 10, p. 6241, 2022. People are using their drive time as an opportunity to Combined with the results of the sampling survey, set =0.3 and set =10%. In summary, most of the current distracted driving research on cell phone operations focuses on traditional call methods. Driving when so tired, it was hard to keep your eyes open (96%) Driving while typing or sending a text message or an email (96%) Yet these same drivers text Can you name them all? Y. Yao, X. Zhao, X. Feng, and J. Rong, Assessment of secondary tasks based on drivers' eye-movement features, IEEE Access, vol. AAA encourages drivers to maintain a cool head and focus on reaching their destination safely. You may have wanted to get the work done on time and thought that was a value we needed from you, but I can see the effect of the behavior, and it put people at risk. 6: Drowsy driving, car insurance rates may increase after a DUI, The Governors Highway Safety Association has a map. 130, 2022. In automated driving, risk describes potential harm to passengers of an autonomous vehicle (AV) and other road users. Therefore, driving distraction is a major factor affecting the safety of the road traffic system [1416]. The subjects drove the SV from the starting point through different traffic flow scenarios and drove to specific locations to trigger secondary driving tasks, including hands-free calls and video calls, with content designed to be mathematical calculations of equal difficulty. The test consisted of a pretest and a formal test. About 28 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes every day. With traffic deaths on the rise, psychologists are being called on 4: Not using seat belts, Risky driving behavior No. 3, pp. 119, pp. Risky Driving Behaviors : Car Safety - Carjunky Firstly, four visual characteristics indicators that were highly sensitive to traffic conditions and driving states were selected in terms of visual field range, visual recognition, visual search, and visual load, which were the information entropy of fixation area (IEFA), saccade amplitude, peak-to-average ratio of saccade velocity (PARSV), and relative change intensity of pupil area (RCPA). 42, no. By calculating the correlation coefficient between evaluation indicators and taking the absolute value, the conflict between indicators is measured. Distracted driving refers to the behavior of drivers who voluntarily or involuntarily allocate their attention to other secondary tasks unrelated to the main driving task during driving [1], causing drivers visual and cognitive resources to be occupied to varying degrees, reducing drivers environmental perception, decision-making ability, and Webphones sometimes or often while driving are more likely to drive 10 mph over the limit on local roads than people who rarely or never use the cell phone while driving. In 2019, 10,142 people died in drunken-driving crashes. The saccade amplitude of all drivers was counted, as shown in Figure 5. The mean IEFA in the video call state surged compared with the normal driving state, with growth rates of 18.82% and 18.54% in free flow and congested flow, respectively. In contrast, most drivers were in a state of visually distracted during the video call, the driving load surged, so the search range needed to be expanded for safety compensation. Laura is an award-winning editor with experience in content and communications covering auto insurance and personal finance. This is quite a bold statement, I know, but it is pure science, the science of behavior. In the two traffic conditions, the mean VSC of drivers in the cell phone operation state generally decreased compared to the normal driving state, with a lower decrease rate in the hands-free call state, 4.80% and 2.86% in free flow and congested flow, respectively, while the decrease rates of the mean VSC in video call state reached 28.46% and 25.05%, respectively, further indicating that the impact of video call operation on drivers driving safety is significantly higher than that of hands-free call. According to government data, alcohol and marijuana are the most widely used drugs in the United States 139.8 million people aged 12 or older reported drinking alcohol in the past month, and 43.5 million reported using marijuana in the past year. The test adopted a two-factor design to develop two urban expressway simulation scenarios, free flow and congested flow, for subjects to complete two secondary driving tasks, video call and hands-free call. The larger is, the more information the indicator contains, the greater the importance in the evaluation system, and the higher the weight assigned. ( 2012 ) and modified by the author consistent with Indonesian context. Du, Improvement of analytic hierarchy process based on grey correlation model and its engineering application, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part A-Civil Engineering, vol. 4, pp. Section 4 analyzes the influence of the coupling effect of traffic conditions and cell phone call modes on drivers' visual characteristics. 14, no. This industry-leading, ultra-precise MV+AI triggers in-cab alerts that empower drivers to recognize their own risky driving habits and self-correct in the moment. The correlation degrees of different driving states were consistent with the variation rule of mean VSC, which further verified the validity of the assessment results of VSC. There were 697 drowsy-driving-related crashes in 2019, according to the NHTSA. 21, no. Speeding is a top contributor to crashes along Americas roadways and is a type of aggressive driving, which has been on the rise. Risk Assessment of Distracted Driving Behavior Based on Visual With the continuous innovation and development of intelligent terminals and communication technologies, the equipment of various electronic devices in the car provides convenience and simultaneously makes the potential sources of distraction for drivers continue to grow, and the demand for multitasking significantly increases [5, 6]. 7, pp. 101, Article ID 103692, 2022. 3: Distracted driving Risky driving L. Qin, Y. Shi, Y. N. M. Yusoff, R. F. Ahmad, C. Guillet, A. S. Malik, N. M. Saad, and F. Merienne, Selection of measurement method for detection of driver visual cognitive distraction: a review, IEEE Access, vol. 55, pp. 54, no. The maximum value of the data in each row of the decision matrix is selected to form the reference sequence, as shown in equation (10). Compensation may impact where the Sponsors appear on this website (including the order in which they appear). Anthony Yarus on Twitter: "RT @linda72135856: No ones life 11, p. 1805, 2016. The most common distraction research is on cell phone call operations, which is a continuous and cumulative distraction process, and the research usually focuses on hand-held and hands-free calls. L. Guadron, A. J. van Opstal, and J. Goossens, Speed-accuracy tradeoffs influence the main sequence of saccadic eye movements, Scientific Reports, vol. Stress and Emotional Strain While not often discussed in correlation with driving, stress and emotional strain can have a major impact on decision-making, reaction time and situational awareness. and (mm2) are the pupil area at time and time when the driver is in the free driving state which is not affected by the road speed limit and other vehicles in the pretest, and is the sample size taken in the 30s data window of the pretest. Cell phone call operations during driving can lead to distraction and cause potential safety hazards. The limitation of this study is that the driving risk of distracted states was only assessed in terms of the drivers visual behavior, and the influence of individual attribute characteristics such as the drivers age and driving experience was not considered. According to the calculation results of VSC, the K-means clustering method was used to classify drivers VSC into four categories and determine the interval range of four visual stability types [57]. Our Best Fleet Forward newsletter delivers monthly insights on fleet management. (5)Calculation of indicator information quantity. Considering the indicator variability and conflict, the information quantity of the th evaluation indicator can be calculated by equation (7). 537541, 2021. The grey correlation coefficient of different driving states in FFS and CFS. Prevalence of Self-Reported Impaired Driving Behaviors in Relation to Alcohol and Marijuana Use in a Sample of 2,710 U.S. According to the evaluation criteria of visual stability based on the cluster analysis, the percentage of drivers VSC in each interval for different traffic conditions and driving states is shown in Figure 9. NICHD - Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development He, and Z. Zhang, Structural multi-objective topology optimization and application based on the criteria importance through intercriteria correlation method, Engineering Optimization, vol. The equation for calculating the variation coefficient of the indicator is as follows:where denotes the variation coefficient of the th evaluation indicator, is standard deviation, and is the mean value. According to the division range of visual stability types, the heatmap of the VSC of each driver in different driving states was drawn, as shown in Figure 10. This results in drivers taking greater accountability over improving their safety and compliance, while immediately reducing risk. The one-way ANOVA was conducted on the saccade amplitude, and as shown in Table 5, the differences in saccade amplitude in different driving states under different traffic conditions were significant. WebAvoid the Six Most Unsafe Driving Behaviors unsafe Driving behavior #1: improper speed Remember: For every 10 mph (16 kph) over 50 mph (80 kph), the risk of death in a Fixation area division based on hierarchical clustering of fixation points. Here are the three most common factors in drowsy-driving crashes: NHTSA Distracted Driving Dangers and Statistics, NHTSA Drowsy Driving: How to Avoid Falling Asleep Behind the Wheel, NHTSA Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities for the First 9 Months (JanuarySeptember) of 2022, NHTSA The Economic and Societal Impact of Motor Vehicle Crashes, 2019. risky behavior But it goes beyond texting and handheld cell phone usage it can be talking to people in your vehicle, eating and drinking or using your vehicles entertainment or navigation system. Increased potential for loss of vehicle control. Driving Risk AAA opposes the legalization of recreational marijuana because of its inherent traffic safety risks and the difficulties in writing legislation that protects the public and treats drivers fairly. Therefore, the test recruited 18 nonprofessional drivers as subjects, aged from 24 to 51years (mean value is 33.2, and the standard deviation is 9.8). Learn how our award-winning technology powers flexible solutions that help fleets achieve lasting results with minimal effort. WebThe present study aimed the adaptation of the Driving Log, a questionnaire that assesses aggressive and risky driving behaviors in a day by day basis, with 395 Spanish participants. One-way ANOVA of the influence of driving state on saccade amplitude. Currently, the design of distracted driving scenarios for cell phone operation focuses on basic test scenarios such as highways, rural roads, and urban roads, which usually control single traffic conditions for test studies [32]. The clustering analysis method can gradually improve the clustering effect through several iterations and applies to large sample data [44], so it is suitable for the division of the fixation region. These behaviors include drunk driving, drug 16831706, 2020. Read about the penalties for talking and texting on a cell phone while driving. The subjects were ensured to have a normal diet and rest without alcohol or drugs for 24h before the test while avoiding strenuous exercise. The main equipment of the test included a driving simulator, an eye movement information acquisition device, and a smartphone required to perform the secondary tasks, as shown in Figure 1. 23, no. 128, no. 6, pp. 210221, 2018. Note: Percentages include responses of a few times, fairly often, or regularly., * DUI refers to self-reported driving under the influence, not being charged with a DUI by law enforcement. Combined with the mechanical division method, the fixation area was divided into six parts, in which: A is the left rear view mirror; B is the road ahead, which is the main focus area during driving; C is the distant areas of the road ahead; D is the vehicle dashboard area; E is the cell phone placement area of the central console; and F is the right rear view mirror. Therefore, the hierarchical clustering method combined with the mechanical division method was used to divide the drivers fixation area. All the subjects held valid driving licenses, normal visual function, naked eye or corrected visual acuity above 4.8, and driving experience of more than two years (mean value is 8.4, the standard deviation is 5.9). 1, p. 10, 2022. Section 3 introduces the concepts and analysis steps of the improved CRITIC weighting model and the grey correlation analysis method. A July 2009 VTTI study shows that above all, texting is one of the most dangerous behaviors a driver can engage in. Here are the NHTSAs consequences of speeding: Speeding can affect your auto insurance rates as well drivers will pay rates of 22% to 30% higher premiums on average following a speeding ticket and these rates could be in effect for three years. 22, no. Finally, we constructed VSC as a new indicator for visual characteristics evaluation based on the weight calculation theory and established the evaluation criteria for visual stability, which can help to accurately quantify the stability of drivers visual attention and information processing under the coupling effect of traffic conditions and driving states, and comprehensively assess the risk bias of drivers states from the visual level, in order to provide the theoretical basis for the correction of drivers visual behaviors and driving safety. Then, based on the improved CRITIC method, the visual stability coefficient (VSC) was constructed as a new indicator to comprehensively assess the risk level of the driving state, and the assessment criteria were divided. W. Fan, Z. Xu, B. Wu, Y. We have an advertising relationship with some of the offers included on this page. Lytx connects all the dots to reveal a clear and actionable view of your fleet that helps you and your drivers save time, reduce costs, improve safety, and deliver the very best for your customers. 16, no. 34, no. Risky traffic behavior includes participation in illegal high-speed competitions (street racing), driving without driving license or ignoring traffic police signals, non-compliance with traffic legislation, and alcohol abuse in various social situations, indirectly linked to driving ( Meinhard, 2019 ). 454468, 2012. Avoid the Six Most Unsafe Driving Behaviors 2019, Article ID 1628417, 12 pages, 2019. In the traditional CRITIC method, the variability of indicators is represented by standard deviation, and the larger the standard deviation of data, the stronger the variability is represented and the higher the weight is assigned; the conflict of indicators is quantified by the correlation coefficient, and the larger value of the correlation coefficient between indicators, the smaller the conflict, and the more overlapping information the indicators contain, the lower the weight is assigned [3438].
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