Information requirements are all information elements the commander and staff require to successfully conduct operations; that is, all elements necessary to address the factors of METT-TC. TTPs include battle drills and tactical actions that lend themselves to standardized execution, such as refuel-on-the-move site operations. : The last part of a PIR is the Specific Information Requirement (SIR). The relative impact of each category may vary, but the commander and C2 system consider them all. They also identify the key communicators and the formal and informal processes used to influence people. It is useful to separate people into distinct categories. B-40. It also tells the higher headquarters that helping you answer your PIR helps them answer theirs potentially making them more willing to assist you. The commander and staff must address exceptional information before the operation can continue. In those cases, commanders may designate that question as one of their CCIR, which generates PIR or FFIR. Have environmental radiation measurements been accomplished in the affected area(s)? Using the example PIR above How will the Donovian commander use his fixing forces? and previously developed enemy courses of action, EEIs are used to identify all the possible locations the Donovian commander could feasibly use his fixing forces during his attack. Social, political, religious, or criminal enclaves. Observation is the condition of weather and terrain that permits a force to see the friendly, enemy, and neutral personnel and systems, and key aspects of the environment. The source used by the data collector. What is the behavioral health bed status in the affected and surrounding areas/ status of NDMS? Unlike information that answers CCIR, exceptional information is neither published nor explicitly stated. Number of hospitals, dialysis centers, residential long-term care facilities, etc. Michigan Department of Education (04/17/17) ELA Essential Elements Grade 6 Target Essential Element Michigan Range of Complexity High Range Medium Range Low Range Michigan Grade 6 Standard for ELA: RL.6.3: Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the The approach intentionally privileges productive language skills "from the beginning," she says. Status of progress? For example, an enemy breaching element will likely have with it some sort of engineer asset designed for clearing obstacles. These EEI refine the Priority Intelligence Requirement. What are the illness and injury surveillance needs and capabilities of the potentially affected state(s)? B-20. B-45. Commanders base their decisionmaking on their situational understanding, using the COP and recommendations from staff running estimates. Scholars have divided the study of geography into six parts called "The Six Essential Elements of Geography." A geographically informed person knows: 1. Just as hardware cannot function without software, software cannot function without data. Some experts list five basic elements of a CBIS: hardware, software, data, procedures and people. This transformation includes developing and maintaining staff running estimates. ART Identify Essential Elements of Friendly Information ART Identify Essential Elements of Friendly Information Identify friendly vulnerabilities that are. Transmitted directly to the commander as quickly as possible by whatever means are immediately available. SAMSHA for consultation and technical assistance. The answer to this PIR ends up being, the Donovian commander will commit his breach against 1-24INs battle positions. A CBIS may use a single computer or thousands. Commanders do not command civilian organizations in their AOs. When commanders achieve situational understanding, they see patterns emerging from events in the area of interest. The Information Cell is responsible for completion of the matrix with the assistance of the Department/Agency (D/A) or OPDIV/STAFFDIV identified to provide input. B-16. The human body on the left uses the same . Usually reports have a prescribed purpose and format. What is the status of behavioral health care facilities in the affected communities? (See paragraphs 3-39-3-73.) An air force unit might have the following EEI about SA-20 batteries: A medical crisis manager might have the following EEIs:[5]. Answers to CCIR must be immediately reported to the commander by any means available. Software, the second element of a CBIS, is what tells the hardware how to function. (The joint definition of information requirements [IRs] includes only intelligence requirements; the Army definition encompasses all RI.) Identification of EEFI is the first action in the operations security (OPSEC) process, which commanders use to determine measures to protect this information (OPSEC measures). Commanders consider the effects of their decisions and their forces' actions on public opinion. These changed IRs produce changes to collection taskings. Beyond that, more RI can help commanders achieve mission success at reduced cost; however, waiting for that RI may carry an unacceptable cost in timeliness. These are two distinct questions that have a positive or negative answer. The EEI are specific to a particular event, thing, or other target individual. Percentage of individuals with disabilities, under 18, rely on electricity dependent medical equipment, etc. CCIR and IR are the categories used to prioritize collection asset allocation and information processing within the C2 system. Weather effects are classified as direct and indirect: B-31. This is the information part of an information system, and whether that is statistical data, sets of instructions, lists of names or even graphics and animations, it is all key to a CBIS. And critical replenishment points? Commanders and staffs can recognize relationships among events in the area of interest, discern the way the enemy thinks, and forecast what he might do. How to write an Excellent Information Report - Literacy Ideas B-9. The components that allow one computer to communicate with another are hardware and are controlled by software. They must be specific and measurable.They should also help highlight recovery issues and barriers to recovery.. What Are the Six Elements of an Information System? Weather can create opportunities as well as difficulties for each side. This important but often overlooked aspect of the PIR can help the collection manager to properly assign collectors. Cold weather slows both soldiers and machines; however, it freezes water and allows movement across normally wet areas that are otherwise difficult to pass. The staff allocates resources first to answer CCIR, then to PIRs and FFIR, and only then to the remaining IRs. It is passed to the commander by the fastest possible means. In this example the EEIs for this PIR would look something like, Will the Donovian commander use his fixing force against Alpha Company in Granite pass? or Will the Donovian commander use his fixing force against Charlie Company in the Central Corridor?. However, information alone has no meaning. If the military's mission is to support civil authorities, civil considerations define the mission. The Importance of Priority Intelligence Requirements to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC) and the Intelligence Apparatus. in Other Languages. However some operations require achieving unity of effort between them and the force. Information, in the general sense, is the meaning humans assign to data. Of all RI, intelligence (RI on the enemy and environment) is inherently the most uncertain; therefore the G-2 (S-2) carefully manages collection. What activates, operations, transnational organizations, networks, and/or entities within Atropia pose the greatest threat to regional security/stability? B-30. Discounting these can tax the resources of follow-on elements. Effective commanders use weather and climate to their advantage. Avenues of Approach. This is a template for an RDD response Information Collection Plan (ICP). Others-such as, churches, mosques, national libraries, and hospitals-are cultural sites that international law or other agreements generally protect. B-14. This appendix expands the discussion of information in chapter 3. It is preferable to distribute the plan prior to the start of the next operational period to allow providing agencies and elements planning and acquisition time.Instructions for Completion of ESF #8 Essential Elements of Information (EEI) Worksheet for Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Response Prior to distributing the ICP, the Information Cell should select the EEIs that are to be collected for the Operating Period specified. What is the State/Local policy for allowing citizens/people to return home? Examples of events precipitated by military forces include combat operations, deployments, redeployments, and paydays. Unexpected, unplanned, and situation-dependent. Commanders analyze a mission in terms of the intent of the two higher commanders and their concepts of operations. Obstacles fall into two categories: existing and reinforcing. US, Mexican leaders have strong opinions, Policy Brief: Emerging Transnational Organized Crime Threats in Latin America: Converging Criminalized Markets & Illicit Vectors, Maximizing the potential of American irregular warfare in strategic competition, Opinion: Dont blur the lines by calling Mexican drug cartels terrorist organizations, Armed Conflicts Spread Contaminated Water and Disease: Heres How to Better Protect Civilians, Deterring the Next Invasion: Applying the Accumulation of Events Theory to Cyberspace, TThe next big threat to AI might already be lurking on the web, Migrant Caravans: A Deep Dive Into Mass Migration through Mexico and the Effects of Immigration Policy, Managing Risk for Special Operations Forces in Large-Scale Combat Operations, The grey zone: Russia's military, mercenary and criminal engagement in Africa, Deadly Rio de Janeiro: Armed Violence and the Civilian Burden, North Koreas Political Warfare Strategy Has Failed: ROK U.S. Alliance Needs A Superior Strategy. "Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operations", "Michigan EEI Template, Healthcare response worksheet", "The Importance of Priority Intelligence Requirements to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC) and the Intelligence Apparatus",, "what is the current location of the adversary SA-20 battery?". What is the current Common Operating Picture on federal behavioral health assets deployed in support of HHS ESF#8. At this point, a product useful for decisionmaking forms. EEIs should be added or deleted to the ICP for each operational period depending on the specific circumstances and phase of response. Commanders also consider the consequences of using it.| Finally, multiple forms of knowledge distill under judgment into understanding. Parallel planning can help make the most of time available. Commanders base their situational understanding on the COP. It provides a means for communicating a clearly understood vision of an operation and its desired outcome that guides subordinates as they carry out decisions. A PIR is composed of four parts which build upon each other. Commanders consider cover and concealment to identify potential friendly and enemy locations. Commanders can save more time by using standing operating procedures (SOPs), tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), and habitual relationships. Use Audience Segmentation Wrap Up Why Send an Introduction Email? They also consider the missions of adjacent units to understand their contributions in relation to their own units. What is the projected requirement for aeromedical evacuation (ambulatory and non-ambulatory), including at-risk population? B-60. What measures are State and local officials taking to accommodate inbound relief traffic in light of possible evacuation route (counter flow)? Consequently, commanders never assume their operations will unfold as planned. NIMS Management Characteristic - Information and Intelligence Management Just as hardware cannot function without software, software cannot function without data. What is the status of safety and security of human drugs, biologics, medical devices, and veterinary drugs in the affected area? It is treated as an answer to one of the CCIR and reported to the commander immediately by any method available. Using this example lets say the collection manager assigned a Shadow Unmanned Aerial System to observe a Named Area of Interest to the front of 1-24INs and 1-5INs battle positions, and a Scout Platoon Observation Post is in front of 3-21INs position. Different COAs may have different key terrain associated with them. What is the plan for behavioral health surveillance during/after the operation? Are CDC health physicists alerted to deploy for field dosimetry and consultation in victim decontamination? The activities of a force-or individual members of a force-can have far-reaching effects on the legitimacy of all military operations-offense, defense, stability, or support. Using the indicators reported by the Shadow and JSTARS the analyst has determined that EEIs 1,2, and 3 have been answered. The SIR is where the analyst can identify those requirements. B-72. When will DHS/FEMA identify staging bases? Does the potentially affected state(s) need behavioral health care support in advance of RDD event; If yes, what are the detailed requirements (what is needed, where, and when, etc.?). In almost every case, military forces have more resources than civilian organizations. With responsibility in most cases for an entire continent, Army Service Components must accurately prioritize their information requirements or risk being overwhelmed by information. Commanders ensure their soldiers understand that a tactically successful operation can also be operationally or strategically counterproductive because of the way in which they execute it or how the people perceive its execution. B-51. Commanders evaluate their observation capabilities for electronic and optical line-of-sight surveillance systems, as well as for unaided visual observation. Where is the enemy and what is he going to do? It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. They focus on the ones most relevant to the situation. By definition, the force cannot accomplish its mission without seizing and retaining decisive terrain. Cover is protection from the effects of fires. The Importance of Priority Intelligence Requirements to the Army B-35. Large amounts of RI are collected as a routine part of operations. Easier said than done. The commander and staff consider RI for each category in all military operations. Two small fixing forces are moving towards 1-5IN and 3-21INs position and the larger breaching force indicated by its size and composition is headed towards 1-24INs position. What staging areas are being used by Federal responders? It addresses the following related concepts: the cognitive hierarchy of information, relevant information categories by subject (METT-TC) and by usage, information management categories, and relevant information quality criteria. Commanders may know what is happening and why. : Will the Donovian commander commit his breaching force against 1-5IN in Alpha/Bravo pass? This requires the commander and subordinate commanders to share an accurate situational understanding. The source of execution information is the commander's decisions. It is essential to identifying exceptional information. Using a structure for military purposes often competes with civilian requirements for it. All CCIR are not tied to decision points; however, some CCIR may support one or more decision points. Weather and climate have direct and indirect effects on tactical operations. They may transmit exceptional information, answers to the CCIR, and routine information. As with organizations, people may be indigenous or introduced from outside the AO. This page is not available in other languages. A field of fire is the area that a weapon or group of weapons may cover effectively from a given position (JP 1-02). It is designed to provide a reference document for the Emergency Management Group (EMG) Information Cell when collecting information regarding RDD response. The six most common elements of life on Earth (including more than 97% of the mass of a human body) are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur and phosphorus. They also consider time with respect to the enemy: time available is always related to the enemy's ability to plan, prepare, and execute operations, and react effectively to friendly actions. See Regional Analysis and Louisiana Recovery Plan for facilities sheltering in place. The term includes all civilians within an AO as well as those outside the AO whose actions, opinions, or political influence can affect the mission. Time-sensitive. Civil considerations comprise the influence of manmade infrastructure, civilian institutions, and attitudes and activities of the civilian leaders, populations, and organizations within an area of operations on the conduct of military operations. What systems are in place to distribute necessary supplies, equipment and support for infrastructure deficits? Once the Priority Intelligence Requirement has been broken down into its component parts and the collection assets have been assigned to collect against the requirement the organization can begin the process of answering the PIR. B-62. Areas defined by political boundaries, such as, districts within a city or municipalities within a region. Have evacuation/relocation sites been identified? Essential elements of information (EEI) is any critical intelligence information required by intelligence consumers to perform their mission. Commanders apply their judgment to information from the COP and running estimates to achieve situational understanding. In this case, the location and movement of the friendly reserve are EEFI. Commanders use rehearsals to fit TTPs to the situation. Product includes:- Choice board activity (9 boxes, 3 custom Newsela text sets, descriptions of the Six Essential Elements)- Rubric (Printable on one page or half-sheet)Word document allows you to customize directions and boxes to your students' levels. These teams regularly update terrain information to reflect the effects of combat, as well as of nature. In order to focus the intelligence enterprise, the MIB (T) and the G2 use Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) as its main driver to focus the intelligence apparatus. (See FM 101-5-2.) EEIs are also used in non-intelligence fields, such as responders to crisis events or medical emergencies. PDF ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS FOR GRADE 6: ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS - Michigan Essential elements of friendly information. Terrain also includes environmental considerations, that is, the spectrum of environmental media, resources, or programs that affect and are affected by operations. Effective staffs ensure that the vast amount of other information they collect is truly RI and not just nice to have. Slide 12 (Phase I - Plan and Direct) The analyst must know what information to look for, in this example the analyst must know what a fixing force is, what a fixing force typically is comprised of, and how the enemy deploys a fixing force either by their doctrine or by knowing how the enemy they are up against has used them in the past.
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