Decreasing costs of transport and communication have been a boon to rural areas, yet the quality of these infrastructures continues to be inconsistent. Wise, S., 2017: Virginia Governor declares state of emergency ahead of Hurricane Irma.. Christensen, N. L., 1981: Fire regimes in southeastern ecosystems. Figure 2. Hoegh-Guldberg, O., and J. F. Bruno, 2010: The impact of climate change on the world's marine ecosystems. During the 2010s, the number of nights with minimum temperatures greater than 75F was nearly double the long-term average for 19011960 (Figure 19.1), while the length of the freeze-free season was nearly 1.5 weeks greater than any other period in the historical record (Figure 19.2). NRCS, 2017: Plant profile: Allium tricoccum Aiton ramp. The freeze-free season lengthens by more than a month, and the frequency of freezing temperatures decreases substantially.20,21. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 518 pp. Multiple studies have projected that urban areas, including those in the Southeast, will be adversely affected by climate change in a variety of ways. Census Bureau, 2017: Press kit: County and Metro Area Population . The Southeast has more days with stagnant air masses than other regions of the country (40% of summer days) and higher levels of fine (small) particulate matter (PM2.5), which cause heart and lung disease.37 There is mixed evidence on the future health impacts of these pollutants. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, 312 pp. 6: Forests, KM 1 and KM 3).274, Wildfire is a well-known risk in the Southeast region, where it occurs with greater frequency than any other U.S. region.275 However, mitigation strategies, particularly the use of prescribed fire, can significantly reduce wildfire risk and have been widely adopted across rural communities in the Southeast.190 A doubling of prescribed fire at the landscape scale has been found to reduce wildfire ignitions by a factor of four,4 while it is well documented that prescribed fire reduces the potential for crown fire in treated forest stands.276With greater projected fire risks,191,277 more attention on how to foster fire-adapted communities offers opportunities for risk reduction (see Case Study Prescribed Fire and Key Message 3).278,279, Heat-related health threats are already a risk in outdoor jobs and activities. 743808. Hall, J. The rainfall sparked inland flooding that led to three dam breaches and the destruction of countless roads and homes (see Figure 19.13 showing flash flooding impacts to inland roads). Lower-income communities also usually have lower costs of living, which can help to offset this deficit. Monthly and seasonal fluctuations in high tide levels are caused by a combination of astronomical factors (sun and moon gravitational attraction) and non-astronomical factors such as geomorphology (landscape of the area), as well as meteorological (weather) conditions., . 8: Coastal, KM 1). Census Bureau, 2015: Press release: New Census Bureau Population Estimates Reveal Metro Areas and Counties That Propelled Growth in Florida and the Nation. For example, non-metropolitan Harnett County sits between metropolitan Wake County to the north and Cumberland County to the south, making work possible in cities from Raleigh and Fayetteville. Winter air temperature extremes (for example, freezing and chilling events) constrain the northern limit of many tropical and subtropical species.138,139,140,141,142,143,144 Certain ecosystems in the region are located near thresholds where small changes in winter air temperature regimes can trigger comparatively large and abrupt landscape-scale ecological changes (in other words, ecological regime shifts).135,145 Reductions in the frequency and intensity of cold winter air temperature extremes can allow tropical and subtropical species to move northward and replace more temperate species. Why do some coastal rural countries thrive while others struggle? There ishigh confidencethat flood risks willvery likelyincrease in coastal and low-lying regions of the Southeast due to rising sea level and an increase in extreme rainfall events. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, 1535 pp. Rep. WO-91. Parris, A., P. Bromirski, V. Burkett, D. Cayan, M. Culver, J. before making use of copyrighted material. Over the past 50 years, the resultant gross damage and lost wages have totaled more than $1.53 billion (dollar year not specified). B. Smith, W. Perkins, L. Jantarasami, and J. Martinich, 2015: Climate change risks to US infrastructure: Impacts on roads, bridges, coastal development, and urban drainage. Climatic conditions are currently suitable for adult mosquitoes of the species Aedes aegypti, which can spread dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses, across most of the Southeast from July through September (Figure 19.6), and cities in South Florida already have suitable conditions for year-round mosquito activity. Office of Sustainability, Louisville, KY, 24 pp. Privacy Policy Office of Community Development, 2018: Isle de Jean Charles Resettlement Project. SFRCCC, 2017: Regional Climate Action Plan 2.0 [web tool]. Sea level rise has put these transportation connection points at risk. The decline is due in large part to land loss and flooding driven by climate change, extreme weather, and unsustainable development practices, which stem from oil and gas production, extraction, and water-management practices.74 This process has resulted in family separation, spreading them across southern Louisiana.75 In addition, the Tribe continues to lose parts of its livelihood and culture, including sacred places, cultural sites and practices, healing plants, traditional foods, and lifeways.76, The Third National Climate Assessment77 discussed the initial plans for resettlement of the Isle de Jean Charles community. Pederson, N., A. W. D'Amato, J. M. Dyer, D. R. Foster, D. Goldblum, J. L. Hart, A. E. Hessl, L. R. Iverson, S. T. Jackson, D. Martin-Benito, B. C. McCarthy, R. W. McEwan, D. J. Mladenoff, A. J. Parker, B. Shuman, and J. W. Williams, 2015: Climate remains an important driver of post-European vegetation change in the eastern United States. Other examples include Miami Beach, Florida, which has a multiyear, $500-million program to raise public roads and seawalls and improve storm water drainage.92 Norfolk, Virginia, has begun comprehensive planning to fix its high tide flooding issues.93 Biloxi, Mississippi, has put in place several adaptation strategies to lessen the future impacts, including enacting a new building code that requires elevating structures an additional one foot above the base flood elevation.94 Tybee Island, Georgia, has developed a sea level rise adaptation plan with recommendations to flood-proof a 5.5-mile stretch of their sole access causeway, replace two vulnerable bridges, and retrofit their existing storm water infrastructure to improve drainage.95 In response to the 2016 flooding, eight parishes in the Acadiana region of Louisiana came together to collaborate at a watershed level, pooling their federal hazard mitigation grant funding to support projects across the Teche-Vermilion watershed. For example, higher rates of heat-related illness have been reported in rural North Carolina compared to urban locations.280 However, strategies to reduce health impacts on hot days, such as staying indoors or altering times outdoors, are already contributing to reducing heat-related illness in the Southeast.281, Workers in the agriculture, forestry, hunting, and fishing sectors together with construction and support, waste, and remediation services work are the most highly vulnerable to heat-related deaths in the United States, representing almost 68% of heat-related deaths nationally.282 Six of the ten states with the highest occupational heat-related deaths in these sectors are in the Southeast region, accounting for 28.6% of occupational heat-related deaths between 2000 and 2010.282 By 2090, under a higher scenario (RCP8.5), the Southeast is projected to have the largest heat-related impacts on labor productivity in the country, resulting in average annual losses of 570 million labor hours, or $47 billion (in 2015 dollars, undiscounted), a cost representing a third of total national projected losses, although these figures do not include adaptations by workers or industries (Figure 19.21).35, Investing in increased cooling is one likely form of adaptation. As a result, MARTA has begun to identify vulnerable assets and prioritize improvements to develop a more resilient system.44. coastal plain Some figures and images are copyright protected. 2018. While 2017 tied the previous record year of 2011 for the total number of billion-dollar weather and climate disasters16the year broke the all-time previous record high costs by reaching $306.2 billion in damages (in 2017 dollars; $297 billion in 2015 dollars). Using bio-based and recycled materials in your finished products. Learn term:fishing = industry in the coastal plain region with free interactive flashcards. The core of the states peanut, cotton, and vegetable industry is here. High-amenity rural areas typically have experienced substantial economic and population growth. B., B. H. Lidz, J. H. Hudson, and J. S. Anderson, 2015: A century of ocean warming on Florida Keys coral reefs: Historic in situ observations. Sarofim, M. C., S. Saha, M. D. Hawkins, D. M. Mills, J. Hess, R. Horton, P. Kinney, J. Schwartz, and A. St. Juliana, 2016: Ch. As a result, Charleston has developed a Sea Level Rise Strategy that plans for 50 years out based on moderate sea level rise scenarios (Figure 19.10) and that reinvests in infrastructure, develops a response plan, and increases readiness.45 As of 2016, the City of Charleston has spent or set aside $235 million (in 2015 dollars) to complete ongoing drainage improvement projects (Figure 19.9) to prevent current and future flooding. Area > 290.00 km2 (111.97 sq mi) Population > 32,215 (2015 Census) Terrain > Mountainous with narrow Coastal Plain Industries > Agriculture, Trading, Tourism Major Products > Rice, Corn, Fish, Coconut, Vegetables, Pineapple, Poultry, Handicraft, Home-made Food Items People/Language > Tagalog, Bicolano, English There are many possible future wind and cloud cover conditions for the Southeast as well as the potential for continued shifts in land-use patterns, demographics and population geography, and vehicle and power plant emissions standards. Sugg, M. M., C. E. Konrad, and C. M. Fuhrmann, 2016: Relationships between maximum temperature and heat-related illness across North Carolina, USA. Bernatchez, A., and L. Lapointe, 2012: Cooler temperatures favour growth of wild leek (Allium tricoccum), a deciduous forest spring ephemeral. Williams, K., K. C. Ewel, R. P. Stumpf, F. E. Putz, and T. W. Workman, 1999: Sea-level rise and coastal forest retreat on the West Coast of Florida, USA. EPA 430R17001. While some climate change impacts, such as sea level rise and extreme downpours, are being acutely felt now, others, like increasing exposure to dangerous high temperatures, humidity, and new local diseases, are expected to become more significant in the coming decades. Under the higher scenario, nighttime minimum temperatures above 75F and daytime maximum temperatures above 95F become the summer norm and nights above 80F and days above 100F, now relatively rare occurrences, become commonplace. WebIndustries found in the Coastal Plains include processing, manufacturing and marketing products, mainly seafood and wood. Kunkel, A. Lascurain, D. Marcy, M. Osland, and P. Schramm, 2018: Southeast. NWS, 2016: The Historic South Carolina Floods of October 15, 2015. Le Bras, A. Lemonsu, N. Long, M. P. Moine, T. Morel, L. Nolorgues, G. Pigeon, J. L. Salagnac, V. Vigui, and K. Zibouche, 2014: Adapting cities to climate change: A systemic modelling approach. In Lenoir County, for example, manufacturing employs 25% of the workforce, whereas statewide this sector only employs 12% of the labor force1, and the countys population declined by 4.4% from 2010 to 2017. Burkett, M., R. R. M. Verchick, and D. Flores, 2017: Reaching higher ground: Avenues to secure and manage new land for communities displaced by climate change. NC Rural Health Research Program, 2017: Rural Hospital Closures: January 2010Present. Reductions in the frequency and intensity of cold winter temperature extremes are already allowing tropical and subtropical species to move northward and replace more temperate species. As a result, median household income in the rural counties closest to the coast Camden ($60,714), Dare ($54,787) and Carteret ($50,599) are all higher than the state average of $48,256.1. C3P, 2017: Carolinas Precipitation Patterns & Probabilities (C3P): An Atlas of Hydroclimate Extremes [web page]. USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS), Washington, DC, accessed March 14. Quia - Regions, Products, and Industries Throughout the southeastern United States, the impacts of sea level rise, increasing temperatures, extreme heat events, heavy precipitation, and decreased water availability continue to have numerous consequences for human health, the built environment, and the natural world. Dale, V. H., L. A. Joyce, S. McNulty, R. P. Neilson, M. P. Ayres, M. D. Flannigan, P. J. Hanson, L. C. Irland, A. E. Lugo, C. J. Peterson, D. Simberloff, F. J. Swanson, B. J. Today, even rural residents who engage in farming earn most of their incomes from off-farm employment. The remainder of the costs include $5 billion for infrastructure repairs and $1.5$2.0 billion for damage to the agricultural sector, also mainly in Florida. Gallo, A., 2016: Which Baton Rouge ZIP codes were hit hardest? North Carolina physical regions Beard, C. B., R. J. Eisen, C. M. Barker, J. F. Garofalo, M. Hahn, M. Hayden, A. J. Monaghan, N. H. Ogden, and P. J. Schramm, 2016: Ch. Coastal Plains Trucking, LLC What is the industries of the coastal plains? Center for Progressive Reform White Paper. Parker, L. E., and J. T. Abatzoglou, 2016: Projected changes in cold hardiness zones and suitable overwinter ranges of perennial crops over the United States. The Georgia Piedmont lies between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Upper Coastal Plain. The interactions of altered precipitation and natural disturbances will be important in understanding impacts to the forests not dominated by industrial forestry (Ch. Choose from 63 different sets of term:fishing = industry in the coastal plain region flashcards on Quizlet. The regions more temperate ecosystems include hardwood forests, spruce-fir forests, pine-dominated forests, and salt marshes. Abatzoglou, J. T., and A. P. Williams, 2016: Impact of anthropogenic climate change on wildfire across western US forests. Coastal communities in the Southeast are already experiencing impacts from higher temperatures, sea level rise, increased flooding, and extreme weather events.69,70,71,72 Several communities in the United States are already discussing the complexities of relocation; most are tribal and Indigenous communities.73 Some have chosen to stay in their homelands, while others have few options but to relocate (Ch. Tallahassee, FL, 113 pp. Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, Washington, DC, 19 pp. Twilley, R. R., S. J. Bentley, Q. Chen, D. A. Edmonds, S. C. Hagen, N. S.-N. Lam, C. S. Willson, K. Xu, D. Braud, R. Hampton Peele, and A. McCall, 2016: Co-evolution of wetland landscapes, flooding, and human settlement in the Mississippi River Delta Plain. Zhou, Y., and J. M. Shepherd, 2010: Atlanta's urban heat island under extreme heat conditions and potential mitigation strategies. Much of the Southeast regions coast is bordered by large expanses of salt marsh and barrier islands. Gray, R. Hardy, B. Brost, M. Bresette, J. C. Gorham, S. Connett, B. V. S. Crouchley, M. Dawson, D. Hayes, C. E. Diez, R. P. van Dam, S. Willis, M. Nava, K. M. Hart, M. S. Cherkiss, A. G. Crowder, C. Pollock, Z. Hillis-Starr, F. A. Muoz Tenera, R. Herrera-Pavn, V. Labrada-Martagn, A. Lorences, A. Negrete-Philippe, M. M. Lamont, A. M. Foley, R. Bailey, R. R. Carthy, R. Scarpino, E. McMichael, J. Since then, cities like Charleston, South Carolina, have started to invest in flood management activities (see Case Study Charleston, South Carolina, Begins Planning and Reinvesting). Piedmont Geographic Region 3: Water, KM 2).. Water utilities across the Southeast are preparing for these impacts. Sweet, W., J. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 144. Salary Search: Veterinary Assistant/Technician salaries in El Campo, TX. Columbia University Press, New York,. 9: Oceans, KM 1). FHWA-HEP-16-076. Tampa Bay Water, the largest wholesale water utility in the Southeast, is coordinating with groups including the Florida Water and Climate Alliance to study the impact of climate change on its ability to provide clean water in the future.46,47 Spartanburg Water, in South Carolina, is reinforcing the ability of the utility to cope with, and recover from disruption, trends and variability in order to maintain services.48 Similarly, the Seminole Tribe of Florida, which provides drinking and wastewater services, assessed flooding and sea level rise threats to their water infrastructure and developed potential adaptation measures.49 The development of green water infrastructure (using natural hydrologic features to manage water and provide environmental and community benefits), such as the strategies promoted in the City of Atlanta Climate Action Plan, is one way to adapt to future water management needs. The amount of unpredictability in future projected rates of sea level rise is likely caused by a range of future climate scenarios projections and rate of ice sheet mass changes. Sweet, W. V., R. Horton, R. E. Kopp, A. N. LeGrande, and A. Romanou, 2017: Sea Level Rise. Without significant adaptation measures, these regions are projected to experience daily high tide flooding by the end of the century. In the future, this flooding is projected to become more serious, disruptive, and costly as its frequency, depth, and inland extent grow with time (Ch. Labor-saving technologies in both industries have reduced the need for workers. Businesses locate where they can maximize profit, which often depends on regional uniqueness and comparative advantage. Cavanaugh, K. C., J. R. Kellner, A. J. Forde, D. S. Gruner, J. D. Parker, W. Rodriguez, and I. C. Feller, 2014: Poleward expansion of mangroves is a threshold response to decreased frequency of extreme cold events. Implementation of these strategies has already resulted in a reduction in water consumption in the city of Atlanta, relieving strain on the water utility and increasing resilience.50. Reuters Investigates. Lower Coastal Plain and Coastal Islands - New Georgia The depth of discussion for any particular topic and Key Message is dependent on the availability of supporting literature and chapter length limitations. Supplement to State of the Climate: National Overview for May 2016. The prolonged inundation and lack of oxygen that results from extreme rainfall can also result in mortality, such as the dieback of critical foundation plant species, and other large impacts to natural systems.233 In combination, future increases in the frequency and severity of both extreme drought and extreme rainfall are expected to transform many ecosystems in the Southeast region. NWS starts with the assumption that when the average outside temperature is 65F, heating or cooling is not needed in order to be comfortable. Rapid population growth with associated urbanization and suburbanization over the last several decades has resulted in a more fine-grained forest landscape with smaller and more numerous forest patches.254 Agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, and other major economic sectors are spread across the Southeast region. These climatic drivers play critical roles and greatly influence the distribution, structure, and functioning of ecosystems; hence, changes in these climatic drivers will transform ecosystems in the region and greatly alter the distribution and abundance of species. Summer increases in dengue cases are expected across every state in the Southeast. The ecosystems of the Mississippi River Delta provide at least $12$47 billion (in 2017 dollars) in benefits to people each year.155 These benefits include hurricane storm protection, water supply, furs, habitat, climate stability, and waste treatment. NOAA National Weather Service, Silver Spring, MD, various pp. These factors restrict the potential to strongly associate declines in agricultural and forest productivity with the level of potential economic impact. In fact, the economic structures of rural places increasingly mirror their urban counterparts. 7: Ecosystems). Flooding events are highly variable in both space and time. Pierce, D. W., D. R. Cayan, and B. L. Thrasher, 2014: Statistical downscaling using Localized Constructed Analogs (LOCA). High rainfall totals were experienced in many impacted areas, with Fort Pierce, Florida, receiving the highest rainfall of more than 21.5 inches100 and the Florida Keys receiving 12 inches of rain.84,102 Flooding occurred on most rivers in northern Florida and in many rivers in both Georgia and South Carolina to the point that rescues were required.
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