r/psychology on Reddit: The price of being single: An explorative study In introduction sections, all studies described an objective, but only 17/27 (63%) of studies stated a directional hypothesis. Study designs included both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, with only one randomized longitudinal study identified [14]. psychiatric service dogs for posttraumatic stress disorder or autism spectrum disorder). We found that similar to the range of study characteristics observed, there was considerable variation in the methodological rigor of included studies. The study of nonhuman animals has actually played a huge role in psychology, and it continues to do so today. Not only are companion dogs prevalent in modern society, but dogs are also often intentionally incorporated into therapeutic processes in the contexts of animal-assisted activities (AAA) and animal-assisted therapy [AAT; 1]. Ethical Considerations and Advances in the Understanding of Animal Cognition. Tissue cultures cannot develop depression, alco- holism, autism, learning disorders, memory impairments, aggressive behavior, social abnormalities, or other psychologically relevant prob- lems. Secondly, many studies did not report sufficient detail in results in terms of estimates of variability and effect size. To summarize study outcomes, extracted items included statistical comparisons for any psychosocial outcomes from included studies. Of 12 total vitality comparisons, 6 (50%) were positive (improved or better vitality in comparison to pre- or control conditions), 6 (50%) were null (no difference) and zero (0%) were negative (decreased or worse vitality in comparison to pre- or control conditions). Researchers who study nonhumans recognize that their studies may involve certain harms that can range from the relatively minor (e.g., drawing a blood sample) to the more serious (e.g., neurosurgery). Using another measure of energy and fatigue, Craft [40] found no difference in those with or without a mobility service dog. Table 3 summarizes psychological outcomes across studies in terms of general psychological health, emotional health, mental health, and self-evaluation. Other null findings included no effect of having a guide dog on social conflict stress and interactions with others [42], no improvement in social relationships 12-months after receiving a mobility service dog, and null findings regarding self-reported friendship and companionship with a mobility or medical service dog [16] or 4-months after receiving a mobility service dog [28]. Still, some harms will remain, and ethically, one must weigh those harms against the potential benefits (for humans and for the animals themselves) to be obtained from the research. After removing duplicate articles in EndNote following a validated protocol [23], articles were screened based on their title and abstract. Using the Reintegration to Normal Living Index [RNLI; 59], Hubert found improvements in the ability to return to normal life after 7-months with a mobility service dog while Vincent et al. Future studies should provide detailed researcher-specified criteria for participation as well as organizational-specified criteria for placing/receiving an assistance dog, if applicable. Advancing psychology to benefit society and improve lives. BBC - Ethics - Animal ethics: Experimenting on animals Exclusion criteria were then used to select articles based on the following (in order): (1) irrelevant to study topic; (2) assessed an excluded study population (psychiatric service dogs, therapy dogs, emotional support dogs, or companion dogs); (3) did not report quantitative outcomes from assistance dog placement (literature reviews, instrument development, not original research); (4) reported unrelated outcomes (puppy raising, service dog training, or animal-related outcomes); (5) reported only non-psychosocial outcomes (medical or physical); (6) methodological exclusions (qualitative, case studies, single-subject design); (7) no full text available. In fact, nine new articles were identified (three theses, six publications) that had been published since the last review on this topic in 2012 [9]. In addition, null findings were reported on standardized measures of family role 3-, 6-, and 12-months after receiving a mobility service dog [15], discrimination and social inclusion 12-months after receiving a mobility service dog [34], and family and social self-concept among mobility dog users compared to a control group [37]. In these studies, positive findings (i.e., better social functioning in those with an assistance dog compared to a control group) may be partially attributed to an unmeasured variable driving the group difference [77]. The concept of a Regional Innovation Ecosystem (RIE) has gained significant attention in the academic literature and policy arena in recent years [1,2].Based on the inspiration of the natural ecosystem, the RIE was first introduced by Moore in 1993 as a framework for understanding the dynamics of innovation within a specific region [].The RIE can be considered analogous to a natural ecosystem . Last updated 22 Mar 2021. Therefore, the current literature is limited to correlational, rather than causal conclusions regarding the benefits of assistance dogs on the psychosocial health of their owners. Many times animals have been tested on a drug and the drug was considered not harmful. One of the first reviews published by Modlin in 2000 [7] summarized nine published quantitative and qualitative studies on the benefits of guide dogs, hearing dogs, and mobility service dogs on their handlers (omitting unpublished theses). Studies made an average of 5.4 statistical comparisons on psychosocial outcomes, ranging from 115 comparisons. e0243302. Evaluation of animal models of neurobehavioral disorders Animal research continues to play a vital role in psychology, enabling discoveries of basic psychological and physiological processes that are important for living healthy lives. Animal Studies AO1 AO2 AO3 - PSYCHOLOGY WIZARD Only Vincent et al. In one example, four studies included in this review failed to find significant results in comparisons of depression using the CES-D [28, 3941]. In the mobility domain, only Milan [41] found a significant effect of having a mobility service dog on the CHART mobility domain (which includes hours per day out of bed and days per week out of the house) while Davis [44] and Rintala et al. [16] found no difference in sleep disturbance between individuals with mobility or medical service dog and a control group. A total of 30% of comparisons made were positive in which having an assistance dog was associated with improved psychosocial functioning among individuals with disabilities. However, on different measures of social functioning Rodriguez et al. Interestingly, only one included study [16] assessed outcomes from participants under the age of 18. Medical service dogs for diabetes and seizure alert/response were rarely studied [16, 35], and were assessed in conjunction with mobility service dogs rather than on their own. Disadvantages of Animal Experimentation Ethical concerns Animals have to die for our research May be considered to be cruel Animal testing may not be acceptable regarding religious aspects Humans should not play god Animal testing can be expensive Animal experimentation may lead to the development of new diseases May be done in an excessive manner Samples ranged from 15% male to 85% male, with an average of 42% male participants across all studies. The rhesus monkey connectome predicts disrupted functional networks resulting from pharmacogenetic inactivation of the amygdala. As mentioned above, a surprisingly high number of studies did not ensure that assistance dog and control groups were statistically equal across demographic and disability characteristics prior to outcome analyses. Assistance dog placements and roles have grown rapidly in recent decades, especially in the United States, Canada, and Europe [2]. Many studies did not confirm that participants across groups were statistically equivalent on key demographic variables such as age and sex/gender before conducting statistical analyses. Future longitudinal research in this population is necessary to understand the complex psychosocial and physical roles that guide dogs play in the lives of their handlers. [15] found no difference in self-esteem, adequacy, or competency over 12-months following receiving a mobility service dog. Although outcomes from assistance dog placement for children and adolescents have been quantified with qualitative [e.g., 6971] and observational [e.g., 72] study designs, effects on standardized measures of psychosocial wellbeing including social functioning have not been explored. In addition, we can better understand fundamental processes because of the precise control enabled by animal research (e.g., living environments, experimental conditions, etc.). Further, as publication bias and the file-drawer effect is an often referenced weakness of the HAI literature [22], two dissertation and thesis databases and abstracts of two conferences were searched for unpublished studies. However, Guest et al. However, more than half of all studies (16/27; 59%) had sample sizes greater than or equal to N = 50. Lorenz, animal studies of attachment: Lorenz's research investigates the Evolutionary Explanation of attachment suggesting that infants are pre-programmed to form an attachment from the second that they are born. They argue that all life is sacred and animals go through a lot of distress during experiments in which they involuntarily take part. This systematic review summarized the current state of knowledge regarding the effects of owning an assistance dog (including service, guide, hearing, and/or medical alert or response dogs) on standardized outcomes of psychosocial health and wellbeing of individuals with disabilities. Study characteristics of N = 27 studies separated by longitudinal and cross-sectional designs, ordered by publication year. Research has indicated that beyond the physical or tangible benefits that an assistance dog is trained to provide (e.g. While results described positive effects of service dogs in terms of social, psychological, and functional benefits for their handlers, it was concluded that all 12 of the studies had weak study designs with limitations including lack of comparison groups, inadequate description of the service dog intervention, and nonstandardized outcome measures. Of 15 cross-sectional studies that surveyed individuals who owned assistance dogs for variable periods of time, 4/15 studies (27%) considered length of time of assistance dog ownership as a potential explanatory or moderating variable in analyses.
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