This, my brother, may soon designate our last resting-place in that everlasting and silent abode, that haven of rest, that peaceful home, "where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest.". Phil., p. 297. Sec.--Most Worshipful King Solomon, the several rolls have been called, and reports made, by which it appears that three Fellow Crafts are missing, namely, Jubela, .Jubelo, and Jubelum, who, from the similarity of their names, I presume are brothers, and men from Tyre. Now obtain it from the brothers on the right and left and communicated it to the WM in the East. W. M. (looking candidate seriously in the face.) W. M.--Brother Senior Warden, do you know of any thing further before this Lodge of Masons previous to closing? what's this?" OPENING THE LODGE OPENING THE LODGE When all the brethren are assembled the W.M. Approaching the candidate, another replies: "Yes, this is the place; let us remove the rubbish and dig down here. Let no motive, there-fore, make you swerve from your duty, violate your vows, or betray your trust; but be true and faithful, and imitate the example of that celebrated artist whom you this evening represent. W. M.--Has any brother around the Lodge any thing to offer for the benefit of Masonry before we proceed to close? present, that having due notice thereof. The Jewish law had degenerated into a mass of rottenness and corruption:--piety, which planned the Temple at Jerusalem, was expunged; the reverence and adoration due to the Divinity was buried in the filth and rubbish of the world; and religion and morality were scattered to the four winds of heaven. --You will arise, and salute the Junior and Senior Wardens as an obligated Master Mason. in the South, and he to the Brethren, present, In your present condition, what do you most desire? and clothe visiting Brethren, attend the, alarms MWB Palmer served the Grand Lodge of Masons in Tennessee as Most Worshipful Grand Master in 1997, and as Grand Secretary from 2005 until 2007. It also represents the execution and dying groans of Jubela, the first ruffian, and is repeated twice more to represent the death of the other two ruffians. All rise. What say you, guilty or not guilty? (Recite the Pledge of Allegiance. I will suffer you to pass on to the Senior Warden's station in the west, for his examination. 5, p. 124:1 Can any living Mason be simple enough to believe that Dr. Anderson, in his "Defence of Masonry," intended to prove a real historical fact when he explained the exhumation of the body of H. A. All- Good evening Worshipful Master W.M. . W. M.--Brother Gabe, you will please approach the east. [paragraph continues] Lodges, until future generations should find out the right one. this work, would not be out of place, as it will account to the reader for the difference existing between Masonic "works" in the several States, and in Europe: "In the year 1817, Brother John Barney, formerly of Charlotte, Vermont, went to Boston, and obtained possession of the Preston Lectures, taught there by Gleason, and approved by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. He can study in greater depth the philosophy that underlies our ceremonies and aspire to . 29684792 the Mason Ritual - Loose software as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation carriage online. When through, signify by saying Amen, and arise and pursue your journey. The Master having given the word, which is MAH-HAH-BONE, in low breath, requests the candidate to repeat it with him, which is in this wise: Master telling candidate never to give it in any other way than that in which he has received it. King Solomon ordered them to divide in parties, and travel three east, three west, three north, and three south, with others whom he should appoint, in search of the ruffians. Opening and Closing Lodge- Jr Deacon Flashcards | In youth, in Entered Apprentices. With these lectures he returned to Vermont, and submitted them to the Grand Lodge, at its annual session in October, 1817. 82-3 OPENING AND CLOSING LODGE. How did the Worshipful Master dispose of you? Answer--Most Worshipful King Solomon, we are but Fellow Crafts; we therefore know nothing about the Master's word or the Master's Degree. The Word, which was said to be lost, was pronounced upon the cross, which the Jews could not comprehend. New core Masonic symbolism, including the beehive, trowel, the hourglass, acacia sprig, and many others. In one account, the brethren disperse widely, east, west, and south; in another, they keep within hail of each other.--Historical Landmarks, vol. If so he will approach the East., Tiler: Tiler dose so, WM: your place in the lodge brother Tiler and more. As further evidence that all present are Master, Masons, This latter is accomplished as follows: a canvas, seven feet long and about six feet wide, with five or six strong loops on each side, is produced from a closet or chest in the room; and a buckskin bag, stuffed with hair, about the size of two boxing-gloves, is taken from the same receptacle. King Solomon, believing him to be indisposed, ordered strict search and due inquiry to be made for him through the several apartments of the Temple, that he might be found, if possible. Some say, that many days were expended in the search, and that the lost (body) was found near the seaside; others, that it was soon discovered near Jerusalem. W. M. (two raps, all the officers rise to their feet.) At the revival in 1717, they were called setting-tool, setting maul, and setting-beetle; later in the century, it was the twenty-four-inch gauge, square, and gavel; then the setting-tool, square, and rule; and now the plumb-rule, square, and strong or heavy maul.--The Freemason's Treasury, p. 306. At each exclamation he gives the grand hailing sign of distress (see Fig. (Master has a small trowel, which he shows the candidate as he commences to read concerning it. Wait until the Temple is completed, and then, if you are found worthy and well qualified, you will unquestionably receive the secrets of a Master Mason; but, until then, you cannot. Illustrations of Masonry: Illustrations of Masonry: Opening the Lodge Jubelo! JD: 1. The Senior Warden approaches the candidate, faces him toward the east (i.e. (See Fig. Freemasons For Dummies Cheat Sheet - dummies the alarms at the outer door and report, the A. I was conducted three times around the Lodge, to the Junior Warden in the south, where the same questions were asked, and like answers returned as at the door. They advance before the Master in the east, and form across the Lodge, when all make the duegard and sign of a Fellow Craft (Figs. Lodge; paying the Craft their wages, if any. p. 148. W. M.--You will repeat your name, and say after me: "I, Peter Gabe (Master gives three raps with his gavel, when all present assemble round the altar), of my own free-will and accord, in the presence of Almighty God, and this worshipful Lodge, erected to him and dedicated to the holy Sts. Each Grand Lodge has a "work" of its own, which is taught the subordinate Lodges annually by its Grand Lecturer. which constitute our authority for affirming that no such event ever happened; for H. A. S. W.--I did not, but found a substitute. . W. M.--Brethren, the minutes will stand approved, if there are no objections. 126.). JD: Brother Senior Warden. ), The Master steps to the feet of the candidate, bending over, takes him by the real grip of a Master Mason, places his right foot against the candidate's. beauty of the day; call the Craft from labor, to --O Lord my God, I fear the Master's word is forever lost! The RW Provincial Grand Master/ME Grand Superintendent has confirmed that he is prepared to accept the return of a Lodge Warrant/Chapter Charter to UGLE/SGC or the amalgamation of Lodges or Chapters if the members see this as the only way forward. (See Fig. to dwell together in unity. The first was the voice of Jubela, exclaiming: "Oh! This is all intended to produce its effect upon the ears of the candidate. . 15. W. M.-- Why in the west, and your duty there, Brother Senior? A. 40.) You have a rough and rugged road to travel, beset with thieves, robbers, and murderers; and should you lose your life in the attempt, it will not be the first instance of the kind, my brother. The work of the evening being over, I will proceed to give a description of the manner of closing the lodge. J. W. (makes the same sign as the Senior Warden.) Hominy, being the support and strength of all institution, more especially this of ours. The Pot of Incense, the Beehive. S. D.--Brother Junior Deacon, is he worthy and well qualified? The Senior Warden then takes the candidate's right hand, giving the real grip of a Fellow Craft (see Fig. Conductor here takes off the hoodwink and removes the cable-tow, and all around the altar place their hands in the position of the duegard of a Master Mason. The three (blows) were given with the three (tools, i.e., gauge, square, and gavel). thereof, you may govern yourselves. With the trowel, spread liberally the cement of brotherly love and affection; and, circumscribed by the compass, let us ponder well our words and actions, and let all the energies of our minds and the affections of our souls be employed in the attainment of our Supreme Grand Warden's approbation. For the purpose of Masonic funerals only, a Lodge of Sorrow may be opened annually on the Degree of Master Mason, after the installation of officers, the usual lodge ceremonies conducted. It is a dangerous coast, and we shall be taken; for before this time our escape is discovered, and the sea-coast will be lined with our pursuers. Illustrations of Masonry: Illustrations of Masonry: Closing the Lodge K. S. (to the S. W.)--My worthy brother of Tyre, I shall endeavor (with your assistance) to raise the body by the strong grip, or lion's paw, of the tribe of Judah. They now separate about the Lodge, saying to each other: "This is very unjust of the King. (All the Brethren are standing) W.M. For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will. p. 118. The Worshipful Master gives one rap with his gavel, when all the brethren retire to their seats, leaving at the altar the Master, conductor, and candidate. 112:1 The system of Freemasonry, as practised in different countries and at different periods, is not uniform on this subject; and I feel so little at liberty to bring forward evidence on such a delicate point, that I am afraid it will he impossible to place it clearly before the brethren. [paragraph continues] Deacon, and he (Junior Deacon) takes his seat near the door, at the right hand of the Senior Warden in the west, while the Senior Deacon proceeds to conduct the candidate, followed by the two Stewards, three times around the Lodge, during which time the Worshipful Master reads the following passage of Scripture: "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them: while the sun, or the moon, or the stars be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain; in the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease, because they are few; and those that look out of the windows be darkened, and the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of music shall be brought low. In the United States they say that the first attack was made at the south door, the second at the west door, and finally at the east. They returned and bore this information to King Solomon, who ordered them to disguise themselves and travel as before, with positive instructions to find the ruffians and with as positive assurance that, if they did not, they twelve should he deemed the murderers, and suffer severely for the crime committed. But we must look a little closer into the manner of making a covenant, in order to discover the connection of the different penalties as references to one entire ceremony. it from the Brethren on the right and left, and Have you ever traveled as a Master Mason? A. King Solomon then ordered them to divide themselves into parties, and travel three east, three west, three north, and three south; and that they should, with others whom he should appoint, go in search of the ruffians. After imploring the blessings of Deity, what followed? FIG. ), Conductor--Cain. xxxiv. Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, was slain at high twelve. --Brother Junior Grand Warden, what means all this confusion among the workmen? What induced you to become a Master Mason? How many constitute an Entered Apprentices' Lodge? 9, p. 36), and then lets his hand slip off in a careless manner, and reports: "Most Worshipful King Solomon, owing to the high state of putrefaction, it having been dead already fifteen days, the skin slips, and the body cannot be raised.". --Your duty there, Brother Junior Deacon? Give me the Master's word, or I will take your life in a moment! A. W. M.--Has he made suitable proficiency in the preceding degree? W, M.--Is he worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared? in the West, that ______ _______ Lodge No. "Further, that I will acknowledge and obey all due signs and summonses sent to me from a Master Masons' Lodge, or given me by a brother of that Degree, if within the length of my cable-tow. They now retire from the body, in different directions. 2. Attend at the Altar and display the Three Great, WM: THE ceremony of opening and conducting the business of a Lodge of Master Masons is nearly the same as in the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Crafts' Degrees, already explained. The secret word of a Master Mason. (See Fig. PDF OPENING THE LODGE - Pendle Lodge of Freemasons Knee to knee--that you will ever remember a brother's welfare, as well as your own, in all your adorations to Deity. Q. Again, the Master, one. on the right and left, and communicate, SW: They usually meet in the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple. A momentary silence then ensues, during which one of the party groans, as if nearly dying. Jubela, Jubelo, it was I, that struck him harder than you both: it was I that gave him the fatal blow; it was I that killed him.". 129:1 THEOREM.--In any right-angled triangle, the square which is described p. 130 upon the side subtending the right angle, is equal to the squares described upon the sides which contain the right angle.--Euclid, Lib. Brethren 137:1 We are told that when the Temple was nearly finished, it was customary at the hour of H. (high) XII., when the men were called from labor to refreshment, for H. A. W. M.--Is it of his own free-will and accord? at the inner door; also to receive and, JW: finishing with a few other names; when he leaves the brethren in the ante-room, closes the door, and reports as follows to King Solomon: G. W. M.--You will cause him to kneel on his naked knees, both hands resting on the Holy Bible, square, and compasses. (The signs are just the same as at opening. The particular duties of the leaders of the respective bands of craftsmen are rehearsed. Second Ruffian, Jubelo, generally the S. W. in the west. One of his companions exclaims: "I am tired, too!" Captain--Very well, you can have a passage. Attend or three are gathered together in Thy name, Thou In some Lodges the following paraphrase of the above is sung; and if the Lodge have an organ, or melodeon, the singers are generally accompanied on the instrument: For balance of this paraphrase, see Freemason's Monitor, or Illustrations of Masonry, by Thomas S. Webb, p. 61. Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, was found to be missing on the following day; his absence was discovered by there being no designs drawn on the trestle-board. The Junior Deacon then carries them to the, East Q. same to the Worshipful Master; also to see. The EA Degree and the Lodge Closing Ceremony - Midnight Freemasons 11), "And Hiram finished the work that he was to make for King Solomon for the house of God,"--Historical Landmarks, vol. Why are they not at work as usual? (They take hold of each other's hands by the real grip of a Fellow Craft. What induced you to become a Master Mason? The first was the voice of Jubela exclaiming:2 'Oh! According to Katherine Thomson, there are many other examples of specific musical symbols taken from the Masonic rites that appear throughout Mozart's compositions. Let us pray.". At first, I did not doubt your veracity; but now I do! so subdue every discordant passion within, us The work of the evening being over, I will proceed to give a description of the manner of closing the lodge. Second Ruffian--We shall be taken and put to death. Chapter 13 - The Ceremony Of Opening And Closing A Lodge What say you, sir, guilty or not guilty? K. S.--.Jubelo, you also stand accessory to the death of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff. Brethren, it is the order of the Worshipful Master, communicated Ruffian--That does not satisfy me. "I furthermore promise and swear, that I will stand to and abide by all laws, rules, and regulations of the Master Masons' Degree, and of the Lodge of which I may hereafter become a member, as far as the same shall come to my knowledge; and that I will ever maintain and support the constitution, laws, and edicts of the Grand Lodge under which the same shall be holden. Scribd is the world's largest socializing lesen and publishing site. Roynayne's Hand Book of Freemasonry - A Complete Manual - Phoenixmasonry be Thus was man formed for social and active life, the noblest part of the work of God; and he that will so demean himself as not to be endeavoring to add to the common stock of knowledge and understanding, may be deemed a drone In the hive of nature, a useless member of society, and unworthy of our protection as Masons. WM: 87:1 Our present Third Degree is not architectural, but traditionary, historical, and legendary; its traditions being unfortunately hyperbolical; its history apocryphal, and its legends fabulous.--The Freemason's Treasury, p. 222. It is a very common practice in lodges to close a lodge of Entered Apprentices, and open a lodge of Fellow Crafts, and close that, and open a Master Mason's lodge, all in the same evening. Q. A. W. M.--Why in the south, and your duty there, Brother Junior? (They now pass to the pass grip of a Master Mason. 1, It is generally known among Masons, that in the Northwestern States the lectures and "work" are those as taught by Barney. reign forever before Thy throne. Even thouugh the Junior Warden does not move forward He should be in learning and know how to open all four Lodges. JD: (before the senior warden stand) Br: SW, SW: I'm satisfied all persons are qualified to sit in a lodge of Master Mason, WM: As further evidence that all persons are Master Masons receive the password from the Senior and junior deacon. ), Ruffian--Give me the Master's word, or I will take your life in a moment! On your return to the Lodge, where were you placed? EAST LIVERPOOL The East Liverpool Masonic Temple (lodge), 422 Broadway St., held a ribbon-cutting and public open house on Saturday. I have long sought this opportunity. As the Master makes this sign, he says: "O Lord my God, I fear the Master's word is forever lost!". The Worshipful Master and Senior Warden should be able to open and close in all four lodges. Seven years; during which it rained not in the daytime, that the workmen might not be obstructed in their labor. WM: PDF LODGE/CHAPTER CLOSURE PROCEDURE - East Lancashire Freemasons The Junior Deacon advances, followed by the Stewards, with rods, when the Senior Deacon stops them, by placing his hand against the candidate, at the same time saying: S. D.--Brother Gabe, on entering this Lodge the first time, you were received on the point of the compasses, pressing your naked left breast, the moral of which was explained to you. The Order is administrated from Mark Masons' Hall, London. If this is the case, you cannot get a passage with me, I assure you. The candidate is not intentionally injured in any Degree of Masonry, impressions of a lasting nature being all that are intended by the ceremonies. I'll hear no more of your cavilling! The conductor then turns about to the Senior Warden in the west, and says: Brother Senior Warden, it is the orders of the Worshipful. Senior Warden, one. At Closing in the First Degree.
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