Pace Ready Meals 10.7 Minor deviations from the words of any caution given in accordance with this Code do not constitute a breach of this Code, provided the sense of the relevant caution is preserved. You have accepted additional cookies. The interviewer shall then inform the suspect that the following matters will apply if they agree to the voluntary interview proceeding: (a) Their right to information about the offence(s) in question by providing sufficient information to enable them to understand the nature of any such offence(s) and why they are suspected of committing it. When an assessment under that Act is to take place at a police station (see paragraph 3.16) the custody officer must also ensure that in accordance with The Mental Health Act 1983 (Places of Safety) Regulations 2017, a health professional is present and available to the person throughout the period they are detained at the police station and that at the welfare of the detainee is checked by the health professional at least once every thirty minutes and any appropriate action for the care and treatment of the detainee taken. This warning may be given by a police officer or member of police staff. In these circumstances: (a) the interviewer who is not at the police station where the detainee is held must direct the officer having physical custody of the suspect at the police station, to take the action required by those provisions and which the interviewer would be required to take if they were present at the police station. See Note 9E. If the decision to remove the solicitor has been taken by an officer below superintendent rank, the facts must be reported to an officer of superintendent rank or above, who will similarly consider whether a report to the Solicitors Regulatory Authority would be appropriate. 12.5 A suspect whose detention without charge has been authorised under PACE because the detention is necessary for an interview to obtain evidence of the offence for which they have been arrested may choose not to answer questions but police do not require the suspects consent or agreement to interview them for this purpose. 9F The custody officer should always seek to clarify directions that the detainee requires constant observation or supervision and should ask the appropriate healthcare professional to explain precisely what action needs to be taken to implement such directions. 3.15 If the detainee is a juvenile or a vulnerable person, the custody officer must, as soon as practicable, ensure that: the detainee is informed of the decision that an appropriate adult is required and the reason for that decision (see paragraph 3.5(c)(ii) and; of the duties of the appropriate adult as described in paragraph 1.7A; and. See Notes 5C and 5D. The suspect shall then be invited to co-operate and go into the interview room. (b) Each decision must take account of the age, gender and vulnerability of the suspect, the nature and circumstances of the offence and the investigation and the impact on the suspect of carrying out the interview by means of a live link. In the case of the healthcare needs of a person who has swallowed drugs, the custody officer, subject to any clinical directions, should consider the necessity for rousing every half hour. 10.6 Annex C, paragraph 2 sets out the alternative terms of the caution to be used when the restriction on drawing adverse inferences from silence applies. 11.22 The provisions of this Code and Codes E and F which govern the conduct and recording of interviews do not apply to interviews with, or taking statements from, witnesses. When assessing the level of rousability, consider: Response to questions - can they give appropriate answers to questions such as: Response to commands - can they respond appropriately to commands such as: 3. 1.16 Designated persons and others mentioned in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1.15, must have regard to any relevant provisions of the Codes of Practice. 9.15 A record must be made in the custody record of: (a) the arrangements made for an examination by an appropriate healthcare professional under paragraph 9.2 and of any complaint reported under that paragraph together with any relevant remarks by the custody officer; (b) any arrangements made in accordance with paragraph 9.5; (c) any request for a clinical examination under paragraph 9.8 and any arrangements made in response; (d) the injury, ailment, condition or other reason which made it necessary to make the arrangements in (a) to (c); See Note 9G. The detainee must be informed of the grounds for their detention before they are questioned about any offence; note any comment the detainee makes in respect of the decision to detain them but shall not invite comment; not put specific questions to the detainee regarding their involvement in any offence, nor in respect of any comments they may make in response to the arresting officers account or the decision to place them in detention. It has cheddar cheese, rice, pinto beans, chicken meat, gree. Pace Ready Meals Santa Fe Style Steak with Black Beans & Rice (9 oz., 6 A vulnerable person must not be interviewed or asked to provide or sign a written statement in the absence of the appropriate adult unless the provisions of paragraphs 11.1 or 11.18 to 11.20 apply. The interviewer is responsible for ensuring that the original confirmation and the copy are retained with the case papers for use in evidence if required and must advise the interpreter of their obligation to keep the original confirmation securely for that purpose.. Note:Chief officers must be satisfied that live link used in their force area for the above purposes provides for accurate and secure communication between the detainee, the detainees solicitor, appropriate adult and interpreter (as applicable). An officer who takes the decision to exclude an appropriate adult must be in a position to satisfy the court the decision was properly made. 4. The notice shall begin: You are charged with the offence(s) shown below. Followed by the caution. See Notes 16AA and 16AB. See Note 4A and Annex L. 4.2 Subject to paragraph 4.3A, detainees may retain clothing and personal effects at their own risk unless the custody officer considers they may use them to cause harm to themselves or others, interfere with evidence, damage property, effect an escape or they are needed as evidence. This should be considered if it appears that the admissibility of interview evidence might be challenged because the interpreter was not physically present or if the suspect, solicitor or appropriate adult make representations that Code F should be applied. An example might be to have an appropriate healthcare professional present during the interview, in addition to an appropriate adult, in order constantly to monitor the persons condition and how it is being affected by the interview. A record shall be made of the juveniles decision and signed by the appropriate adult. These requirements include the following: That the arrangements made and the quality of interpretation and translation provided shall be sufficient to safeguard the fairness of the proceedings, in particular by ensuring that suspected or accused persons have knowledge of the cases against them and are able to exercise their right of defence. If the person indicates that they do not want legal advice, the appropriate adult has the right to ask for a solicitor to attend if this would be in the best interests of the person and must be so informed. 9.1 Nothing in this section prevents the police from calling an appropriate healthcare professional to examine a detainee for the purposes of obtaining evidence relating to any offence in which the detainee is suspected of being involved. Subject to (ii) below, the person should be treated according to their preference except with regard to the requirements to provide that person with information concerning menstrual products and their personal needs relating to health, hygiene and welfare described in paragraph 3.20A (if aged under 18) and paragraphs 9.3A and 9.3B (if aged 18 or over). See Note 1H. 3. 2.5 The detainee, appropriate adult or legal representative shall be permitted to inspect the original custody record after the detainee has left police detention provided they give reasonable notice of their request. 6.5 A In the case of a person who is a juvenile or is vulnerable, an appropriate adult should consider whether legal advice from a solicitor is required. (a) designated person means a person other than a police officer, who has specified powers and duties conferred or imposed on them by designation under section 38 or 39 of the Police Reform Act 2002; (b) C reference to a police officer includes a designated person acting in the exercise or performance of the powers and duties conferred or imposed on them by their designation; (c) if there is doubt as to whether the person should be treated, or continue to be treated, as being male or female in the case of: (i) a search carried out or observed by a person of the same sex as the detainee; or. 9CA Paragraph 9.3 would apply to a person in police custody by order of a magistrates court under the Criminal Justice Act 1988, section 152 (as amended by the Drugs Act 2005, section 8) to facilitate the recovery of evidence after being charged with drug possession or drug trafficking and suspected of having swallowed drugs. 15.14 When a review is carried out by telephone or video conferencing facilities, a record shall be made of: (a) the reason the review officer did not attend the station holding the detainee; (c) the method representations, oral or written, were made to the review officer, see paragraph 15.11. (b) can be disposed of as clinical waste unless it is to be sent for further analysis in cases where the test result is disputed at the point when the result is known, including on the basis that medication has been taken, or for quality assurance purposes. If a safe and appropriate care plan cannot be provided, the appropriate healthcare professionals advice must be sought. Ond gall niweidio eich amddiffyniad os na fyddwch chin sn, wrth gael eich holi, am rywbeth y byddwch chin dibynnu arno nes ymlaen yn y Llys. 15.4 A Following sections 45ZA and 45ZB of PACE, when the reminder and information concerning legal advice and about the use of the live link is given and the detainees consent is sought, the presence of an appropriate adult is required if the detainee in question is a juvenile (see paragraph 1.5) or is a vulnerable adult by virtue of being a person aged 18 or over who, because of a mental disorder established in accordance paragraphs 1.4 and 1.13(d) or for any other reason (see paragraph 15.4B), may have difficulty understanding the purpose of: (a) an authorisation under section 42 of PACE or anything that occurs in connection with a decision whether to give it (see paragraphs 15.2 and 15.2A); or. pace ready meals discontinued 1. Apart from carrying out duties necessary to implement these arrangements, an officer must not advise the suspect about any particular firm of solicitors. by letter to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, London, SW1A 2AH. (c) the officer in charge of the investigation, or in the case of a detained suspect, the custody officer, see paragraph 16.1, reasonably believes there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction for that offence. record the offence(s) that the detainee has been arrested for and the reason(s) for the arrest on the custody record. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Web pace ready meals discontinued. See Notes 15C, 15D and 15E. 3.26 The provisions of this section identify the information which must be given to suspects who have been cautioned in accordance with section 10 of this Code according to whether or not they have been arrested and detained. 13.4 In the case of a person making a statement under caution (see Annex D) to a police officer or other police staff in a language other than English: (a) the interpreter shall record the statement in the language it is made; (b) the person shall be invited to sign it; (c) an official English translation shall be made in due course. The custody officer must ensure that the woman under whose care the girl is, makes the enquiries and provides the information concerning personal needs relating to their health, hygiene and welfare described in paragraph 9.3A and menstrual products described in paragraph 9.3B. Whenever legal advice is requested, and unless Annex B applies, the custody officer must act without delay to secure the provision of such advice. Whether a healthcare professional is appropriate depends on the circumstances of the duties they carry out at the time. A record shall be made of the juveniles decision and signed by the appropriate adult. 12.4 As far as practicable interviews shall take place in interview rooms which are adequately heated, lit and ventilated. 13.10BWritten translations, oral translations and oral summaries of essential documents in a language the detainee understands shall be provided in accordance with Annex M (Translations of documents and records). when a detainee is informed of their rights under this section and of any requirement in paragraph 7.2; of any communications with a High Commission, Embassy or Consulate, and. Before a person is interviewed, they and, if they are represented, their solicitor must be given sufficient information to enable them to understand the nature of any such offence, and why they are suspected of committing it (see paragraphs 3.4(a) and 10.3), in order to allow for the effective exercise of the rights of the defence. M2 No police officer or police staff shall indicate to any suspect, except to answer a direct question, whether the period for which they are liable to be detained or if not detained, the time taken to complete the interview, might be reduced: if they do not ask for legal advice before deciding whether they wish to waive their right to a written translation of an essential document; or. 8.3 Blankets, mattresses, pillows and other bedding supplied shall be of a reasonable standard and in a clean and sanitary condition. pace ready meals discontinuedwhat was in homey the clown sock?what was in homey the clown sock? 17.19 Where a police officer has imposed a requirement to attend an initial assessment and a follow-up assessment in accordance with paragraph 17.17, he must, before the person is released from detention, give the person notice in writing which: (a) confirms their requirement to attend and remain for the duration of the assessments; and. (a) a police officer carrying out a strip search must be the same sex as the detainee (see Annex L); (b) the search shall take place in an area where the detainee cannot be seen by anyone who does not need to be present, nor by a member of the opposite sex (see Annex L) except an appropriate adult who has been specifically requested by the detainee; (c) except in cases of urgency, where there is risk of serious harm to the detainee or to others, whenever a strip search involves exposure of intimate body parts, there must be at least two people present other than the detainee, and if the search is of a juvenile or vulnerable person, one of the people must be the appropriate adult. unless one or more exceptions apply, in which case the DSCC should arrange for advice to be given by a solicitor at the police station, for example: the police want to interview the detainee or carry out an eye-witness identification procedure; the detainee is unable to communicate over the telephone; the detainee alleges serious misconduct by the police; the investigation includes another offence not included in the list.
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