Do your best during this time to listen attentively to the needs of others you are in a relationship with, as well as to your own inner needs. You may realize you want to deepen your relationship with whatever or whomever youve been attracted to. Venus Opposite Mars Synastry - Your Higher Journey Predicting for Relationships - Astrodienst The energy of Mars is selfish and domineering. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. People born during the Venus opposite Mars transit need a partner whos energetic and never submissive, a person whod match their passion and with whom theyd feel like their life is agitated enough. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Being born with Venus in opposition to your natal Mars, you feel a dynamic tension within that leads you to learn powerful lessons about yourself through relationship struggles. In case they can pretend to be patient and compassionate when interacting with other natives, they can really be helped to open. Find out how you can get your astrology chart positions free with our simple steps. Expressing your sexual energies and personal magnetic attractiveness in ways that are loving and respectful or at least not harmful to yourself and others will be one of your issues. There is an upside though - Mars Saturn Pluto conjunct can become Pure Willpower when properly channeled. Here, the feminine and masculine energy in you become one. I was at a gas station and was feeling really anti-men and would be thinking in my head: piss off you pervy bastard to any men who were looking at me, I felt like that all day. These issues can stem from your childhood, as many people with these aspects come from a dysfunctional family. For you, the two are always at odds, or you may keep sex and love separate. Venus Opposite Mars Natal and Transit Venus opposite Mars natal creates an intense emotional life resulting in equally intense relationships. To analyze the aspects and astrological configurations we make use of theAstroDatabank,which currently contains far over 58,000 birth data. Something is a little off right now, and social blunders are more likely now than usual. Want a deeper look at your horoscope? Unfortunately Mars was still retrograde during your first Mars return which is where you learn a lot about pushing your limits. A well-aspected Moon can make this process easier, while with an afflicted Moon, there are internal struggles accompanying the Venus-Mars square too. Natives born under the Venus opposite Mars transit can criticize other people for their own mistakes. Have you checked when it turns direct in your progressed chart? Venusian things mean a lot to you, and you put quite a lot of energy into pursuing them. In the natal chart, Venus-Mars aspects indicate how connected your senses of love, beauty, and femininity are with your masculine, active, and competitive side. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. You cant quite understand how sex fits in with love. You tend to act in a harsh way that bothers you partner. Unmovable and unbreakable! Over time, you can develop a relationship that is both fun and activeandstill emotionally balanced and beautiful. Mars and Venus are two key planets in the birth chart. 4 / 10. Mars Opposite Ascendant Aspects Natal and Transit | Or they maybe even have trouble starting a relationship? It used to rule Scorpio too (in traditional astrology it is still considered the ruling planet of this sign). Venus trine Mars natal gives a passion for life and social popularity. This need for adoration is even more marked when found in the arts and entertainment industries. This can be a very spicy affair. In other words, both planets are moving together to build an exact aspect (orb 000'). An affair now and then is good for a marriage. Venus opposite Mars transit increases sexual attraction, physical desires, and sexual tension. With this reading you receive. Venus conjunction, square or opposition Mars in the sky can fuel great passion in relationships but be aware there can be violence also. But you don't like being told who you should like, how or when. Similarly, Mars represents energy, drive, passion, ambition, action and desire. Venus Trine Mars In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry You are learning how to assert your own needs and values while balancing the needs and values of those you relate with. However, dont be too concerned if you have this aspect. One other thing my Mums an Aquarius (same as my MC) and we get along really well. Its hard for people with Venus square Mars to calm down and work out issues that arise. Venus conjunct Mars actually makes Mars feel a bit softer. When Venus and Mars are opposite, there's intense awareness and curiosity about the polarizing energies of the other person. The Venus opposition Mars aspect means that you have an intense emotional life. The result of this conflict depends a lot on their inner struggle and determines which one of them will win. Dont ever give up with Venus square Mars. You have super charged relationships, and the line between love and hate is often quite thin. Mars Transits | Cafe Astrology .com With hard Venus-Mars aspects in the birth chart, is hard to find balance between giving and taking. It is generally easy for them to form relationships, unless the conjunction is severely afflicted. Men with this opposition often have one lasting marriage and on average two children. Venus Opposite Ascendant Natal and Transit - Astrology King At the worst, your relationships can turn abusive, but you can also solve these issues by getting a handle on your aggression. When you love someone, you express your strong feelings through deeply passionate and sometimes dramatic displays of affection. I was like a solid wooden plank standing my ground if ever challenged by elders or anyone! In a similar way as in the case of the square, you dont know when to pursue and when to let others take the lead. With Jupiter trine AC I have noticed it brings me good fortune physically if in danger. These cookies do not store any personal information. As well, they can understand from others, whereas their slow-pace and independent way of thinking is enough for them to slow their life a little bit and admire the view. From time to time, this can be the result of a sexual experiment with someone who wasnt in the right state to understand them. However, a tense relationship could see tempers boil over because of selfishness or wandering eyes. Below is an image of a separating Venus-Mars opposition. On the positive side, you calm down as quickly as you let off steam. Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. When it comes to relationships with the opposite sex, theyre on both sides. Above average they travel for work or are expatriates. Your balanced nature allows you to enjoy life to the fullest while not drawing on the energy of others. They find it easy and natural to get along with both sexes quite equally. Using your birth date,time and location you can access the detailed reports and features, easy to use menu layout great for beginners as well as advanced students of astrology. And I do love luxuries! You express your feelings of affection quite strongly. Venus Transits | Cafe Astrology .com The Venusian qualities are associated with love and relationships; the Martian side is more about aggression and fighting for what you believe in. For instance, if you come from a very religious family, you might struggle with your sexual nature. In case theyre with someone for a long time and feeling nervous, they can escape those feelings by being highly stimulated and more joyful. You are deeply passionate and sometimes dramatic, depending on the sign. Mars Sextile Venus Aspects Natal and Transit | Venus is the planet of femininity. When it comes to conflicts, it can be more difficult for them to focus on their work, as well they may be required to observe themselves and their own environment. This aspect will be both sexy and charming which is irresistible to an audience. A strong, well-aspected Venus in the birth chart suggests charisma, grace, poise, good social skills. Social climbers and gold-diggers are found here as these folk are prone to use their looks to advance their careers. A more positive way to release the build-up of tension and frustration is through physical or creative outlets such as vigorous exercise, dance, or sculpture. Venus - Mars Aspects: Conjunct Sextile Trine Square Opposition In general, men with a tight Venus-Mars opposition in the natal chart are attention-seeking and quite brash. With this conjunction, there is generally a pleasing blend of self-assertion and cooperation. You intuitively understand what others consider pleasing, but you may not utilize these skills in your life. They have intense personalities and people feel immediately drawn to them. Venus conjunct Mars in the Natal Chart. Natal Venus Conjunct Mars ~ The Sensualist - AstroMatrix Affectionate and passionate, you have an intense approach to life that lasts well into middle age and sometimes even beyond. Astrology enthusiast from an early age, there is a lot more to Joy Carter than meets the eye. Venus has to do with values as well. There are some issues to work through first. Venus conjunct Mars is a very interesting aspect to have in a natal chart. In a similar way as in the case of the square, you don't know when to pursue and when to let others take the lead. Its easy for them to be unhappy in love and may end up being disloyal and unfaithful. Its drive is strong and it must act on it immediately. Order now and get 20% off with the coupon code ARIES. They have an unusual job/career for an average female. Being born with Venus in opposition to your natal Mars, you feel a dynamic tension within that leads you to learn powerful lessons about yourself through relationship struggles. I like what can be described as their unusual behaviour. I find it intriguing! It affects your ability to form meaningful relationships in the first place. The transits of Mars to planets and points in the natal chart are relatively brief influences, lasting approximately 2-3 days. You may be very strongly attracted to someone yet unable to compromise with them, particularly in the sexual arena. For instance, it might surface, if you're single, as a casual dating situation, like having a friend "with benefits." You're more than willing to take the easy route with things, and it's harder to resist temptations as they bob up. But it can also exaggerate some behaviors which would be OK if not affected by Jupiter. Remember that, with Venus square Mars, you dont need to allow yourself to be dominated nor must you dominate others. You will probably still experience a stormy relationship even with such a partner. Natal Venus Trine Mars ~ A Natural Born Lover Moon trine Uranus. She caught a bird the other day and ate the whole thing! Home / Aspects / Venus Aspects / Venus Opposite Mars. Youll have to take responsibility for all your behaviors. As you're interested in discovering new ways of relating, you are curious about exploring different forms of relationship and relational partners. Venus Opposite Jupiter Natal and Transit: Putting Idealistic Views on Pause Moon Conjunct Saturn Natal and Transit: Emotional Maturity Promoted Venus Conjunct Uranus Natal and Transit: Relieving Stress and Anguish Moon Opposite Jupiter Natal and Transit: Remain Generous Venus Square Neptune Natal and Transit: Susceptible to Exaggerations Joy Carter The house where the Venus conjunct Mars natal aspect occurs tells in which life area it manifests. But also quite Urnanus in nature rebelling against too much authority or resraint! As one of the personal planets, Venus is an essential celestial body in the natal chart. You love to pursue your object of desire. Relationships are not only important to them, they require a fair amount of excitement, adventure, and passion in their pairings in order to feel alive and vital. You are best suited to a vibrant partner who is not too submissive, someone who matches your intense passions. Mars Conjunct, Square, Opposite Venus: How to Deal With It December 12, 2024 On the one hand, the AstroDatabank has numerous categories to find common traits but on the other side, the AstroDatabank is still not detailed and not complete enough. Overcoming this is no small task, but that is the purpose of the square-to push you out of your comfort zone, towards growth. Some of this energy can be released sexually, but its also a good idea to find physical ways to burn off excess energy, such as running or working out. Not understanding why you developed feelings of unworthiness or inadequacy. Be careful that you dont take these talents for granted. But do feel a lot better after having a long hug, with my kitty. With this aspect, you may be unsure if you love or hate the other person, and you certainly arent thinking about how you can explain your feelings to your partner. Your heart is in war. Whether or not things work out the way you want, the process of taking action on your desires brings greater clarity and awareness of who/what you are attracted to, as well as the underlying value system sourcing your attraction. These planets work in completely different ways. The square between Mars and Venus is a challenging aspect as well. People influenced by it are natural charmers and attention seekers who know how to command an audience. Haha ???? Try it now. Venus trine Mars means that you have strong creative talents, if you choose to use them. anything special can happen?on 21 june when venus opposes mars. 2023 will bring powerful changes as Saturn will be moving into Pisces in March! At the same time, your challenges within relationships will help you learn how to set aside your own needs at times when its more important to give others whattheyneed. ), though the degree to which depends on the sign and house involved. Aquarius rules both my 10th and 11th houses (career and friendship), and I mean, Ive always got along really well with Aquarius. This comprises some of their charm, in that they generally know how to assert themselves without stepping on others toes. If it cannot, it becomes explosive. One expression of this beast might be sexual, but it could also manifest through your appetite or anything else that incites you to ecstasy and pleasure. Their sexual and passionate energies can be put into artistic pursuits. Love and hate are very much mixed together for people with Venus square or opposition Mars in their birth charts. They are outspoken and prone to collisions with others. It is easy for these people to attract attention of the positive kind. A separating aspect occurs when the aspect has been exact already and the degrees and minutes of the two planets can no longer become exact (at the same numerical degree and minute).
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