Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Blok and others interpreted it in instrumental terms: violence ensures peasant submission. COW-PUNCHER: Also called Buckaroo, Cow Poke, Waddie, Cowboy, and in Spanish a "Vaquero". Inchiesta in Sicilia. Banditry, then, can be an expression of mass discontent, a means of achieving a political agenda, or a yearning for economic betterment. 4 Encyclopedia Britannica Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. 2 (1982): 58-89. In The German Underworld: Deviants and Outcasts in German History, edited by Richard J. Evans, pp. 27 Apr. Encyclopedia of European Social History. Thief The name Bandit is primarily a gender-neutral name of American origin that means Thief. In certain situations peasants may have preferred the traditional depredations of pastoral bandits to the more extensive, sustained ones of the state, such as taxes, and in other situations the depredations of the potentates' henchmen may have been protected by powerful national interests. Another way to say Group Of Bandits? By 1735, London newspapers regularly reported the exploits of Turpin and his "Essex Gang." Oxford and Cambridge, Mass., 1992. Blok formulated the "principle" that the more successful a bandit, the greater the protection he enjoyed. In the 1962 film classic Cartouche, Jean-Paul Belmondo plays the role of this infamous eighteenth-century French bandit. Because they were embedded in local communities, bandits benefited from a grassroots solidarity against outsiders and state authority. Also known as the Bandit Queen, Phoolan Devi was born in 1963 in the north of India into a poor low-caste family. As a type of predatory, acquisitive, and violent action by groups of men (sometimes including women), banditry has a long history dating from ancient Greece, Rome, and China. Local elites, not the peasant masses, generally provided the support, material assistance (food, arms, clothing), hiding places, and intelligence needed by bandit gangs. Hobsbawm tended to an expressive interpretation. [18] In 1449, Mongolian soldiers in the service of Ming attacked and plundered Beijing area. a group of bandits | English examples in context | Ludwig If you see some of them in a group, they might be referred to as a gang or a pack. It was not the traveling life that led some persons to banditry. ArCaLu/Shutterstock.com One of the most widely used names for a group of rabbits is a colony. He was betrayed by a friend and was killed. The act resembles both a sacrificein that the victim of the second murder is not responsible for the firstand a legal punishmentin that the violent retribution can be seen as imposing an act of reparation on the offender. But piracy is a much more universal phenomenon. Noted for their fur (or hair) and ability to produce milk to feed their young, mammals come in all shapes and sizes. A desire for profit motivated many gangs. Paul J. Vanderwood, Disorder and Progress: Bandits, Police, and Mexican Development (1981). In many societies, such as in southern Spain, Sicily, Greece, and the Balkans, banditry had a predominantly agro-pastoral base. A trader who worked for Queen Philippa of Hainault, the wife of Edward III, was holding some jewels on her behalf in his house in London. . What A Thug's Life Looked Like In 19th Century India "Social banditry" is a term invented by the historian Eric Hobsbawm in his 1959 book Primitive Rebels, a study of popular forms of resistance that also incorporate behaviour characterized as illegal. In Andalusia local communists turned nineteenth-century bandits into protorebels in the regional cause, symbols in their devolutionist struggles with Madrid. Pirates, Privateers, Corsairs, Buccaneers: What's the Difference? List of Names for Groups of Animals: A Complete Glossary As Paul J. Vanderwood has shown, the marginalized rural poor fomented disorder, including bandit attacks, and profited from the resulting conflict. He and his gang invaded isolated farmhouses, terrorizing and torturing the female occupants into giving up their valuables. (April 27, 2023). In Corsica, for example, many bandits were obliged to rely on the support of family and kin and thus soon found themselves further enmeshed in family feuds. What Is A Group Of Rabbits Called? Exciting Facts You Must Know! If youre not sure, you can usually refer to a large collection of a bug species as a swarm (for large groups of flying insects) or colony. [28], Bandits often operated in groups under one or more leaders. In his celebrated book, Bandits (1969), Hobsbawm interpreted them as prepolitical rebels. Michel Foucault noted that the greater the spectacle of state punishment (and most glorifications of banditry by the peasantry date from the period immediately after the establishment of nation-states), the greater the risk that it would be rejected by the very people to whom such spectacles were addressed. . Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Bandit definition, a robber, especially a member of a gang or marauding band. What is a group of bandits called? - wisdom-qa.com He spoke of "pathological aberrations" and "ultra violence" as a manifestation of the "primitive" nature of bandits' rebellion, but he could not explain it adequately. Literary romanticization of bandits was pronounced during the formation of nation-states and was often coupled with the desire of the urban literati to discover sources of opposition (often to foreign rule) in the countryside. No evidence suggests that fish are particularly studious, so why is it a school of fish? Louis A. Prez, Jr., Lords of the Mountain: Social Banditry and Peasant Protest in Cuba, 18781918 (1989). Bandits in Peru, Mexico, and Argentina operated in a similar fashion. This desecration of the body also defiled the bandit or perpetrator. See also Crime and Punishment ; Vagrants and Beggars . Bandits Kill 518 in Zangon Kataf in Five Years, Says ACDA Wisbech, U.K., 1987. Morelia, Mexico: Instituto Michoacano de Cultura; Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. Jos Mara Lus Mora, 1999. Sometimes you look at a group of animals, and youre not really sure what to refer to them as collectively. The political ideology of local elites and their relationship to the state is also important because bandits may either be co-opted by local elites as a means to resist the state (as occurred in Sicily in the immediate postWorld War II period) or, reluctantly, by the state, as in nineteenth-century Greece, where they were used for irredentist adventures and to threaten the supporters of rival politicians. Traditional banditry has often been accompanied by extreme violence in both its expression and its repression. In addition to the highly developed economy of Beijing, the Region also contained numerous commercial cities; these cities not only attracted merchants but also bandits. However, the date of retrieval is often important. Few romanticized bandits actually lived the heroic, idealized lives attributed to them in popular culture or in Hobsbawm's social bandit model. [35] Bandit-rebels were not only common in late Ming. Banditry employs a distinctive and extreme form of personal power and prepotency that requires constant reinforcement by means of a series of actions, such as selective generosity and magnanimity, as well as calculated arbitrariness. London, 1972. Domination by the wealthy forced the rural masses to defend their interests through various means. These raids, in turn, endeared them to Spains colonial rivals England and France, which offered various forms of support. New York, 1937. As in many stateless societies, the distinction between the private and the public (that is, civil society) had limited significance. For an analysis of banditry, it may be useful to steer a middle course, borrowing from the various perspectives that treat bandits as primitive social rebels (as Hobsbawm does), as individual opportunists, or as the co-opted henchmen of rural potentates (as Blok does). Encyclopedia.com. The rural poor sometimes used banditry to express political sentiments. In mountainous areas of early modern Spain, banditry and brigandage remained a continual phenomenon throughout the period under discussion. 2023 . A group of swordsmen are called bandits. Such profiteers formed whatever alliances they deemed useful. He claimed that, whereas all Europe saw the Corsicans as a horde of bandits, he saw them as a free people capable of discipline. Barkey, Karen. Meet the original thugs. Either they became symbols of betrayal by more powerful vested interests, or the violence of their executions, and the disassembly of their bodies as public spectacle, demonstrated the irrepressible power of the state over the individual. From the perspective of the modern nation-state, bandits (or brigands, a term more popular in the nineteenth century) are criminals who resist the civilizing power of the state through violence, brutality, extortion, theft, and protection rackets. Christon Archer coined the term "guerrilla bandits" to describe opportunists who used war as an excuse to pillage. Retrieved April 27, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/banditry. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age ofPhilip II. The group called on the state government and security agencies to evacuate migrant herdsmen "to where they came from, as was done with Almajiris", to stop the attacks. The buccaneers primary foe was Spain, which formally controlled Hispaniola and Tortuga and sought to expel the outlaws from its possessions. In other cases, such as in Corsica, mules' ears were cut off as a ritual death threat. At other times, outlaw pirates would operate with the tacit encouragement of a government but without the written legal authorization given to privateers. Ortalli, Gherardo, ed. The Latin American masses sometimes viewed bandits as heroes striking a blow against their rich oppressors. Unsurprisingly, this view of the South aroused the ire of local intellectuals and politicians. A more recent phenomenon has come to light regarding Salvadoran gang members. Run away from home and eventually became the leader of a group of bandits. One of these bands was known as los beatos de Cabrilla (the holy ones of Cabrilla), because its members behaved like "gentlemen," robbing their victims of only half of their goods. Terms of venery is the more official phrase for what we know as collective nouns, nouns of assembly, or names for groups of animals. Histoires curieuses et vritables de Cartouche et de Mandrin. Political banditry was evident in independence-era Cuba, early-twentieth-century Cajamarca, Peru, and the Colombian Violencia of 19451965, which left between 100,000 and 300,000 people dead. Economic self-interest also motivated many nineteenth-century bandits, as in Cuba's La Habana Province, where they consciously pursued their own personal gain in an opportunistic fashion. "The Greek Hero." A bandit typically belongs to a gang of bandits who commit crimes in remote, lawless, or out-of-the-way places. Archives europennes de Sociologie 24 (1983): 96114. It gained momentum in the nineteenth century, and still persisted in twentieth-century historiography, when historians such as Carsten Kther interpreted preindustrial banditry as a counter-society. https://www.britannica.com/story/pirates-privateers-corsairs-buccaneers-whats-the-difference. 2 vols. It operates between the state-imposed system of law and social order on one hand and the local system of vengeance and grassroots conceptions of justice on the other. As both families resort to banditry, deeming their acts of illegal violence morally just, they become marginalized. Social banditry is a widespread phenomenon that has occurred in many societies throughout recorded history, and forms of social banditry still exist, as evidenced by piracy and organized crime syndicates. Although there are examples of lone bandits, bandits tended to form into fluid bands, sometimes of up to twenty persons. However, if you're in doubt, you can always stick with herd or group. Sicarii | Jewish sect | Britannica From a statist perspective "banditry" can be labeled as a certain type of violent behavior, but it may not be viewed this way at the grass roots. Banditry is therefore a phenomenon that is not only often refractory to the investigations of the outside observer but also concealed from the participants themselves. -. Local responses were mixed but increasingly hostile to such collective negative stereotypes. [36] Their illegal actions eventually evolved into open rebellion against the Ming Dynasty as they blatantly besieged cities, seized imperial weaponry, extended area of operation southward, and even assumed rhetoric and attire of an imperial dynasty. Even Gilbert Joseph, who defends to a degree Hobsbawm's views, agrees that the political strategies of the peasants were not archaic "in the sense of being outmoded or pre-political.". Brigands with a Cause. Souna Yuuki is a young boy who survives a massacre after his family is killed by a group of bandits called the Hydras, who burn a mark of their emblem into his hand and leaves him to die. As the genesis of banditry was personal, so too was its prosecution. War increased dislocation and unrest in the countryside, further encouraging banditry. What is a group of traveling merchants called? The U.S. press and government officials of the 1920s termed Augusto Sandino's Nicaraguan forces "bandits" to discredit them. . In its archaic form, venery is a noun that means the sport or act of hunting game beasts; the chase. This comes from the Medieval Latin word venaria, meaning beasts of the chase, game.. Bandits required protection in order to survive; otherwise they were quickly killed by the landlords' retainers, the police, or the peasants. Family feuds, endemic to the Brazilian backlands, moved Lampio to take up the outlaw life. Bandits prevented and suppressed peasant mobility by putting down collective peasant action through terror and by carving out avenues of individual social mobility that weakened collective action. Argentina's rural poor identified with the persecution suffered by legendary gauchos like Juan Moreira and Martn Fierro. It functions as a warning and a deterrence against further acts of violence. The term is derived from the Roman-law concept of status rei Romanae, i.e., the public law of th, Bandicoots (Peramelidae and Peroryctidae), https://www.encyclopedia.com/international/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/banditry, https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/banditry, https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/banditry. Despite the popular image, polygyny among bandits was the exception and not the rule. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. [13] Xiangmazei (whistling arrow bandits) was a category of mounted bandits named after their practice of firing whistling arrows to alert their victims. Equipment Looters can spawn with in battle. Top Ten Wild West Gangs Including the Outlaw "three-fingered Jack" This means their equipment is in poor condition, and thus has somewhat lower than average stats. In his Contrat social (social contract; 1762) the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau singled out the Corsicans in Europe as the one people fit to produce just laws. The following analysis focuses on this important category, where among other things causation has been carefully studied. German authorities suppressed partisan opposition with maximum force[4] (They mainly protect the surrounding villages from a group of bandits.) [40], "Bandit" redirects here. SOES Bandits: A slang term for traders who make rapid buy and sell orders, using the SOES system, in order to make a profit from small price changes. Madrid, 1934. Bandit Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary Following their restoration in 1815, the Neapolitan Bourbons, rulers of Sicily, attempted to abolish feudalism and enclose common holdings, sub, Serbs His letters and broadsides show a clear political agenda, not typical of Hobsbawm's social bandit. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. 2 vols. In Sicily, such support was forthcoming from mafiosi (local men of authority who often engaged in illegal activities and protection rackets) or local politicians. On the Christian side the Knights of St. John, based in Malta, harassed Muslim commercial shipping in the 16th and 17th centuries. Guerrilla bandits (discussed below) are one example of those who profited from disorder. In Archivio Storico per la Calabria e la Lucania 42, Rome, 1975. [17], The Capital Region also housed a huge number of soldiers with Ming's system of hereditary military and a major portion of bandits were actually soldiers stationed in the region. Unlike mythical bandits, however, actual gangs acted more often on the basis of self-interest and opportunism than in the defense of peasant-class interests. "A Word at War: The Italian Army and Brigandage, 18601870." https://www.encyclopedia.com/international/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/banditry, "Banditry The Colombian Violencia offers another example of banditry, which even Hobsbawm acknowledges to be "in essence more political than social."
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