Mine was almost like yours. I had a goiter for 10 years and had been last measured at about 5.5cm. Dont hesitate to have this done. I had surgery November 15 for removal of my left thyroid lobe, they removed a 9 x 6 x 4.3 nodule. I havent heard from anyone who has gained notable weight after this surgery. Sinai Hospital in New York and my surgeon was excellent! I just had my right section removed. Im so glad I just scheduled and had it done. My voice is not completely back to normal (I sing) but its getting there. Hi, Molly, I agree with your doctor. My levels are normal so no one wants to take it out only now I feel like Im choking cant see out of my right eye so I decided to bite the bullet and just do it. My surprise theres no pain..im healing well..hope everythings will work out fine for you guys. I had to stay overnight, which is normal. I am feeling better than I thought I would, mainly just a little stiffness in my neck. I have read so many horror stories about weigbt gain and horrid mood swings neither of which I can handle right now. Just wondering about exercise after having surgery; will I have to stop yoga for a while to heal, or does anyone know if I can continue this (lets say a week) after surgery? I do agree it is not as bad as it may seem. My experience was very similar to yours. What to expect after a partial or total thyroidectomy (16-24): It might take several weeks or months to find the optimal hormone replacement therapy dose. I just had my surgery on Friday Oct 26th Dr.Lawrence Kim at UNC Chapel Hill is my surgeon. Good luck to you, Julie. Still a tad swollen above the incision. Do you, or anyone here have a good surgeon/Dr. I was driving within days, I didnt have the problems with turning my head but my throat was really sore so I was on soft foods for a week. Scar is about 8 cm, or 3 inches, maybe a little less or more. I am 56 and have also been going every 6 months to have a nodule on my right thyroid drained. My nodule was benign as well, but continued to grow so I wanted it out. Thought it was the pain meds but havent had to take them for a couple of days so it's not that. Most people are able to go back to work about 2 weeks after their operation. 2016 Jul 20;354:i3839. The surgeon said its one of those miraculous things where they cut the nerves there during surgery and by the time you heal, theres no pain. You mentioned about the possibility of the other side kicking in and possibly not needing meds. Getting more tired and fatigued - Macmillan Online Community Its a safe procedure. Yesterday, I headed back to the gym and can do almost everything. I would say wait at least 14 days before you get into downward dog . Im afraid that this will be my attitude forever and I dont want that. Give it time each week, continue to keep your mind off the procedure but be aware as you are. Long-Term Fatigue Is Common After Total Thyroidectomy Happily, mine was benign despite a previous needle biopsy show8ng an inordinate number of bad celks, including Hurthle cells. No pain afterwards. Infact I feel sick most of the time and have lost my appetite. Best to you!! My levels are staying consistent and taking meds everyday at the same time with no food. I told him that he was the expert so he should make the choice. I has read that someone recommended La Met skin serum but the price is just ridiculous. Im a long distance runner and am shocked I cant do more than 6 miles. Also, the follow up blood work came back as a 10 which means hypothryoidsim. Wondering if anyone hada similar experience. Five days ago, I had a partial thyroidectomy. You vomit several times in a row. He said watch and wait is not for me. This site was so helpful for me as I mentally prepared for my partial thyroidectomy. I had mine remove last September. I went on an overdrive with that and became anxiety free. My thyroid function tested in the normal range one month after surgery, so I am not on any meds and feel fine. I use to be up by 7 am now I cant wake up its hard to sleep my neck hurts not the incision. I had a partial thyroid gland removal on March 7th this year 2017 I was wondering if anyone has had issues 2 months after the surgery? No nausea. It has only been 4 days since surgery. Good luck! I love to workout and do yoga, so want to go back as soon as possible. Its done! These changes are due to damage to the laryngeal nerves that supply your voice box (larynx) during surgery. To manage stress, try to pick up something you like and do it till the day before surgery. Im also worried that theyll end up doing the total thyroidectomy. Hi Linda, ), and now I am on eltroxin. normal . Hope all is well today. My neck did feel weird and I didnt drive for 10 days. Im nervous about whether I will need medication, but realize I wont know this for 4-6 weeks. Just wondering how long before you started yoga or exercise again? Recovery wasnt bad as I took it easy for the first week and eased myself into working and life the second week. The scar looks great. My surgery is tomorrow for a partial. Rationale: Contraindicated after partial thyroidectomy because these foods inhibit thyroid activity. It seems like a lot of people dont get it back for 2-3 weeks. If they are, then so be it. you never mentioned that at all in your article. I just came across your website, and am very grateful you posted. Who do you guys recommend I talk to?I am planning to interview some of them next. Overall, Im doing way better than I thought 3 days after surgery. I hate removing half of a perfectly functioning organ. Even though Im scared, I hope I can get surgery to remove this thing asap and not have another long wait. Its just been bothering me that he wants to potentially take my whole thyroid. I could eat right away after surgery. Ended up going to dr to rule out strep, only to find it was my thyroid. What was your diagnosis in the ER and how long to overcome the symptoms? My doctor says it can change in pitch. But Im hoping that every day it will get better! A person can have more than one adenoma (enlarged parathyroid gland). They didnt check the thyroid after surgery so that concerns me a little. Tools and a small camera are put into the incisions. Hello, Now there is a suggestion that I do a CT to see better whats going on. Ive always been an active person and after surgery I just cant do anything like I used to. Hi, I had a partial thyroidectomy and lobectomy 8 weeks ago today. I'll request all this blood work! I highly recommend you check out parathyroid.com. Most likely the remaining half of your thyroid gland is unable to produce enough thyroid hormone for your needs, thus the symptoms you are having. Im being told the risk for cancer is usually around 60-70% with that diagnosis. This year it was just shy of 7 cm and my ENT strongly suggested a cat scan (I forced myself although I am so claustrophobic that I didnt think I could. She helps readers plan San Diego vacations through her hotel expertise (that stems from living in a Four Seasons hotel) and local connections. I took them last night before bed but I get dizzy and waves of nausea on that stuff and ended up staying up all night. I have to do a lot of talking in my business and my voice gave out on me after an hour. These were due to my body getting used to having no thyroid and to the medication. I now put Earth Science Skin Serum on it every day. If hormone levels are normal and a module is present and monitored regularly with ultrasound and biopsies, Im curious as to why they would need to be removed, I am such a case. Introduction: All was well, but that is another thing to consider with a large nodule. I am not in the greatest shape, but this will be different for everyone. Other than that no real symptoms. Otherwise, my surgeonsaid people are back tonormal pretty much at about the six week mark. Time is really of the essence because, in some cases, it can become cancerous. Plus, it was a very mild and painless surgery and recovery. Hello-I love this thread. I never saw the stitches and that was fine. Did you have any symptoms which would imply fluctuating thyroid hormone levels and if so how long before they calmed down? Hi there your post helped me so much. Im thinking of trying it. I, too, have a need for a partial thyroidectomy and am pretty scared, unsure what to expect, etc. Free T4 2.04 so Im about to do Fraxel lasers and whatever it takes to minimize it. I can relate to being extremely tired, feel like I need a nap every 2-3 hours. Hi Molly, this is the week 3 after removing my right lobe. Can anyone help? . I felt pretty great when I first woke up after surgery, but after a few hours, it started to hurt. I was sent home an hour later with instructions to make an appointment with my GP to remove the remaining clips two days later. Anyone had to use oral steroids post op? (Googling death by thyroidectomy doesnt bring up much of anything so you can skip that searchand breathe a sigh of relief. I hope this is helpful. Hi. If you can get a second opinion, and if it will help remove any doubts, then yes get it. I have quite a bit of pain when swallowing, moving my head or coughing despite the Norco. It really helped to just take it easy for a good month after surgery. I felt like I always had a sore throat. The operation went smoothly and I was pleasantly surprised by the easy recovery. It sounds like youre having a reaction to the anesthesia. It is testing in the normal range, so no medication is needed. Quick question- did you have yours done by Dr. Clayman? You will feel so relieved when you have it removed. You will be O.K.! I too had a large nodule left love growing down into my chest wall pressing and pushing my treachea. Fingers crossed I wont need meds!! I became very emotional and depressed after my surgery, I didnt really know why at the time but its reassuring to know someone else had a similar experience. I just had my surgery in January and it was as though you were taking the words right out of my mouth. Hopefully Ill get the right balance of things hashed out this week. A few days ago, I have been feeling pressure in my throat, some difficulty swallowing and realize I keep having to catch my breath. Again thank you all for your comments. I felt really comfortable with this new one. Hi Linda! I was surprised and relieved yet concerned to hear from my doctor that I need to have the surgery right away. Although my thyroid levels are fine, my CO2 levels are apparently really low. Epub 2018 Nov 1. Praise God! I did leave a comment a week or so ago but notice it did not post. My right ear also had weird sensations. I just had my needle biopsy on February 16, 2017. The coughing has irritated my throat/voice even more. Why Am I Losing Weight After Thyroidectomy? | Paloma Health 2 nodules:1 large that was suscpoius for papillary cancer and the second smaller nodule was inconclusive (Bethesda score 3) I have either seen or spoke to more than 6 doctors. I am having my right thyroid removed 8/22/18 along with one of my left parathyroid glands. The experience was not half as bad as I imagined!
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