There is no way of knowing with Uranus as you are just as likely to experience one event or the other or both. In your Solar Return Chart, Venus signifies parts of your life you may wish to improve in some way, either aesthetically or in terms of your own value system. Domestic changes are likely as well as structural changes to the house itself. This relative was like a mother to me and we were very close. I am a woman with Moon conjunct Mars (1.5 degrees) in Aries. "Let's say your solar return has Venus four degrees from your descendant," Michas says. PS. Changes with regards to a partners finances may affect the native seriously. She sounds a lot like your daughter and it seems on the surface we have similar backgrounds. Where Pluto is found in your Solar Return Chart there is the need to leave something behind literally or metaphorically as Pluto represents an irreversible transition from one state of being to another. 2026 Nov 02 13:40, Mag +0.8 Venus (love) and Mars (sex) in the 7th House are a strong . Pay attention and you will see how all the countries she visits are all producers of illicit DRUGS; how she flies to these places in PRIVATE JETS (the DRUG CARTELS own most of the private jets out there; funny that someone who is supposedly such a humanitarian >big eyeroll< flies around in private jets, hmmm?) Thanks. 2010/11: moon 7 deg gemini in 12th opposite mars in 6th. The Astrology of Meeting "The One" - The Spiritual Eclectic In these cases, the Moon is essentially in the middleground of the chart. My family are Sicilian so the flying off the handle applies to us all, even though Im the only one with this aspect and I am the quietest and most patient of my whole family. Your ability to step back and watch what is happening around you before reacting emotionally will benefit you, especially if you are usually a more emotionally reactive or impulsive person. This makes their influence over the synastry chart much more meaningful. Hi- I have a 13 year old daughter She is the prettiest cutest smartest and most creative child I have and she surpasses others in those categoriesHighly talented.Note: Twice in life from the time she was 4 we had to worry and hold our breadth because of her unrealistic desire to be close to friends going as far as social services entering the picture I have had to go above and beyond t fight to make things right! Moon conjunct Mars The emotional life is animated and excited with this aspect. Hard aspects to Pluto suggest very intense emotions and a strong will. There is this transit today in my 4th house virgo. Eclipse aspecting the natal Sun: If life is a movie, the Sun is the protagonist - however flawed - for whom we cheer. You may find it difficult not to let your strong emotions out, which has given this aspect a reputation for providing emotional rashness and a hot temper. But hey: no surprise there: she's got PLUTO ruling her Fifth House, so "evil, criminal,and sinister activities involving children (added to the fact of that Moon/Mars conjunction opposing Pluto) would be the order of the day with her! This is all taking place during a penumbral lunar eclipse at that! Angelina Jolie has a natal Moon-Mars conjunctionin ARIES, yetand OPPOSITE Pluto in Libra! Robert Graves had an insatiable need for sex. You are more perceptive than ever, and better able to size up both people and situations you deal with. This is a year of emotional adjustments. And with her Mars in Scorpio, you are even LESS likely to have been able to discern that Moon/Mars conjunction! Because the eighth house also rules sexual sharing, sex can become a large focus or a sensitive issue in some manner. Uranus wants you to think about things but in a different way than you have previously. Moon conjunct Jupiter maximum orb 800. 29 Apr 2023 17:27:54 He doesnt care about her but puts up a front for those that dont know him. You are more sensitive to your environment than usual, and you may not feel quite as equipped emotionally to handle the ups and downs of life. My aspect is 26 minutes. You are more willing to take risks this year. This is largely because you are far from indifferent on an emotional level this year. Specific to his Mars, I see a pivotal broken trust coming Show more . Observation: the May 5th full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio will conjunct Biden's 12th house Mars in Scorpio! She is also very talented as she has found animating cartoons a hobby of hers. Of course many abusers have of course been abused too. Pluto in Libra has, I have observed, a particular and markedly sadistic liking for causing trouble in other peoples relationships. I have a wonderful relationship with my mother also, she is an amazing and very supportive person in my life, and I am very proud of her (leo). If the Moon is mostly supported (for example, by trines and sextiles to other points), then you possess more emotional strength than ever this year. You are likely to be particularly perceptive when it comes to sizing up people and situations. Moon in 12th House: Synastry, Transit, Solar Return - You are more assertive and enthusiastic, and also more willing to let go of the past. Venus in the 9th might tell us a loved one issues are critical and as it is at the top of the chart it makes it prominent. If you . Legal matters may need to be attended to. Now if my zen feeling is disturbed. Solar Returns: The Best Way To Interpret the Planets It is a period of dreams for the futurean excellent year in which to come up with progressive new ideas. I would advise having a note of your House Keywords available when you make your analysis and you will find those in Solar Returns: How To Interpret The Houses link here and at the end of this post. So, understanding how the planets function in your Solar Return Chart is useful when youre interpreting your Solar Return Chart for the year. This is especially obvious if the native is born under a more vacillating Moon sign, such as a mutable sign, simply because the emotional responses are notably different. This is a year in which you may plant one or more significant seeds in terms of projects that will be carried forth down the road. Dont get me wrong, I try to talk first, always, but she gets to be so stubborn that she will not get off of her high horse. Soft aspects, while passive by nature, help to support, ground, and stabilize the individual during the birthday year. A lunar occultation of Mars occurs at night when the Moon moves in front of Mars, so Mars is no longer visible from Earth. . Theres also money as this planet is a material girl. There is a complete VOID when it comes to any sort of INTELLIGENT and INCISIVE (as opposed to shallow and superficial) observations made by women, on themselves and on MEN. This is to preserve the solar return house placements. . The cycle continues. And never doubt Neptunes capacity for expressing the literal meanings of its symbolism at a less than spiritual level. I understand that other aspects and parts of the chart contribute to this, and thats what everyone who is trying to learn about astrology needs to know. starcrazypie astrology, Book Launch | Solar Returns: An Introduction, Solar Returns: Understanding The Houses Made Easy, Mercury Retrograde Alert: February 17th March 30th 2020. The Moon is the fastest planet, going through all 12 signs in about a month, so the Moon returns most often. You might withdraw on an emotional level within your family and home life, either to focus your energy on work or because of increased responsibilities with work or the family itself. Your power of attraction is stronger than usual. Sometimes, a desire to create a family is strong. The Sun can also be an indicator of men/masculinity in general and it has been argued that this is particularly so in a womans chart. There is no mystery here why the destination and colonization of Mars has become a paramount enterprise. Your birthday is really a very special day in which extraordinary events may occur; 3. Planets in Solar Returns: Yearly Cycles of Transformation & Growth by Mary Fortier Shea. Of course, my Spidey senses were telling me that this one is gonna bolt like I suddenly became scum of the earth, we never met, he doesnt know me or I dont exist and I was right. Divorce and Breakups in the Solar Return Chart (Applied Astrology) Again, look at aspects to the other solar return planets to get an idea of what issues may support or interfere with the attraction. Interesting about the choice of using birthplace, home location or place you are on the SR itself, as I hadnt read any suggestion except using the place you are at the time, and thats your least preferred. Scorpio is the night sign of Mars, so your Moon/Mars aspect, complcated with Mercury and Neptune would certainly be consistent with a Scorpionic (crazy, sadistic, manipulative) mother. On page 4 of our Solar Returns Feature, we offer interpretations of the Ascendant sign in the Solar Return chart, as well as the natal house brought to the Solar Ascendant. For example, if the Moon is in the eighth house of the Solar Return chart, joint finances may be an issue or a cause for concern. The good things in life are often social and relational and the time we spend with loved ones and engage in our social pleasures are signified by Venus. And Yes I can have outburst of anger if my scale is unbalanced. Mars Conjunct Moon Transit. She is the planet of love and attraction after all. Get the picture? He admits communication isnt his most redeeming quality, but I took note that neither is sincere apologies or telling the truth. If I wanted to talk about something it would take him 2 days to reply because he said that he has to read and re read things so he doesnt get defensive. However, this is more than just a meditation exercise. Mercury also tells you about your state of mind and shows how your perceptions are being influenced. The most common theme associated with Moon conjunct Uranus in a solar return chart is moving from one home or office to another. Mars, quite simply, demands you get on with whatever its house position is telling you to do. House placement counts for a lot too, as you know! Regarding SR location, I would always use the place you are in the world at the time of your solar return and that may indeed be where you were born or where youre living right now (I think most of us will have our home location on 2020s SR chart!). Libra Sun in 2nd. Much information about the year ahead can be gleaned by studying the condition of the Moon in the Solar Return chart. Hard aspects to Venus are not explicitly problematic, although they have their issues. Predicting for Relationships - Astrodienst Of all of the Moons aspects, this one is the most frequently active in years when things come to individuals, such as money, gifts, and rewards. Angelina is no exception to this rule. Or both. You focus on acquiring things, especially for the home, and stabilizing your domestic environment. Neptune will also show you where you can be more creative, find inspiration and inner peace. Ive this aspect. I was dating someone briefly over the Summer with a moon/mars conjunction in Taurus 27. This was the year I decided to get to grips with my SR chart, rather than just getting a guessed overview as Ive done for the last few years. There can be some domestic confusion this year. The nearby Jupiter at 17 degrees Aries exactly square Saturn in the 12th at 17 degrees also would definitely aggravate the tendencies of this planetary pile-upI allow a 7-9 degree orb for Saturn and Jupiter. On page 2 of our Solar Returns Feature, we offered a second example of a Solar Return at work. Impulsive decisions characterize the period. especially with a Scorpio Moon: the Moon rules intuition and thus she would have been sensitive to any disapproval occasionwed by a too-graphic expression of her MARS. The condition of the Moon by aspect can suggest whether your reputation changes for the better or for the worse. Restlessness is probable. If you are comparing your solar return to your natal chart, aspects from the solar return Venus (or solar return planets in the solar return 5th/7th Houses) to any of your natal planets or angles (cusps of the 1st, 4th, 7th 0r 10th Houses) will give you additional information about the relationship, but will not change its parameters. I offered it as a counterbalance to the omnipresent annoying Newage tendency to sugarcoat everything. When she was little, her temper tantrums were epic and time-outs were not enough. Has a kid I dont think he likes very much or just parenthood. Jolie has this aspects at 2.5 degrees and there are plenty of other very tight aspects in her chart with which one can confuse characteristics. 2025 Jan 14 03:50, Mag -1.4 Nowhere, thats right! There will be water, oil and gas. These two methods are the base for predicting love. You have a greater than average need for security and for establishing roots this year. The angles are defined as the four corners of a chart: the ascendant, descendant, midheaven, and nadir. This interpretation for Moon conjunct Mars transit applies to a lunar eclipse and full moon conjunct Mars. Sometimes this points to a change in marital status. Multiple planets in the 5th House can point to an exciting new love affair or attraction (especially if the Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars are in the 5th). Solar Returns: The Moon. If the Moon forms mostly challenging aspects, there is a tendency to dwell on emotional hurts from the past. Perhaps the hiding and distanceis that sun mars conjunction of mineI have a MORE VOL ITAL temper than hers.I guess no I know im to blame for that oneits all the things that happen around her which brings it out. Remember that it is a snapshot of temporary influences over the next twelve months. Neptune rules vision and this opens up a wide field of interpretative possibilities. MARS - VENUS Aspect in Solar Return. It's been a ride! In some cases, some sort of crisis, separation, loss, or shock occurs, but this is not a given. Pluto in the 5th, especially if it is aspecting the Moon, Venus or Mars, can point to an all-consuming, obsessive new attraction. The Moon sextile or trine Mercury in the solar return indicates the integration of unconscious feelings with conscious thoughts. 2023 Sep 16 20:01, Mag +1.6 SR Mars in the 1st house: This year you may have a hard time holding back your reactions to things and may come off as impulsive. Remember that with all hard aspects of the Solar Return Moon, these characteristics and situations will be more pronounced if the Moon is in the foreground of the Solar Return chart. Ill have to observe that projected truism. Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: Pleasure or Pain. A trine to Venus suggests some support from the partner or the social life this year. Hard aspects to Mercury point to a general busy-ness, expressiveness, and mental activity. Your emotional reactions this year may be quirky, but you are not ruled by your emotions as much as other years. This position is sometimes associated with a birth. Keeping on top of things in terms of staying organized is likely a focus. What Sign was your first wifes conjunction in? The soft aspects of the Solar Return Moon (the sextile and trine) show supportive themes. You may move, or help someone move in or out of your home such as a parent or grown child. In general, with the Moon in the background in your Solar Return chart, you tend to have a stronger hold on your emotions than usual. I dont want ANYTHING happening to THIS site; its GREAT. Which no doubt contributes to the fact that she is a lot better known for her incessant and totally unscrupulous mediawhoring than she is for her body of work! Nadia Gilchrist offers over 19 years of experience in astrology. This is altered in years when Mars is in the solar return. Your passions are aroused and it is hard for you to step back and objectively review any given situation. I dont feel like I am mean and bossy either, I simply feel that I am trying to help teach this person how to act in many different ways. On page 1 of our Solar Returns Feature, we offered our preferred techniques and key points to consider when interpreting Solar Returns, as well as an example Solar Return. Confused? MOON CONJUNCT URANUS in your yearly Solar Return chart Forced me into therapy (where they declared me sane and her not), tried to force me to become emancipated, put me in a foster home, and allowed sibling violence to me unpunished. Debate, discussion, contacts and communications are what Mercury is about. If you enjoyed this post, subscribe now and get my new posts by email. I detest Angelina Jolie. (PS are you a Libran or a Scorpio?) Funny, I dont recall Alan Leo having such nicey-nice things to say about a natal Moon conjunct Marshe is quite clear that this aspect bestows an instinctively perverse and contrary nature, one that tends to do the exact opposite of whatever anyone advises, even if that advice is to their benefit. Why? Your good nature, charm, charisma, and other qualities bring social success and public popularity. The Merc there would certainly also indicate trouble with siblings since Mercury rules siblings and conjunct with Mars spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E. The only way to deal with this, as you will have also seen on TV, is to employ some serious help to get you to clean up your act. This could be anything from an affair, to a secret crush, to deception. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and it is healthier to share how you feel. Connections with friends or groups figure prominently this year, or a longing to belong grabs hold of you. asleep?? A trine to Mars suggests emotional vitality and strength. Thats how Uranus is, predictably unpredictable. Bonus points if the Sun and Moon are conjunct. I was able to CONFIRM that the native had in fact slept with his sister (he BRAGGED about it, apparently!) "Your emotions and need for nurturance and safety may have been overlooked, or maybe even discouraged when you were young," Michas explains. Sometimes the degree of the house cusp conjuncts a planet or angle in their chart. Of course, much also depends on the Sign involved(its pretty apparent which will be the dominant planet in Angelinas Moon/Mars conjunction: in Aries, that would of course, make it MARS who rules the roost), thus martial behaviour will predominate with her; I have read many news and tabloid stories that obliquely indicate that Angelina is difficult and obnoxious on-set, and heavily competitive with any other women she works with, even to the extent of refusing to appear in the same scenes with them; if you watch Mr and Mrs Smith, you will notice she rarely if ever appeared on-screen with any of the other women in the movie! SR Jupiter in 5th or 7th. eg she has Venus square Uranus (22) and Sun square Lilith (04). A striking year will be one where a planet is partile or within a degree to one of the angles like Ascendant or Midheaven. Because the native is very close to any situation he or she confronts, it is hard to get a good perspective. It will be easier than most years to stick to a diet or health regime. The Solar Return Moon draws you unconsciously towards areas that need looking after or where you feel looked after both sides of an interpretation are possible and most likely probable in your Solar Return Chart for the Moon is reliable in its unreliability. If they are not very caring about others, or if they are not very caring about me, that is usually a huge problem. She always hides in small placeswhats she going to do when shes is 6 feet tall!I keep asking myself where IS the obsessiveness in me but fact #1 Im Aquarius with a 3 degree conjunction to my mars and with Saturn just a few degrees away from it Im about as FREE thinking as one can get and in no way fanatical maybe too freedom oriented but I have that saturn which I believe is the breaking point for me well thats a deep subject I agree with this posting whole heartedly-GOOD ONE!!! In your Solar Return Chart, Venus can symbolise several things and its not all about love. Ignore Saturn and you will live in fear fear of change, fear of pushing yourself further, in fact fear of almost everything. Pluto is about throwing out the garbage in your life and we know what happens if you hoard rubbish Pluto does not want your life to end up as one of those houses on a reality TV show, packed from floor to ceiling with stinking trash. Thank-you for the reply Vajranagini. . I started out life with a violent temper and have spent the last nearly 30 years getting it under control. 2030 Jun 01 02:40, Mag +1.4, Dates and Times UTC 5 sisters, and my mother was mean and hysterical; tried to force me to disown my dad when they divorced. This is such an interesting discussion. Either way, this is a year of breaking of established routines. Solar Return Moon in Aries. The one that popped up several times in horrific emotional breakups followed by moving out of each other's lives was Solar Return Pluto conjunct Solar Return Descendant to the exact degree and conjunct the Natal IC within 3 degrees. and please, to balance out the sexism, comment on male programming thanks. The concept of Mercury as the middle man is very important as Mercury relies on its connections to fully integrate your thought processes into a complete information package. If there are birthdays close together in your family, those days become "explosive"; true fuses around which more events tend to be concentrated; 4. It functions perfectly well as a standalone chart, and you can see almost immediately if a new relationship will manifest. Solar Return Charts are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. Besides potential windfalls, this aspect generally brings with it a positive and happy emotional outlook. The Solar Return is the return of the Sun to its natal position. Natal angles conjunct SR planets bring that natal house into that month of life. #1. Moon - Mars Aspects in the Natal Chart | Cafe Astrology .com A solar return indicates major themes that will take place in the . You or someone close to you may quickly become irritable, agitated, bossy, mean, rude, to even violent. She doesnt do SQUAT for anyone but HERSELF; if you actually pay attention to what she is doing, it is readily apparent she is USING the poor to get PUBLICITY; plus she (AND the CIA) has created a complete MEDIA FACADE to hide the fact that she is a DRUG MULE for them! Note the converse solar return also. The Solar Return Moon, like the Natal Moon, is all about emotional responses. Moon/Mars in ones horoscope can also indicate a martial or abusive mother, just like the one YOU have! 10- A consideration that I have found to be particularly significant is critical degrees. Oh, Dr. Germaine Greer made a good start with The Female Eunuch, but its pretty much FLATLINED since then. The Moons house position may therefore show you areas of your life where you need to learn to handle stuff better. The Solar Return Moon, however, indicates where you will feel most comfortable in your world for the year. Back to Interpreting Solar Returns first page. You are likely to be on the go. I had to get a child Leash for which I made her wear for about 3 years when we went out Walmart was beginning to get ready to make that code Adam when they saw us arrive after what 5 visits. What is typically experienced when for example the next partial eclipse in November is exactly conjunct a moon/mars natal conjunction? In your Solar Return Chart, Uranus is about getting you out of whatever rut you are in as shown by Uranuss house position. Your emotional state is one in which you may feel isolated on an emotional level, and it is a time when you need to gather strength. The fact is, men rule, and women remain fools. Hi Emma thanks for your comment much appreciated. Expend your energy on someone or something you are emotionally attached to, like a lover, your home or your mother. You are more assertive and enthusiastic, and also more willing to let go of the past. That kind of man has bruised hearts everywhere. Grand aspect patterns bring about major changes in life, as will any natal aspect pattern repeated in the SR. . Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Solar Returns: The Best Way To Interpret the Planets, article analysing the Solar Return Houses, Solar Returns: An Introduction which is now available from in kindle and paperback editions, Solar Returns: How to Interpret The Houses, Solar Returns: How To Interpret The Houses. The 5th House is associated with attraction, flirting and brand new involvements, but it is not associated with commitment. The solar return and planets (nn conjunct moon and Saturn) all fell into my natal 4th house. Relation-ships that are faltering to begin with can become combative involvements in which the participants undermine independent or joint efforts and fight over money, sex, and control. If you want to compare it to your natal chart, focus on conjunctions, then look at oppositions, squares, trines, and sextiles (in that order). They're hot-blooded, passionate, and sexual people. Uranus (liberation) can suggest difficulties establishing a commitment with someone youd like to have a relationship with. What is especially despicable (aside from her using refugees as publicity tools) is the fact of her using her CHILDREN to cover her DRUG DEALING. Love timing | PlutonicDesire Solar Return chart MARS - VENUS Aspect Eclipse Aspects to Natal Planets: The Narrative of Change Changes with regards to a partner's finances may affect the native seriously. You may feel pulled in a number of directions, and you could find yourself very busy and perhaps in demand. The danger is, if you dont have a clear out on a regular basis (metaphorically at least) you will accumulate far more rubbish than you can handle. Thank you. The sign of the Solar Return Moon can be interpreted rather similarly in terms of the modalities. I have learned to just take it one day at a time. I was subject to cigarette burns, being trapped in fold up couches, abandoned by siblings on family trips by my siblings. Things associated with Mars will appear with great immediacy in the house where Mars is situated for the Solar Return year. It used to be if unjustice was done to others or me. Im always looking to brighten something about their personality. Very important rules for Solar Returns - Astrology online Solar Return Chart: Meaning and Interpretations | There may be some pressure to perform this year as a result. But impulsiveness and impatience can make your powerful emotions and subconscious reactions challenging to control. This is true of the Moons placement in, or close to, any succedent house (second, fifth, eighth, or eleventh house). Go to emotion for me is always anger.I am working on that. That transformation can happen by asking you to take control in an area where you have previously felt unable to assert yourself. Note that with all hard aspects of the Solar Return Moon, the characteristics and situations suggested in the interpretations below will be more pronounced if the Moon is in the foreground of the Solar Return chart. Cycles of Destiny: Understanding Return Charts by Ronald C. Davison. 2028 Aug 17 18:42, Mag +1.4 Mars Conjunct Moon Aspects Natal and Transit | I am a virgo sun. You may feel somewhat unsettled this year, and travel is possible. On this sixth page of our Solar Returns Feature, we feature the Solar Return Moons position by sign, house, and aspect. Ive found that the sign on the cusp of the solar return 7th House often describes your new love interest; that signs energy will be prominent in their chart. The same natal 8th house planets, Venus and Mars, are in this first house conjuncting my natal Venus and Mars. You may be feeling sorry for yourself at times, or you may feel that you have been deceived or neglected. The situation is likely to change, and you will need to work out strategies to deal with it. I have my natal Pluto conjunct Moon on the Full Moon May 5, 2023. Yes, the comment about pointing swords at throats with his mom is very true. Excellent examples of expressing this tremendous energy include pocket-sized hot pants dynamo Kylie Minogue (113) and sexy Latino superstar Ricky Martin (107). I understand there is a counterbalance to every view, thats all I was offering to Alan Leos view. I could go on, but you get the idea! Lunar Eclipse May 5, 2023 Nasty Surprise, Source: Occultations of Mars by Moon,, Saturn Sextile Midheaven Natal and Transit, Mercury Retrograde April 21, 2023 Psychic Talent, Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal and Transit.
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